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- This topic has 2,453 replies, 102 voices, and was last updated 1 day ago by Herewegoagain.
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Wheres My Refund Georgia – Share your experience with filing your Georgia Tax Return and tax refund progress with others. If you have state information this is a great place to post. To check Georgia Wheres My Refund? go to Georgia Department Of Revenue
Join the conversation about your federal tax refund here.
Nope. Been in green since the 31st. Will give it the weekend then I’m calling Monday.
Nope. Filed 1/24, accepted 1/31. Amount in green as well.
Has anyone had any movement? I filed 1/29, accepted 1/31. Still in the green with processing message.
Ah, okay. I filed 1/24 and still no movement except accepted on 1/31.
Bobo I filed 1/29.
Brandy, when did you file? Generally, I don’t have to call either but last two years i have had to b/c my company messed up our W2s and we had to get corrected ones later on. The one they sent to the state said I paid 0 in taxes all year.
I checked Saturday and had zeroed out. Still have 10 day message. Anyone remember how long after that until you get your money. I didn’t even have to call.
Yeah leave it alone! The one year I called , they harassed me for receipts or some BS AND IT held me up! Fly under radar
How often is too often to call? I kind of need this refund this year but not sure if someone who’s having a bad day can push me to the back or the line.
Looks like you got the wrong person. Sorry. I prayed before I called and I was determined to not let anyone with an attitude deter me. There have been years that I was treated just like you were. I was just going to keep calling in spite of what they said even telling them that I need the money if need be. Don’t give up and call until you get the right person.
Well, tried again. Was told ‘looks like you already called this week and we have to wait for the system to verify. You’re welcome to try again in a few weeks.’
Told them I have to call every year to verify but they didn’t care about that. Last year I filed April 15 and had refun on April 25. Year before I filed in February and got my refund in May. Hoping for not another year like that.
I called the number that was on the notice when I checked where’s my refund. The number they say to call after 12 weeks lol!
@warrior5 what number did you call this year? The one further down the thread took me to child services
@Bobbo, you have to choose the fraud department to get them to release it. Make sure you have your AGI and exact refund amount. Try calling again today.
I tried calling earlier in the week and they just said it looked fine. I told them I have to call every year and he just said “give it 90 days” Maybe today I’ll try again to see if I get someone else. They owe me $5800 this year so would be nice to have.
They released my refund yesterday and I am just waiting for it to deposit hopefully by Monday. Every year I come on here and say the same thing. You have to call or you’ll wait forever. I verify on the Special Investigations line every year and they release my refund. And no they haven’t requested that I do that in years but I saw that simply calling to verify my info gets it released.I filed on Tuesday, February 4th.
Well here we go again. My Georgia has been accepted since the 31st. I took a new position and had an extra $100 held for state just in case. They owe me $2,500 this year. Let’s see how long they sit on it this time lol.
Are Georgia tax refunds as slow as the last couple of years when Georgia was taking 2-3 months to issue refunds?
/ GA Refund Issued / Your refund is scheduled to be transmitted, or was transmitted, to your designated bank account on 2/28/2024. Please allow 10 business days from that date to confirm receipt.
Just got this by text! My adult kids also alll filed 01/29 and accepted 02/02 just got green zeroed out. Movement coming !
/ GA Refund Issued / Your refund is scheduled to be transmitted, or was transmitted, to your designated bank account on 2/28/2024. Please allow 10 business days from that date to confirm receipt.
Just got this by text! My adult kids also alll filed 01/29 and accepted 02/02 just got green zeroed out. Movement coming !
@TavishonI’m still in green – hopefully I’ll be joining you all soon
Bang! Thanks for that as I just checked and it finally zeroed out! See y’all in a year
I filed and was accepted 2/2 & refund amount has been in the green since around 2/8. I don’t know if I would get anywhere calling DOR, but I got mine back a lot quicker last year.
Still stuck in green parentheses and the call us in 12 weeks if not no update! Accepted on 02/02
Should I bother calling?
Filed late night 2/15, accepted 2/17. Received email DD was sent on 2/23 but GA WMR says it will be sent on 2/27. No texts this year because I disabled receiving texts from emails but I always get two differing dates and it’s always the later date. I will say it was faster this year but slower than years past.
Can we PLEEEEASE GET A NEW GEORGIA thread? This thing scrolls back 8 years when i wanna post!!!
No change here still green total in parenthesis. I was day 1 02/01 filer and quickly accepted. No change!!!
Ms C
That gives me hope because I filed 2/8 and accepted 2/8 and still nothing for me! -
Ms C
I filed 2/8, accepted 2/9
When did you file and get accepted Ms. C?
Ms C
They must have been working on refunds over the weekend cause mines just 000 but its still in green, plus i have the 10 business days notification now
And #GoDawgs :)
Any news? I am still seeing my amount due in refund in green parentheses but no change in few weeks now! Do I really need to call them? I feel like it annoys them and add a magnifying glass to my return. Thoughts?
So glad to hear people getting their refunds
I can only hope that mine wont take the whole 12 freakin weeks -
Filed 2/8, accepted 2/8. When do you think I’ll have my DD?
Got my dd last night @9:05 pm
Woke up this morning to a message that says my refund is scheduled or expected to be issued on 2/15. I have Credit Karma. Will let you know if I receive my DD early.
I called today, she processed mine while I was on hold. Said I’d have it in 5-7 business days. I don’t understand why Georgia started holding them for so long. I’ve had to call for about 6 years now to get it released. Oh well, another year done. Good luck everyone!
Mara_slayer I’m in the same boat. My balance zeroed out today so I’m curious as to when it will be deposited.
Filed 1/19/24 TT. State accepted on 2/2. Zero’d out today. Anyone knows how long it takes for DD or what happens next?
I called the 2/9 and the released my funds. Amount went to zero on Saturday. The message changed and said my funds will be direct deposited and to allow 10 days for processing and a ddd will generate once funds have deposited
I still don’t have an update
Hopefully I will get an update by Friday. -
My amount was there in green too. I just thought that it wouldn’t hurt to call. Plus, I ALWAYS have to call every year. I chose the ID theft line and pressed 3 I believe to speak to someone. If the person asked why I was calling I was going to just say that I have to call every year to verify. They got my info, put me on hold and then came back saying it’s released and that’s it. I’m going to have to call again so I can tell you what promptings to choose.
I filed February 1 and accepted February 2nd. Still no movement for me. I can see the amount I’m supposed to get but it’s not zero out. -
I filed with TT on 29th but GA accepted it on Feb 2nd.
When did you file and get accepted? -
It means that they have not issued the refund yet. It will be replaced by zeroes when they release it.
I called. They said they released it after I confirmed my info. Just waiting on DD!
What does it mean if your refund amount is green in parenthesis?
I did not.
Did you have to call or anything?
For those waiting, filed 2/1 , accepted 2/2, DD 2/8
Filed 2/03/24 accepted same day refund amount still in green.
E-filed 1/30 and was accepted 2/1 – refund amount is showing in green parentheses – waiting to zero out.
Anybody have any movement yet from Georgia. I think I will wait until Friday to bug them.
Well, it’s September 5, 2023 & I still have not received by GA 2023 State Income Tax refund. The DOR system shows a negative balance (in green), but all the system says is that it’s being processed & it takes 12 weeks & to call the 800 number, which says the same thing. Is anyone else still having these problems?
Just says processing. Georgia says no verification needed. I spoke with a representative a couple of weeks ago and said all looks good. The representative couldn’t do anything else to move it along. I keep wondering if 12 weeks is the magic time, then all moves to completion. This is definitely frustrating especially since this was electronic filing with direct deposit.
TJ – What are they telling you? Are you still Green Zero ? I forgot if you were expecting a Direct Deposit or a Check. Check the history area and see if something happened after May 9th, that would have affected you. Did you get a letter requesting verification?
E-filed on April 5th, GA refund says received and processing. Hoping I don’t have to wait the entire 12 weeks.
Nothing yet….still waiting
So, I have done my TAX on March 6th and still no refund approve. It says processing and wait for 12 weeks. I called today GA department of revenue and lady told me if I don’t receive my refund by May 29th, I should call back next day and ask where’s my money at. Basically you will have to wait 12 whole weeks it seems.
so i filed my taxes and had my fees takin out of my return so they went to my tax preparer first which was tax slayer then to me so how will i get my Georgia surplus tax refund now will it go to the bank tax slayer uses then to me? anyone else had this happen thanks in advance
TJ – I’m glad you’re seeing some positive movement. I received my DDD the day after I went to zero.
12 weeks is unacceptable. The DOR should do better. They give no explanations.
For anyone still following this thread and waiting. I zero’d out last night and should have my refund this week. I pretty much had to wait the whole 12 weeks.
