“We have received your tax return and it is being processed.”
What does that mean? This forum is here for you to join focused discussions with other users who are still waiting on their tax refund. Discussions date back as far as 2012. You can use our Search to find other topics similar to your tax refund situation. The Where’s My Refund tool often leaves taxpayers in the dark as they stare at the screen that gives only a vague status when their tax refund has been delayed for months. People flock to igotmyrefund.com during the peak of tax season— but unfortunately there are many taxpayers still around halfway through the year because they still haven’t received their refund.
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- 13,627
- 4 hours ago
State Refunds
Get more info, share ask questions here about your state tax refund.
- 40
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Tax Refund Offset
If an individual owes money to the federal government because of a delinquent debt, the Treasury Department can offset that individual's federal payment or withhold the entire amount to satisfy the debt.
- 87
- 1 year ago
Identity Theft & IRS ID Verification
If you need to verify your identity with the IRS, you will receive a or 5071C or 4883C letter to complete the IRS ID Verification process. To verify your identity, you need to call the 800-830-5084 IRS Identity Verification number on your letter.
- 30
- 7 months ago
Injured Spouse
Group for users who filed Injured Spouse Form 8379: Filing Injured Spouse is a club all of it's own... The injured spouse on a jointly filed tax return files this form to get back their share of the joint refund when the joint overpayment is applied to a past-due obligation of the other spouse.
- 110
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Amended Returns
Mistakes on federal tax returns are common and can be fixed. How? Amend your tax return and file it right. Tax Form 1040x is the form to use for amending your tax return. But wait, it can't be e-filed. How do you file an amended return? Filing status, income, deduction or credits that are wrong on your tax return can be fixed with an Amended return. There is even a special WMR, dubbed the WMAR to check the status of your Amended tax return. Join this group, Amended Returns to learn more and mingle with others, ask questions and share your experience!
- 19
- 1 week ago
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