On Thursday, Feb. 14, 2013, the IRS plans to start processing Tax Year 2012 returns that contain IRS Form 8863 Education Credits. That is, according to Katrina, one our of IGMR users spinning in circle to figure out when she will get her tax refund. It’s usually a great thing if you qualify for education tax credits or deductions, and many students get to bump their refunds or reduce their tax debt a smidgen with this tax benefit. The early filers who flock to igotmyrefund.com and our Facebook page are starting to question whether this tax benefit was worth the hassle and say the hold up by the IRS this year for those who used the 8863 to file has put them through processing hell.
Do you have a lower tax refund this year?
Tax Law Changes Causing Lower Tax Refunds Many people are wondering why they have a lower tax refund in 2023. If you have already filed your tax return or used a tax calculator to get a glance you might be shocked that it’s a lot lower than the refund you got last year. There are … Read more