I ended up calling yesterday. Was told if I don’t have it by the 8th, to call back, As of this morning, no changes. Will call back on 9th if I don’t receive it by then.
TJ – anything yet ?
TJ – Hang in there, it looks like refunds are being released. Your rep said May 8th. I believe it will be sooner.
Ilovemoney80 – I believe you will be sooner than the 11th. Things appear to be finally moving.
Tonya – Congrats !
@Tonya, Congrats on receiving your refund! I am still waiting….
We finally received ours today. This was the longest wait time ever. Praying everyone eill receive theirs soon.
You can now login into the GA DOR and get the status of your Georgia surplus tax refund. I noticed the update this morning.
OMG!! This is ridiculous!! I still have not received my refund! I called at 8 am and only had to wait a couple of minutes. I was told today that I should receive my refund by May 11th which is when the 12 weeks is up, she said she sees no reason why I have not received my refund and it looks like it was approved just waiting to be deposited. That is the second rep who told me that, so I’ll believe it when I see it.
Tonya, you’re at 12 weeks now. It’s time to light a fire under the DOR phone reps. Don’t be afraid to call. I called them numerous times.
Another site said there is a lot of W2 fraud going on, causing refund delays in the US. Maybe if the 2022 return has W2 from a different employer than 2021 it raises a flag. I did not have a W2 change from 2021.
I’m still waiting. Filed February 1 accepted February 2 and still nothing.
Nobody else, yet?
Some of you filed in early February and still stuck on processing? Geez, come on Georgia, you can do better ! -
@WaitingGA2023, congratulations! I know you are happy this journey is over! Hopefully, the rest of us aren’t too far behind.
The money is in the bank. These past two years were so bad for me that I will handle my State tax payments to make sure I owe without penalties. It will be great to see y’all posting your refund DDD’s !
Thanks for the sincere congratulations. I truly believe it was the second rep I talked to who made things happen. The physical talking to that rep probably verified my identity and the validity of my return.
I also think tk-snellings advice is definitely worth a try to get to the DOR reps who have the approval magic touch.
@WaitingGA2023 I’m glad you finally have your DDD! I am still waiting for my refund, even though the representative I spoke with said that it was approved and I was just waiting for the funds to be released. When I tried calling earlier today, it said that there were 79 callers ahead of me. It sounds like there are several people who are also waiting for their refunds.
WaitingGA2023, Congrats! I know it’s been a long wait for you!
Refund still sitting in green parenthesis for me, hopefully soon.
Status shows a DDD for this week ! This is the last status message change from GA. The next step is for the bank to show the deposit.
After rereading this year’s posts I suggest the following trick that gets the caller in touch with staff who are authorized to approve refunds: Tk-Snellings post on Feb 8 at 9:59p. Said to call 877-423-4746 and after selecting language use option 3 & 3. The last few years Tk just called and said “ I was just calling to check the status of my refund I usually have to call and verify myself to have my funds released” they place me on hold and come and say they’ve released my funds.
Congratulations. I still have the same funky 12 weeks processing 😭😭😭
Getting real close – GTC shows green zero, GTC activity shows refund amount as other, and check status says Refund Processing ten business days. I’m sure the second DOR representative made this happen. Next up is status giving me a DDD. Hopefully the dam is starting to break for all of us waiting for Georgia to issue refunds.
I couldn’t get threw today. It said due to high call volume we are longer taking calls. 🙏🏾🙏🏾 we get it next week
@WaitingGA2023, Congrats! Hopefully you’ll have your refund next week!
Called again today. Spoke with super nice lady who told me mine was in accuracy review and have a DDD of around May 8th. Had to verify a few things but she said all looked good. I did ask about delays in general and she said there have been some with ID verification and return verification but if that applied, you’d receive a letter,
Thanks, Tonya.
I’ve called more than four times, so I wouldn’t worry. You’ve passed ten weeks now. Even their website says to call if there hasn’t been a status change after six. the wait time when I called in the morning was not bad at all. I’d give them a call today if you can, otherwise you’re waiting through another weekend.
Good luck ! -
Congratulations. I’m so scared to call. I’ve called like 4 times since February 15. We filed February 1st accepted February 2 and still haven’t heard anything. -
There’s hope – called, talked to two polite reps. Second rep put me on hold for a bit, then said refund approved. Rep said I should see green zero tomorrow morning. I certainly hope I’m getting closer. Rep did not say what made my return refund take so long these past two years.
No change this morning. I wish DOR would say why some are so slow. e.g. If DOR is waiting for company W2s to compare against returns, I wish they’d just say so, and give an approximate refund date. If still no change, I plan to call tomorrow morning.
I don’t understand when I read a post on Reddit several ppl on there said they had received their refund within just a weeks or some in a couple weeks, but they said they had received it so I don’t know what is going on.
WaitingGA2023 – Same here
Another groundhog day. I plan to call again at the end of the week.
WaitingGA2023 – Yes, that is correct. The rep told me I was approved I was just waiting for it to process. As of now nothing no updates no anything. When I login I have the message that says it could take up to 12 weeks and my refund amount is still in green parentheses.
Andrea – I thought the phone rep said you had been approved about two weeks ago. Does your WMR message say your refund is processing? If so, it should only be a ten day wait for the DDD.
Hi Andrea – nothing here. With the long weekend break, I wasn’t expecting to see anything new until Tuesday morning.
Maybe there should be a law that neither Georgia politicians nor Georgia DOR employees should get their refunds until 90% of the other citizens have gotten their refunds. -
Hi everyone!! I have yet to to see any changes or updates with mine. Has anyone else see any changes?
Tonya – I think it’s time you called. That’s way too long without a status change, if you are not a first time filer.
Jade – it’s been a few days since you zeroed green. How long did it take to get your deposit date message?
Keep hope alive everyone. Last week I just opened my checking account and there it was. So all of you still waiting, its probably going to be any day now
Filed tax return on March 1st and still waiting.
The website says April 7 is a State holiday. No updates or telephone calls today.
Georgiagal – Congratulations and thanks for the update. That’s the first DDD I’ve seen since February.
Just to give some hope to all the GA filers still patiently waiting, I filed 1/25 and was accepted by state and federal 1/26. As of today April 6th my state was just approved with an expected due date by or before April 10th. GA did not start processing refunds this year until Feb 1 and it’s been close to 9 weeks from that date for me to get my approval. Hopefully that gives some context and helps others
We filed February 1 accepted February 2 and still nothing. 🤬🤬
On February 19, 2015 at 12:30pm there was a post on this thread where the person asked for a return call from the GA DOR, but the caller id showed UTAH. Is Georgia still using an out-of-state call center for initial questions?
Definition of insanity – checking the Georgia Refund Status website every day and expecting a different result.
Anyone have a DDD ?
Maybe the floodgates will open on a specific date. I guess they’re waiting until after April 18th, and then check to see if the same SSN has multiple returns, then verify that the tax withheld/payment amounts on the return match Georgia’s own records.
Yeah same here, same address and everything really weird. Just hang in there gang!!!
Thanks for replying. Sharing info will help us get through this.
Jade, You’re one of the first who filed. Even using the date Georgia said they’d start accepting returns, you are at nine weeks.
None of my personal or banking information changed for five years, so I don’t see how they would need to verify my identity.
Not that it helps us, but several states are telling their citizens to wait twelve weeks.
Nothing new here, still sitting in green parenthesis, waiting.
Received an identity verification letter yesterday, finally zeroed this morning with no DD. Maybe the same case for a lot of us who have been waiting. Georgia need to get their crap together!
Anybody get any news?
Nothing on my end. Still waiting for my Georgia return refund. Refund amount in green, told to wait 12 weeks. -
Elyse, The reps do not give the same story even when looking at the same information source. I looked back on this discussion thread and I have not seen a deposit mentioned since late February.
If the DOR knows nothing will be processed until day x, I wish they would just be honest and say not to expect any changes until day x.
I also called and was told that my refund was approved and to allow additional time for a DDD. That was 3 days ago and my refund amount is still in green parenthesis. Called back this morning and was given the 12 week speech. I asked where I was in the 4 step process that the automated system refers to the agent told me that I she was unaware of a four step process and that I was not the only one waiting. This is madness.
WaitingGA2023 – I agree with you this is totally ridiculous. My refund amount is green with parentheses around the numbers. The agent I spoke with said that everything looked good and it looks like it’s been approved, now I am waiting for the funds to be released. I don’t know how long it takes to have the funds released, but this is awful. When you call the GA DOR you’re on hold forever and you have 50 calls ahead of you bc so many ppl are asking questions about their refunds.
Well, so much for getting good news on Thursday.
Looks like I’ll be calling again next week.
Totally ridiculous for Georgia to be so slow in processing refunds. -
Andrea – Glad you have been approved. Is your GTC account status showing green zeroes or your refund amount in parenthesis?
I cannot believe it is taking this long. I did call and spoke with an agent who pulled up my account she said it looks good and it looks like it’s been approved now we’re just waiting for it to be sent out. It doesn’t make sense if it’s been approved why not release the funds and send me the refund. The lady was super nice but we may need to wait the 12 weeks. I just don’t understand why GA is not sending out the refunds?!?! I hope we all get updated soon.
Nika zeroed out on a Thursday morning. I hope we all see some progress tomorrow (Thursday)
Georgia is so slow in processing refunds. I, too, would like to know the “WHY”. -
Sorry for what you been going thru as well.
The state is very quick when YOU owe them money, I wish if/when we owed them money we could tell them you’ll get it in twelve weeks. -
@patiencenotmyvirtue31, I’m sorry that you are dealing with this too. I’m with you, I’d like to know “why” it’s taking so long. I filed 2 weeks before my sister and mother did and they had their refunds back within 3 weeks. The person I spoke with didn’t say if anything was wrong or not, she just said to wait 12 weeks from filing date and then said something about it might be done before then. Hopefully, we will get it soon. Until then, I guess I’ll be checking every day haha
In same boat as you accepted Feb 1 called three times already. Got put on hold and hung up on the second time. Finally reached a very nice agent who confirmed nothing is wrong with my return but said the generic 12 weeks wait. She was the first however to apologize for the long wait. If I had a reason as to WHY I would accept it much better. -
I’m with you, somebody needs to light some kind of fire under them to at the very least get an explanation instead of just blowing people off with the generic “It’ll take 12 weeks”. Makes me wonder if to some degree if they’re just that swamped or short staffed or if they’re just sitting on them(either to hold our money or just being lazy). I sincerely hope it’s not the latter. -
I wonder why local TV stations aren’t asking questions.
The DOR website says to call if the status hasn’t changed after six weeks.
Next year I plan to owe Georgia at tax time, but not where I have to pay a penalty. I’m not going to go through three years in a row of waiting.
Same here
Got accepted on the 1st keep getting told 12 weeks -
I filed 1/25, called yesterday and was told wait the full 12 weeks then callback. This is ridiculous nothing else to do but wait.
Tonya – You’re closing in on eight weeks. If you’re still showing “processing” I’d call them. When I called, there were 50 callers ahead of me and I was on hold for about 25 minutes. I assume the wait is shorter in the morning. They open at 8.
We file February 1st and got accepted the 2nd and still nothing.
TJ, thanks and hoping you won’t have to wait as long next year !
@WaitingGA2023, thank you for the explanation! I’m sitting at the green zero on the first page after signing in and my refund amount is in green parenthesis on the other one. Hopefully I won’t have to wait much longer. Calling today and hearing ” it’s still processing and could take up to 12 weeks” wasn’t what I wanted to hear :( but she did say it might not take that long. I wish you much luck on getting your deposit day soon!!! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
TJ, my understanding is the green zeroes pretty much means your return has finished processing and no money is owed by either party. If the return showed a refund, it means the refund is being processed. If the return showed an amount due, it means the taxpayer’s payment has been processed. I hope my Check Refund Status message changes soon from twelve weeks to the ten day message.
@WaitingGa2023, thank you for the reply! When I sign in, on the first page is 0 in green and then when I go the page with my returns and click on 2022 it shows my refund in green parenthesis, I guess I’m trying to see if this is normal?On mine, the first page with the 0 was black until today, I’m confused lol
TJ – In my GTC (Georgia Tax Center) online account, my status amount turned green. Next step is for my status amount to show $0.00 in green, meaning my refund was approved.
@Waiting,,,What do you mean by your account finally showed green?
I might have encouraging news. I called this afternoon. After 90 minutes talking to two different reps, they said they saw “something” about my account, put me on hold for a few minutes, came back and said if I don’t see a refund date after ten more days to call them back. At least the telephone rep actually checked things instead of giving me a line of “it takes 12 weeks”. After hanging up, I checked online and my account finally showed green. I live in hope.
Our return was accepted on Feb 11 and has been 6 weeks. I called this morning, was put on hold and she came back and told me that it is still processing and that it could take up to 12 weeks. She also said it could be released before then. Marked 6 weeks from today on my calendar and will check back then. Hoping it doesn’t take another 6 weeks.
Nika, you’ve been waiting six weeks. According to this Georgia DOR link, it says to call if you’ve been waiting six weeks. Good luck, and please keep the rest of us informed.
I wish I knew why Georgia is taking so long to process refunds.
patience, you might be approved soon. The agent might have been approving your return behind the scenes. You filed a few days before Nika, and got their DDD of 3/27. Good Luck, keep us informed – it helps others get an idea of how long they will have to wait.
Called today and after being on hold for nearly an hour got a live person who then proceeded to put me back on hold which hung up after an additional twenty minutes of hold
Nika, just saw your post. Congratulations!
DDD for 3/27!! Whew finally. Now on to July payment
Well I zerod out today!! I filed Feb 7th. Thank goodness. I hope a DDD shows soon
Another possible reason for Georgia taking so long in processing refunds – Georgia is one of the States that shares 1099 data with the IRS. Businesses have until March 31st to electronically send 1099 data to the IRS. So, if Georgia wants to process refunds after comparing the business 1099 data with the values taxpayers entered on their returns, this would result in refunds being held until April at the earliest for those returns Georgia selected for comparison.
I just read that Kemp has approved a second additional refund (in my case that would be an additional $350) of surplus similar to the one we received before. I wonder if this is why the refunds are not going out. From what i read most of those will be paid by July 1st. I guess the big question is When will they begin sending out refunds again.
Patience, I don’t think I’d worry much about being flagged. I’ve heard the phone lines are so jammed, that if they flagged everyone who called they would be flagging just about every return.
I want to call and ask what is taking so long but at the same time I don’t want no agent flagging mine.
Same here accepted in Feb 1.
Its almost the end of March. I’m getting aggrievated. This is ridiculous -
Nika, good thought, but GA needs to process the 2022 tax year returns in order to correctly calculate the refunds defined by HB162.
Georgia is just taking a long time to process returns and refunds. The longer they delay, the more ‘free’ money they make from our ‘loans’ to them. -
It might be delayed due to Governor Kemp signing that extra income tax bill. GA has never taken this long. Filed back in February and still in the green!!
I wish one of the local TV stations would start asking questions on why Georgia is taking so long to issue refunds.
Here’s one person’s thoughts on Georgia taking up to 12 weeks to issue refunds:
Accepted by Ga on 01/24/2023, same as alot of other people and still showing as green. I dont know what is up with Georgia this year but there has to be something they are not saying. In all the years i have filed taxes it has never taken this long before.
Anybody getting any refunds ? I’m still waiting. Twelve weeks is a bit much given how fast Georgia has been in the past.
Mine accepted over a month ago. Still in green keep getting told 12 weeks. Have not received any correspondence that anything is wrong. Did anybody who managed to get a live agent get a reason on WHY it would take up to 12 weeks?
From their website:
Most error free, electronically filed returns are processed within 5 business days of receiving the return and most refunds are issued within 21 days from the date a taxpayer files their return.https://dor.georgia.gov/taxes/refunds/individual-income-tax-refunds
Maybe they need to change the word “Most” to “A couple” in both places.
How often does Georgia update their website refund status? Daily? Twice a week? Other?
I filed 01/25 and was accepted for both state and federal 01/26. I received my federal refund 2 weeks ago but my Ga refund is still green in parentheses. I spoke with a lady that said it takes 12 weeks and based on how she was talking it sounds like we won’t receive it until after the 12 weeks smh 😵💫 never waited this long for state before
@WaitingGA2023 this is ridiculous. I filed on 2/12 and I’ve had zero updates or movement. When I called on Wed it said I had 60 callers ahead of me, yesterday afternoon I have 29 callers ahead of me, I don’t have time to wait. By the shear number of callers it sounds like they’re several people waiting.
eFiled 2/21. Still processing. Called, said to wait another 10 weeks. I’ve never had to wait this long in the past.
How long does it take to get a DD date after the 10 day message?
@sandwds Mine refund has been in green parentheses for over two weeks already and that’s it. I had read that everyone’s was processing quickly this year, well everyone’s but mine. I don’t get it?!?!?!
Still inside green parentheses for me. This is the longest it has ever taken for my refund.
I have a feeling that all the people calling and getting pushed through or what’s delaying those of us that filed a while back and haven’t received hours. I wish that I had time to sit behind a hundred callers LOL Maybe next week. I’m assuming they don’t process on the weekend.
I zeroed out today so there is hope.
I have a feeling that all the people calling and getting pushed through or what’s delaying those of us that filed a while back and haven’t received hours. I wish that I had time to sit behind a hundred callers LOL Maybe next week. I’m assuming they don’t process on the weekend.
Ok filed 1/25 accepted 2/3 and deposit just hit my chime! On to the federal waitlist!
I filed 1/30 accepted 2/4 and my amount is still green in parentheses.
@HereWeAreAgain2023 I finally received notice that mine was accepted at midnight last night. Now I’m just waiting on the next steps like everyone else. Thank you for replying.
Thanks for confirming. I just got a DDD of 02/24!
@ilovemoney80 I did receive an accepted email, but it took a couple of days. Maybe yours is delayed bc of the weekend and holiday? I haven’t received any updates since acceptance and I filed on 1/29.
@shottyB Congrats! I hope mine is soon to follow. I think filing before they opened messed me up.
@misspiggy yeah! Ten days notice followed by a message with a date for check or deposit. This is a good thing!
@Shottyb I got the same message. Does that mean we will get the refund soon?
Hey folks, I filed 01/25 and GA opened 02/01. I was accepted first week of Feb and my account showed refund amount in green parenthesis until FINALLY today it zeroed out and got this
Your refund is processing. Once processing is complete, your refund will be automatically deposited into your account. Please allow an additional 10 business days to complete processing. Once your refund is deposited into your account, your status will be updated to indicate the date of distribution.
Filed 1/29 and still no update. Last year was super fast. What is going on?! Need that little money.
I filed on 2.15 and I have not received any updates. I did receive a notification that said my federal was accepted, but nothing from GA. Do you guys get something that says it was accepted from GA? Thanks!!
That’s was my check that was showing. It took 6 business days to receive. Hope this helps someone. See y’all next year
I see a envelope in the mail from dor for tomorrow I’m assuming its my check. Idk but I thought they came from department of treasury, maybe that’s only the feds that come by them.
I filed 1/30 accepted 2/4. It’s green and zeroed out on the first screen but when I actually go to the return for this year, it’s green and have my mouth in parentheses.
Just received a ddd of 2/16.
@ Monica30 I’ve never received a check before but for some reason my dd changed to have a check issued. It says it was issued 2/9 I will keep you posted and let you know when it comes!
my state refund was deposited in my account today this was the fastest ive ever received it
I have 0.00 on my account says check will be processing anyone received a check before
@Alaina that means it will process by the end of the day and you should get a ddd in the early am tomorrow.
What is the difference between give 12 weeks to process and is processing now give 10 days?
Filed 2/3. Accepted 2/6. Amount showed up green on GTC 2/7. Amount zeroed out 2/8. Refund status changed to DDD for 2/13 on 2/9. Received DD for refund 2/13.
Just wanted to give timeline to help others. I didn’t call or do anything. This was the fastest turn around time for GA EVER!!! Good luck everyone
I spoke to the ga state representative he release it in a check today because I had wait for a letter for. a pin number so I just told him to go ahead and mail it I hope I hurry up and receive it in the mail soon
Received email that my refund was transmitted 2/10 please allow 10 days. But when I log into my tax account, it shows refund deposit date of 2/14? Also zeroed out but the zeros are still green. So confused
mine are green too but its been sent the zeros are green this year when you first log in they just changed the website a little but its been processed and on the way
Received email that my refund was transmitted 2/10 please allow 10 days. But when I log into my tax account, it shows refund deposit date of 2/14? Also zeroed out but the zeros are still green. So confused
Zeroed out. Wmr giving 10 day message now. Probably update to a ddd Monday night but at least I’ll get it next week. Yay!
mine updated today for a DDD of 2/14 so i guess i should expect it on the 14th or 15th
@ ShottyB after you choose your choice of language then it’s option 3&3
I called up there a 3rd time and was told again that I would have to wait up to 12 weeks. I have no idea how you some of you are getting your refunds released, but all three of those skeezers told me that I would have to wait up to 12 weeks.
I’ve called up there twice today and both times, the affirmative action hood rats aren’t processing my return.
Well I called and verified everything as usual. He said I should get it in 5-10 days but it didn’t zero out. Maybe it will by morning. Who knows.
1-877-423-6711 i dialed 3 then 3 and talked to someone in that department about checking my refund they put me on a 5 minute hold and processed my refund yesterday
@ShotttB your right that number is incorrect
I called that number it’s a dfcs number I am trying to see what number to call to get everything processed
1-877-GADOR11 (1-877-423-6711) to speak to
Like most jnfo on this site….bad information
1-877-GADOR11 (1-877-423-6711)
I’m not calling as that just gives them a chance to flag you! Don’t trust ANYTHING posted on here as most of the jnfo is BAD! -
1-877-GADOR11 (1-877-423-6711)
I’m not calling as that just gives them a chance to flag you! Don’t trust ANYTHING posted on here as most of the jnfo is BAD! -
@TKsnellings are you sure option 3&3 as first option is 1 for English and 3 for Chinese and then next menu was 3 for child services .
Is there a number I can call to get my state refund processed faster
after calling yesterday today i checked my account and my balance is zeroed out and it has a 10 day message
Received text late around 11pm last night from ga tax center saying refund transmitted etc for 2/9.Checked ga wmr portal and it shows a ddd for 2/13.
Ms C
Deposit date for 2/13
I got a text and checked for shows check was issued 2/9. I will update how long it takes to receive it.
so i called this morning and gave my info and they put me on hold for 5 minutes and processed my return and said i should expect my refund in 7-10 days so ill check my account tomorrow to see if its zeroed out
How often does the ga tax center update?
Mine 0.00 this am saying allow 10 days
After calling yesterday, my ga tax acct $0.00 out and now the Check my refund status shows “10 day message” . I will update tomorrow if my ddd shows.
0.00 out this morning but for some reason the message shows that I’ll be receiving a paper check. I called and they don’t know why and said that I would need to speak to the review team. I left at that and said I’ll wait for the check. I hope it doesn’t take the full 15 business days like the message says. Anyone ever received a check and if so how long did it take?
Ms C
Mines zeroed out, didn’t have to call this year, hopefully tomorrow mines deposit.
877-423-4746 option 3 & 3. I didn’t say anything this year he just came back and said it was processed and released. The last few years I jus call and say “ I was just calling to check the status of my refund I usually have to call and verify myself to have my funds released” they place me on hold and come and say they’ve released my funds and to allow 7-10 business days and the amount 0.00 out and is paid! Hope this helps and good luck
Was able to get through this morning in my lunch break. Agent asked a few questions and placed me on hold. When he came back he said he processed my refund and should receive it within 7-10 business days
what number do i call and what do i say i remember i called last year but i dont remember what number to call and what i said lol
I filed 1/28/23 was accepted sometime early morning on 02/02/23 not even going to call this year b/c every year the never release mine when I call.
Was able to get through this morning in my lunch break. Agent asked a few questions and placed me on hold. When he came back he said he processed my refund and should receive it within 7-10 business days
Here’s my update for this year:
Filed 1/24/23 with Hrblock
Still dont show accepted on Hrblock,
but have Ga tax account and received confirmation return was received on 2/3/23Called today 2/8/23
Agent said he processed my return and I should receive refund in 5 to 15 days.My amount still showing in green, but Will update tomorrow if I $0.00 out on online ga tax acct
Hoping everyone gets a update soon -
I’ve been calling since Monday to speak to someone to have mine released and haven’t been able to get through. Keeps saying high call volumes after choosing options 3 & 3. I hope this doesn’t take forever.
Yeah that’s progress at least. Hopefully they won’t sit on the money this year.
My account zeroed out today so it looks like they have already started.
No. Georgia won’t start issuing anything until next week, if even then. For the last 5 years, I’ve had to call to get it released after watching it sit, processed for weeks in my Georgia DOR account.
Ms C
Has anyone gotten a refund yet from Georgia?
Another year! Amount showing in green with the short message. Filed 1/24 was accepted early morning 2/1. I guess I’ll be calling Monday morning
Here we go! Let’s see how long I have to watch my return sit processed and how many calls I have to make to get it released, this year.
@KathyZ1 Here is the video . https://www.11alive.com/video/money/surplus-tas-refund-begins-in-georgia-this-week/85-a02a06d2-f00d-412b-9331-4bc0ca1d0c83
Nothing in my bank account,it would be nice though!
My $500 rebate just showed up in my GTC account so I expect the dd text will go out tonight. WooHoo!
Myka H
How did you sign up for emails? My husband and I are still waiting for our deposit and we got our return on 02.22.22. I was considering calling later today, but I don’t know if a phone call will get me anywhere. -
Yeah, I’m waiting. Nothing so far. They said they were going in order of returns received but that’s definitely not true because I got my refund on 02/22 and my coworker got hers 2 weeks ago and she woke up to her surplus deposit and my GTC account shows nothing.
Received an email and text late last night that the refund/rebate was sent but it didn’t show in my account yet. I never get dd’s early though. Hopefully tomorrow or Monday. My 2021 refund was a few days behind the email/text as well.
I just saw a post from 11 Alive news that the surplus money will start going out tomorrow. Wondering if it will show on our ga tax center accounts or not? So far, mine hasn’t changed.
My guess for the stimulus checks would be suspiciously close the the election. Plus Georgia DOR is slow as molasses. So July to October.
@Kathy I haven’t heard anything. When it was announced, they were saying 6 weeks. I just keep checking my GTC account looking for changes. So far nothing.
Has anyone heard when Georgia will be sending the stimulus checks for those of us that have already filed?
thank y’all for sharing that number and menu options! was able to get through today and found out they found an error on my return. i wonder how long it would have taken them to let me know if i hadn’t called. very appreciative!
I filed my taxes and they were accepted in January 31. I still don’t have my state and it is in green on the website. I called and they told me I would get a letter about some kind of verification but I haven’t received any thing yet and it’s been 60 days since I filed. Can anyone help?
I feel like we’ll be waiting quite a while for that surplus deposit. Oh well I won’t turn down $500.
Filed 2/26 funds hit bank 3/26. No Kemp bucks with deposit either.
Some good news here!
House Bill 1302 was signed into law by Governor Kemp on March 23, 2022, so some taxpayers may have already filed their 2021 returns. The Department of Revenue will attempt to include the HB 1302 refund along with other refund amounts due. For taxpayers whose 2021 returns have already been processed, the Department of Revenue will issue a separate refund. -
I checked this morning and my balance is zero, not sure if that means my direct deposit is on the way but at least something changed, it’d be nice to get that extra $375 they promised but that’ll probably take months.
Did anyone receive the extra 250.00 or 500.00 that was signed back in February?
Accepted 2/3, no update. GTC still shows return amount in green. Frustrated…
@Bob I have yet to get mines but did get a letter 2/19 said should get it within 30 days…It was telling me I was getting $1 more then i reported, lol. INSANE
Anyone get a Georgia state tax refund yet? We went from less than a week to 45-60 business days. WTG Georgia!
Yea it’s bullshit. Blame it on fraudsters and anything run by the government, the crooks probably already got their refunds while the honest folks get screwed.
I filed mine January 25 was accepted on Feb 1 and yet mine is still in the green I’ve called Ga and verified and still waiting very frustrated since ts been weeks now this. Is 😧
I filed on 2/11 and I have not received my state refund yet. I logged into the tax center and my refund amount is still in green.
@Rachel Not the only one, I haven’t received mine yet. I didn’t file until February 26th though. Up until last year, mine was deposited in 3-4 days. I called last year after 60 days and was told they have 90 days and surprisingly it was deposited a few days later. Maybe I’ll call tomorrow just to kick it in gear.
Am I the only one in ga who hasn’t gotten their refund yet this is insanely rediculous
I have tried to call 3 times on different days and I can’t get anyone that will help, all I get is the “it hasn’t been 90 days” crap. Has anyone seen any movement on theirs recently?
It is still bugging me my amount is still in green and I know those aren’t the numbers I gave them because it was a few dollars less then what they have in the balance my ending number was 2 and theirs is 6 I called and did the 3 and 3 they said they had to verify a couple things and I should receive my refund withen 30 days but still in dreaded green and it won’t go away! Why Ga Why
Hi yall!!
I got a letter 2/19 saying I should be getting $1 more than what I should have been getting, lol has anyone received this before? Says I should get the refund within 30 days on the letter but the WMR says that 90 day blah blah blah message…any had this happen, how long before you saw ya refund..
thanks in advance!!!
@simone – yes that’s who I talk to. The fraud department has helped me her my refund sooner these last couple of years.
@target_nonsense I’ve been trying to get in contact with someone over the phone for days now but I can never get through. When you call and press 3 and 3, am I supposed to be talking to someone in the Fraud Detection office, that’s what it says when I press the first 3.
Thanks @Stillwaiting. I guess I’ll just be patient. I looked at my bank account from last year and I filed pretty late for me, Feb 11, and I received my refund March 25. This year I filed on the first day so hopefully I will get it soon.
i checked mine this morning and it now says it will be issued on 2/23/22 thanks for all the help everyone
Funds finally went in my acc. If you need more info just read the thread
@red don’t do that. That’s for businesses only. I did it one year and it took me am extra 6 weeks to get my refund from Georgia. Call them and tell them wmr said something about calling.
Hi Everyone. My GA refund usually gets deposited pretty quickly so I have never thought about it. I set up my account after reading this thread and I see my refund amount in green. I noticed there is a link to a form to “request refund.” Will filling it out move things along or should I just be patient?
@Rachel – It sounds like you’re due a refund. My refund amount was green and in parentheses. When it’s actually approved, the dollar amount should be black.
So I filed with TurboTax on the 25 and got them to pay my fees with my refund I log into my Georgia account it says balance and amount in green and ( ). There’s. No way I owe ga but what does it mean I’ve not checked my wmr today but last I check no deposit date for a refund so I’m confused as what I need to do
@simone – There really is no ‘expected state refund amount’ on the sbtpg page, so it looks confusing. if you don’t see your state refund under ‘Amounts received by TPG’ or ‘Amounts paid to you’ I suggest giving them a call when they open. They’ll ask you to verify it’s you with your address, federal amount, state amount, etc. The phone rep should be able to see it. It’s super annoying though.
@simone – you have to put in your federal dollar amount. Your state will appear on the same page as federal, but they only allow you to check on both federal and state if you enter your federal amount.
@target_nonsense How do you check your state refund status on the sbtpg website? I only see where I can check my federal refund. Usually I don’t even check my state refund because I get it fairly quickly but this year it’s taking forever.
My DDD was 2/21. I got it today Wells Fargo.
@tara you can always try calling and seeing if you can get a nice rep that will push it on through. That’s what most of us have done. Sometimes it work, sometimes it doesn’t. Just keep calling.
@tara no. Showing the refund amount in green just means they’ve received it and those are the numbers you submitted. It will be through processing when you see the green amount turn to black in parentheses and you have a 0 balance.
My balance is now showing in green, that means it’s approved and I’ll have a date soon.. correct? I never really follow my Georgia refund. I usually don’t get one or much of one but I did this year so I’m trying to figure out my DDD.
@Qasimja yes. You should zero out Monday and have a date Tuesday. Your ddd will most likely be Tuesday or Wednesday.
thanks you were right its zeroed out to black now when i just checked so i guess i should be getting it soon
@Qasimja yes. You should zero out Monday and have a date Tuesday. Your ddd will most likely be Tuesday or Wednesday.
when i log into the georgia tax center the amount is green but the message changed is this a good sign?
“Your refund is processing. Once processing is complete, your refund will be automatically deposited into your account. Please allow an additional 10 business days to complete processing. Once your refund is deposited into your account, your status will be updated to indicate the date of distribution.”
TK and Target I’m so glad yall were finally able to track down your money!!!! I woke up to a date of 2/22. Now to see when and where it shows up.
Sooo long story short my state refund is now showing on sbbt site after it was suppose to be dd on 2/10 they took there fees and it shows it was disbursed today so hopefully it’s in my account in the morning. I will post once it’s deposited. I was so pissed I reported civista bank to the bbb
@simone – not the person you asked but the number is 877-423-6711. I think they’re closed right now though.
@ Stillwaiting – not sure. I chose to get fees taken out of my refund, and I’m pretty sure freeTaxUSA said it would be taken out of whichever (fed or state) arrived first. From what I’m seeing on sbtpg, they took it out of my state. It took exactly 7 days to show up, and I’m pretty sure that was only with me calling and speaking to that agent.
Just checked my state return again and it has the CK card routing and account number. Good grief I hope this doesn’t turn into a nightmare. State is just shy of $1,000. I don’t take kindly to people playing with my money.
@target is that something new? I’ve always filed with TT and used sbtpg and my state always circumvents sbtpg and goes straight to my account. I did pay fees up front this year but got the TT advance. They actually took an extra 2 days to deposit my federal which has never happened.
I meant 1-800-779-7228, not 770.
Just checked my sbtpg account and it now says funded. Looks like they just verified it and took their fees out. Dear lord, this whole experience was infuriating!!!! Anyway, if you wanna call the number is 770-779-7228. Press 3 for the merchant services, not the regular individual taxpayer. Put in a random 6 digit merchant code, wait forever for someone to answer. You might get hung up on. Call back until you get someone.
….Also, the lady I spoke with said that there was nothing I needed to do and once verified they’d deposit it to my bank account. She said that it does happen sometimes and has happened with the last few batches they received. But she could pull it up under my name and info but not to worry, lmao. Um…okay.
Georgia DD 02/11. Haven’t seen my funds. I filed through freeTaxUSA and they told me that I could check the sbtpg website. Their website shows they haven’t received it. Call GDOR and they say it was sent on 02/11. Finally get through to someone at sbtpg (aka cvista) and they tell me that they got it on the 02/11, but it came in as ‘unknown’. They’re going to have to verify some things on their end and that I should keep checking their site.
@qasmija call them and press 3 then 3 again to talk to someone!! Thats what we all did here!
So i just got off the phone with them i dialed 3 then 3 he asked me for some info and put me on hold for a good 5 minutes then said he released the hold and i should receive it within the next 30 days does it usually take that long or should i see an update in the georgia tax center in the next few days?
But it was under my name but I wouldn’t see it on their website. She said that they just have to verify some things and they’ll send it to my bank once they do. There was nothing they needed from me and I’d just have to wait. She said that it happens sometimes. OMG, this is so frustrating!
…But it was under my name but I wouldn’t see it on their website. She said that they just have to verify some things and they’ll send it to my bank once they do. There was nothing they needed from me and I’d just have to wait. She said that it happens sometimes. OMG, this is so frustrating!
@ dixie clement what forum was this because the same thing has happened to? Dor says that they have my funds my ddd was 2/10
@Nika thanks. I’ve zeroed out but that’s what the Mesa age updated to. Weird. Usually when I zero out I get a deposit 3 days later. Fingers crossed.
I just left a huge discussion on another forum where they are saying civista bank is stealing multiple peoples funds. They are saying that even though civista is giving their agreed fees to the original online tax processor, they are not forwarding the rest of payment to the peoples accounts as they are keeping it for themselves.
Thank God I decided to just pay the fee out of my own pocket. Crazy times.
@stillwaiting I had that message too 3 days ago. But it changed to a DDD just give it some time to go through
Finally zeroed out but no date. Wmr says within 10 days a date will be provided after your refund is deposited. I’ve never had that message but I’ll take it. Maybe I’ll see it a bit early on the KC card.
@qasmija call them and press 3 then 3 again to talk to someone!! Thats what we all did here!
So I zeroed out an hour ago with a DDD of 2/21. I hope that it does come through. Praying!!
Hey my Ga state return was accepted on the 31st and still says ‘up to 90 days’ is there some trick like calling them to get them to process my refund faster?
Ugh! I called. Lady said “He took care of everything when you called on Tuesday”. I told her I understood but it still hadn’t zeroed out. She said “you just have to give it 30 days to process on out”. Not buying it. I’ll call back every day until I see those black 000’s. Georgia is so behind.
@target nonsense nope. They are suppose to file an investigation today at dor.. im not sure what happened… the only thing that I’ve been told is that my account and routing nilumbers were changed and it went to civista bank. Taxslayer has told nothing but lies.. soo I guess it’s up to do to find it
@TK_mommyof4 – an luck yet? I can’t believe it’s taking them so long.
Yeah mine is still in green after being told it would process on out. I’ll see what it looks like tomorrow and call back. Georgia is ridiculous. We shouldn’t have to call.
Well I pushed 3 then 3 and told them that I call in every year to verify my identity. She then went and checked and then said I completed it for tou so it’ll take about 5-10 business days. I am praying that it comes soon
I had a ddd for 2/10 and still havent received my funds.. dor can’t do anything until tomorrow.. they are saying my bank account and routing numbers were changed to a civista bank. Civista bank is now with sbbt and they say they don’t have it
KB84 if it’s not back to black Zeros in the morning, I’d call back and do the 3 and 3 thing for the fraud department and tell them wmr said for you to call. I would think 3 days would be plenty of time or they didn’t push it on through.
I had the Error-Timely displaying, I called in and spoke to someone, I went from Error-Timely and black $0.00 to a green amount in parenthesis the next day. I am on day 3 of the Green ($###.##). What has been the average time frame this year
before getting the direct deposit after you go green? -
Glad I came back and read. Stuck in “Error-Timely” for two weeks. Called and spent an hour between two reps. Super nice men though and now I’m in green and my refund amount actually went up $65. The last gentleman told me I should see it process on out tomorrow. Hopefully see my money on Friday at least. Thankful for this page to keep us all updated.
Woke up this morning to a DDD of 2/16! Hopefully it goes smoother than my federal!
Where do I go to find the balance on my tax account? I can’t find it this year.
I called Friday and spoke to someone that gave me the same information, wait 90 days and my refund is still being processed, woke up 2/12 to all black zeros and the additional 10 days message! Checked this morning and still have the 10 days message, hoping to get a DDD tonight/tomorrow morning!
I called yesterday, was given the 90 days processing stuff. But he said it may come sooner. Woke up to black zeros no update with a deposit date though
Got mine deposited this morning.
Filed 2/9
Received 2/12 -
Update: Woke up this morning to a 2/15 ddd.
Filed 1/25
Accepted 2/5
Called ga tax revenue #, pressed 3 and 3 and spoke to someone on 2/10
Green amt changed to black zeros on 2/11 and wmr message changed to processing 10 day message
Again on today 2/12 , woke to ddd of 2/15.Hope this helps!!
I used taxslayer. I spoke to a supervisor that said they use that bank now and there was and update this year that they will take the fees from whichever return you receive first whether it be state or feds… I have georgia department of revenue doing an investigation Thursday if nothing happens.. I think I might be ok.. it seems as if it’s a left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing type of issue. I will keep yall posted in case it happens to some one else
Upon further investigation, FreeTaxUSA also does this when paying with the refund. Same bank, too.
“Civista Banking is one of 2 banks used for the refund processing service if you chose to pay the Turbo Tax fees out of your Federal refund. A temporary account is opened in one of those 2 banks in your name to receive your deposit before it later goes on to your bank.” Not sure if this applies to state, though
@Tk_mommyof4 – So I think that if you used TurboTax and chose to get your TurboTax fees taken out of your refund, the funds will first go through CVista bank before being passed on to your actual bank account. That’s what I could find on Google, anyway.
My state was supposed to be dd on 2/10.. they never went in my account and they are saying it went to cvista bank… wtf and now don’t nobody know anything
Called again. He checked and said that it’s processing and the usual 90 days. I’m struggling here I pray they hurry
So, I called because I have the error- timely message. I was put on hold for about 30 minutes, and the last person I spoke to said that she resubmitted mine, because the glitch and they weren’t put in right, and to wait the 90 days from now. Should I call back in a little bit and speak to someone else, or just wait?
Called again this morning and spoke to a lady, she gave me the same message as the other 2 times that I called. Refund is still being processed. GA needs to speed their process up. We shouldn’t have to wait so long.
I was trying to wait to see what would happen if I didn’t call this year…
Well I called yesterday and spoke to very nice man, and he didn’t say he released it, but today my green amount is now black zeros again, and message changed to processing 10 day message.🤞that I will update to ddd soon.Filed 1/25
Accepted 2/5 -
Ms C
State ta lx deposit last night that was quick, see y’all next year, now for the good ole Path next week
@TK will do, hopefully in the morning since I have a prepaid card, usually get those immediately once the bank gets it
@Ms c I always get mine on the ddd. Not sure why I didn’t today.. keep updated if you get yours today or tomorrow please
Ms C
Your refund is scheduled to be issued or was issued on [2/11/2022]. Please allow a minimum of 10 business days to receive it in your bank account. If it has been longer than 10 business days, contact the Taxpayer Services Divison at 1-877-423-6711 to speak to a customer service representative during normal business hours.
Think they releases it that day then it’s gonna take a few days to deposit but I have a prepaid so it should come that same day
I had looked at my transcript and had the Error-Timely — called today hit the 3 then 3 – they said a lot that filed before February 1 got Error-Timely because of a computer glitch. So if you log in on a computer (it doesn’t show on phone) and click Income Tax and it shows Error-Timely call in they will fix it and get your refund to you. It took about 1.5 hours of calling here and there randomly to get through. Hope this helps.
I didnt get my deposit today idk if it will hit later or not. It says my ddd is 2/10. Has this ever happened to anyone before? Same account number for years and made sure its correct. Should I go in panic mode lol?
I have a sister that is an operator. She says the wait is a lot longer than usual because of the massive influx of people that ran away from their previous states to Georgia once covid hit. She said their clogging up the systems and wish they would go back to where they came from.
@Tk_mommyof4 Thanks! I’ll keep an eye out :)
@Dixie All I said was I was calling to check to make sure I didn’t have to verify my identity this year and to make sure nothing was wrong. She put me on hold and came back and said it was released.
@tmab6134 I’m trying to figure out what to tell them to get them to release my funds, I called 2 different times this morning and both of them said the 90 days.
@Target_nonsense you will get a ddd late tonight early morning
Called the number pressed option 3 then 3 and they both gave me the same information about the 90 days. Says it’s in the verification process. I’m just trying to get my refund lol
Called the number yesterday and chose options 3 and 3. Said that I was calling to see if I would need to submit any documents this year for my refund. She put me on hold for like 2 minutes. When she came back she said that wouldn’t be necessary this year and to expect my refund in 7-14 business days. The where’s my refund message changed to ‘refund being processed/10 days’ early a.m. Account zeroed out this morning. Still no DD date.
Just update to a ddd of 2/10..
Mine isn’t even showing up in green at all but when I click on WMR through the gtc account, it says it’s been received. I can’t remember it taking this long to show up. Jeez Georgia, now is not the time to play.
Filed with TT on 1/30 accepted on 2/1…no movement return processing. No date no amount. I’m surprised state is usually quick.
Just got my funds release, had to call cause my filed said Timely Error, I can tell they at home working cause her smoke alarm was beeping, lol, So yep we still have to call them to get it release.
I called and she said the usual everything looks great with my return and give it 90 days 🙄 I pray it zeros out after that call
@tmab6134 that’s awesome! Hopefully it doesn’t actually take that long!
My amount went to black zeros and this is th message I have now. Your refund is processing. Once processing is complete, your refund will be automatically deposited into your account. Please allow an additional 10 business days to complete processing. Once your refund is deposited into your account, your status will be updated to indicate the date of distribution.
@Dixie I told them that I have to call every year and check to make sure no pin was being sent out and that everything was ok because I had to verify my identity 3 years ago.. she put me old and came back and said she checked out my return and everything looked fine and she said she went ahead and released them to allow 7-10 days.. im thinking I should zero out tomorrow and a dd by the end of the week
@tmab6134 when you called, did you ask you are checking to make sure everything is okay with your refund?
Finally got thru.. chose option 3 and 3.. nice lady put me on old for about 10 mins and came back and said she released it and to allow 7-10 business days to receive. I’ll keep you all updated
Welp. I just tried to call and it has a message that comes on that says we’re experiencing high call volumes and hangs up.. doesn’t give options for different departments or anything. Looks like they got it set not to call this year. I’m gonna try later this afternoon and if that doesn’t work as soon as they open in the morning
@tmab6134 I haven’t called yet, but I’m interested to hear what they say.
File 1/28 accepted 2/01 checked for the first time it’s in green. I’ll check back next week b/c Georgia takes the longest.
Has anyone called yet? I think I’m might call today and see what they say
I filed 1/31 and was accepted 2/1 showed in green same day with short processing message the same day I’ll update when the green changes to black 0.00
Ga just accepted my return.
Filed 1/25 hrb
Accepted 2/5 -
@Dixie I don’t know, last year I waited three weeks to call. Years past it’s taken about a week or so, and I’m hoping this is a better year? I know a lot of people haven’t filed by the first so we should be early in the line.
Filed 1/23, accepted 2/1 also -
Filed 1/24 accepted 2/1. Account shows numbers in green, how long should I wait before I call?
filed ga return with hrblock on 1/25, still has not been accepted by ga dor. Status shows as pending on herblock. Anyone else file and still waiting for acceptance? Never had to wait this long to be accepted by georgia
Timely-error and WMR says it’s been received and is processing. The day those numbers go from green to black, I’ll start calling. Not gonna let them just hang on to it but we shouldn’t have to call.
Same Nika, in years prior to last year I would get my GA refunds In about a week. Last year I had to call like many others
I filed 1-29 got accepted 2-1 and its green now. Hoping not to call in this year
Mines says Error Timely on mines and the amount is black with 0.00
Return accepted, amount in green. Let’s see if it’s like last year (call to release) or prior years when it’s been about a week
It’s almost time, anyone filed early in anticipation of the Feb 1 date?
Omg ms. Smooten did it! My Refund will hit tomorrow!!! Filed 2/22 Accepted 2/24!! Now waiting on fed!! Good luck everyone
Are they going to correct the UI information and issue us the difference per ARPA?
I called the number and my taxes were fixed. Now under the 2020 GTOR link it has Numbers under summary that weren’t there before. Thank you for that advice .
Ours had been sitting with green numbers since they opened, finally called on Wednesday, and on Saturday we went to black zeroes. Still no update on a date, still no deposit.
We normally get GA first so the fact it’s taking this long is really starting to frustrate me. -
So I called that number you guys posted and got a wonderful lady named Mrs. smooten. The systems wasnt working properly but she said once they come back up they would process it through and i should be receiving that in 30 days or less.
I checked my GTC account and 2010 has a number in green. Everything else is all blank zeros. When I click on 2020 it is zero’d out but it says Error-Timely. Do I call the 877-423-6711 and do option 3>1 or option 3>3?
Thanks for your assistance. I was accepted 2.13 and called two weeks ago and was told nothing was wrong and that I had to wait 90 days.
I made a GA state tax account yesterday and it showed black zeros, but I still have no ddd???
You all are life savers. I have been scouring the internet when I came across this thread. I called yesterday and they pushed it through after it being in “processing” for almost 21 days. Zeroed out today. Hoping for a DDD tomorrow. Again thank you all.
@goat666 i called and spoke to someone and she said my return is processing and I should have it in 7-14 business days. I will check tomorrow morning if my amount goes to $0. If it does then I know it’s on the way. Thank you for your advice.
I called (877) 423 6711
Then option 3 to verify your information that gets it released. They will tell you 7 to 30 days but probably sooner. Give it a try. Good luck. -
Well I finally saw good news when I decided to check my Ga State return a few minutes ago had checked it this morning but there were no updates. My state has processed and it scheduled to be sent on 3/9/2021. Filed 2/11 accepted 2/12. Now if I could get my fed to act right I will be the happiest girl in the world!
I finally got good news for my state taxes they have been processed I checked the site a few minutes ago just because and low and behold it updated and said my funds are scheduling to be sent to my account on 3/9/2021 …. YAYYY!!!
Hello all,
I wrote earlier in this string and offering both GA and Federal timeline.
Filed HRB 2/7.
Fed submitted and accepted 2/12
GA accepts 2/28
Fed processed 3/1 with DD received 3/3
called GA number as many have posted on 3/1. I must have got that same very nice lady as she pushed through. Thanks to all who gave this advice.
3/2 GA shows processed
3/4 GA shows DD for 3/5. -
Ddd 3/5 see yall next year
Called again. They told me the 90 crap again. I filed on Feb 2. Accepted Feb 15. I don’t understand how some people got their refund that filed after me. The lady told me that I shouldn’t go by other people getting their refund. Its all bs and I give up. If I don’t get it within 90 days ill be raising hell.
I just got a dd for 3/5 showing on the ga wmr page. Finally!
It almost seems like they won’t release them until we call now. For the Past 3 years I’ve had to call to get them released, and last year I waited beyond the 90 business days, just to see if they would come without a call. I got them in June.
Zeroed out
Funds were in my acc this morning. Happy taxman see yall next year
@goat It’s not going to have your bank info on there; they use the info you send in through whichever tax preparation service you used.
I’d call tomorrow though if I were you. My green has zeroed out after calling them today. I expect to see a DD very soon.
I went online to the Georgia State website and I’ll clicking around and the section that was for payment or return payment it does not show my direct deposit information. I’m apprehensive to put it in, I might wait just to give him a call tomorrow cuz it’s still showing the amount in green and that they received it and it may take up the 90 days. feels like the state of Georgia and the IRS are trying to screw me this year
Just logged in to GA WMR with a DDD on 3/4. I expect to see it tomorrow am. Will update again tomorrow.
I just called because mine has been sitting on green for an obnoxious amount of time, and I told the very, VERY nice lady that I had gone into the site last night and clicked on some things and was afraid I had messed my return up. Was that the truth? Only kinda. But after putting me on a brief hold she said she released my refund and to allow 30 days to receive it. I never asked once about my refund, it was all her. I’ll keep you guys posted.
Called and was told it’s still processing and to allow 90 days
As usual, all i can get someone to say is the 90 day b.s.
Im about to call because i filed on 02/01 and was accepted on 02/15 and my amount is still in green. I will update after i call.
So, by just calling (877) 423-6711,pushing option #3, verifying your information gets the ball rolling…and the CSR on the line advising “Your refund has been released and should be received within 30 days”
Ok..from green to black zeros….Let’s get it!
Went to all black zeros this morning, and long message on GA WMR. Based on the timelines of others I’m thinking a Friday DD. Will be nice since federal taxes weren’t good to me this year
I have a ddd for 3/3. I filed on the 2/10 accepted on 2/14. I called on 2/26 and hit options 3 and then 1 and the lady I spoke on that day said she released it
Woke up this morning to GA wmr now showing 3/3 direct deposit date.
Filed 2/12 ,accepted 2/18, called ga revenue # on 2/26, went from green amt to zeros on 2/27.
My amount is still in green what should I do???
@Mug640 you’re talking about Georgia state taxes right? Calling is the only way I’ve been able to get them to release mine for the last few years.
Got mines today thank God all credits filed hope everyone get there and just an FYI wen u call they put u behind because of sum bs theu said the computer does wen they pull ur account up.
@Diana – when was your Georgia accepted?
Feb 18
@ kathyarzola just said that it was taking longer than years past and asked if everything was okay. She checked, said it was be that she released the funds and finished out my return. Said should be 5-7 business days until it deposits but I am sure it will be faster.
I still have not updated to a date yet, but it was the weekend so….., I’m hoping I will update with a date tomorrow 🤞, will post update if I do -
what do you say when you call to get them to release it. All I ever get is a very rude person who gives me the 90 day crap.
@gafiler2020 did you get a DDD?
I just called and got mine released as well.
No update still green
@Heather what does what mean? We need to know what it is exactly that you need help with.
Can someone help me with this. What does it mean
I just spoke with a GA refund inquiry agent. My refund was mailed instead of my requested direct deposit. She said they were having technical issues, they were aware of it, and that they were getting nonstop calls about it. She apologized. My refund was mailed out on 2/26. Been using the same account for over 20 years. Ughhhhhhhhh!
@Diana – when was your Georgia accepted?
My deposit is pending in my bank account! If only my fed would move as efficiently.😞
See you guys next year!
I’m back another year!! How long is it taking yall to get refunds this year.?
called and spoke with someone yesterday, and they said they released my refund. Today checked ga ta center acct and now my green amount has zeroed out and wmr message updated to long message, just waiting on direct deposit date now .
@gimme you’re right!!!! I checked at 6:30 this morning and had just changed to the elongated message but still green. Just checked again and black Zeros!!!! Thank you Georgia!
I have a serious bill due Friday and my federal still hasn’t updated so this is a huge relief!!!
Guess I was wrong. Updated to long message. Amount is now black zeroes. Waiting on ddd
All that changed on mine was Now wmr shows the elongated 90 day message.. Still in green. I swear I’ll call every day until they release it. I’m not in the mood for Georgia’s crap this year.
Checked this morning and it says check mailed yesterday but I signed up for direct deposit why would they switch it?
I just received a notification saying that my refund was issued by mail on 2/26. Why did they issue a check when I have always gotten direct deposit of my Ga refund?
@southsideatl it’s not gonna update over the weekend. The next update is Sunday night going in to monday
Georgia is on my nerves. It’s showing in the system that they received it 2/5/21 but they officially accepted it 2/16/21. I’ve been greens for forever. I don’t know why they play so much.
I also called today and the very nice lady I spoke with , took my info, but me on hold and said she released my funds so hopefully I will have it by soon. Normally after I call my ga tax center acct goes from amt in green back to black zeros and get dd soon after 🤞
Just called and the lady I spoke to said she released my funds so hopefully I will have it by next week. I will keep you guys up to date
Just called, pressed 3 and 1 and got Mrs Price. She said she didn’t see anything wrong and nothing to be sent in and I just had to give it the 90 days to process out.
I started to pop back but thought better of it because I remember the same thing happening in 2019 and that night it zeroed out so just in case, but if it doesn’t….
Still green
mine just zeroed out this morning. filed on 2/10, accepted on 2/18. does this mean itll be sent tomorrow?
@Diana Thanks. I’m gonna call on my break and see what they say. Yesterday I spoke to a regular representative that feed me the generic 90 processing bull
I was accepted on the 18th. The options I chose were 3 then 1. It will say it’s the fraud department but that doesn’t matter.
@diana when did you file and when was it accepted?
@Diana what options did you choose when you called?
DDD 3/1!!
I just got an email that my refund was being mailed? Any idea why my GA refund would be mailed. This is my 6th year filing with them and its always been direct deposited.
I’m so confused 😕
@Bob it’s not tied to federal. Georgia isn’t what’s referred to as a “piggyback” state.
Still on green
My Georgia refund is usually very fast, a week or less. This year doesn’t seem to be the case. I’m guessing because it’s tied to the federal return and they’re dragging ass.
I’ve been green since Feb 17. They suck
Glad to see some people with movement! Still green this morning but hoping for the best.
I changed to black 0s this morning. Status still says it’s being processed.
@Diana then your wmr will update tonight or Monday. That’s what you want is for green to turn to black Zeros.
I’m calling today. They’re not going to hold my money this year like they have the last 3 years. Been filing with Georgia for 34 years and nothing has changed except how lazy they’re getting.
My amount in green is now gone as of this morning and there is now a black zero but the wmr is not giving me a ddd yet.😞
I been in green a whole week now. I call today, the nice lady said,” Everything looks good. So hopefully I’ll get a up date midnight.
Still getting generic 90 day message
My message told me to call the 877 number like it does every year and I was blessed to get a very friendly and courteous rep. She verified my info, put me on hold, then said that she released my refund and said give it at least 30 days I believe. It usually doesn’t take that long. I will let you guys know what happens. I pressed 3 (like the message said) then I pressed 1.
I’m still on green as of right now. My husband’s zeroed out late in the afternoon yesterday. Hoping the same for us all today
Thanks! That’s what I was looking for, when accounts would update. Didn’t know if it was nightly or throughout the day
@Bobbo Georgia’s WMR updates between midnight and 3am but if you have a DOR account and can see your amount in green, it can actually turn to black zeros anytime during the day. That’s more telling and accurate than their WMR.
What time of day does GA usually update?
Good Morning:
Maybe today will be the day… I speak zeroed out accounts & swift releases to all!❤️
Trying to login from my new phone. Keeps sending code but I never get it. I have the same phone number. How do I fix this.
My account has been on green since Thursday hopefully I get those black zeros tomorrow
Did anyone see error by their return?
My return has been accepted but the amount never showed. Last year they moved very quickly. Don’t know why they’re dragging this year.
I’m still sitting on green. Hoping for tomorrow
My husband’s amount turned to black zeros. No ddd because it was offset for child support
Still sitting in green
@patiently I had that problem last year. I called today to verify the information as I have the same message and rep told me that they will mail a verification letter to verify the info to release the refund, who knows how long that would be.
Has anyone received their GA refund yet or are we all just sitting on “green”?
@patiently call them. The year I had that, I called and it was a quick verification over the phone and the released it the next day.
Hi is it normal for it to say the following:
Your return has been received, and it is currently being processed. Please contact the Taxpayer Services Division at 1-877-GADOR11 (1-877-423-6711) to speak to a customer service representative during our normal business hours M-F 8:00am – 6:30pm.
Acc still shows in green. I hope ga does something this week
You know I was sitting here thinking and just realized, when my amount turned green last year, I sat on green for 47 days before I called and lied to them to get it released. I just looked up the complaint I posted on their Facebook page to verify it. I told them WMR said to call the fraud department and they released it that day.
Georgia best not play those games this year. I better see some black Zeros next week. This is not the year for them to hold everyone’s money.
I filed with Hrblock on 2/12 and finally was accepted today. Got email from hrb at 5:05pm est. I checked my ga tax center acct , still doesn’t show my info, but saw on here that others were like that also, then it finally showed. Just happy to see movement with Georgia finally.
I spoke with a DOR representative and was told they are running a strong week behind with accepting filings. I wanted assurance this was not a HRB issue and was told no. For those of us in limbo hang in there. She also mentioned they are handling on a first in (submitted) basis. Makes sense. Congrats to those who have more progress. :)
@mouse yep, that’s when you know for sure. For the last 3 years though, mine would sit in the black for weeks on end. I’d call and call and get nowhere. When I would call and say the WMR message said for me to call the fraud department, they would verify my info and within hours my numbers had changed from black to green and in a day or two, they would zero out and I’d have my refund.
Hey if you have a georgia tax center account your refund amount shows up in green …
A trick to know your refund is on the way 24 hours b4 it deposits into your account, the amount will zero out.
So one day your refund amount is there next its gone and then boom return!!
Ive also never had luck with ga where’s my refund … It never works -
Well that was fast. Woke up by an alert from Georgia DOR that my return had been received. Logged in and refund amount in green. Just waiting on it to be issued now.
Filed 2/1 accepted 2/18 amount showing as green credit balance this morning
Filed on 2/13. GA accepted my return 2/19. The amount is not showing in green in my portal.
Filed on 1/21. Georgia accepted 2/16 about 8pm. Still not even showing up in my DOR account yet. Hopefully it’ll show tomorrow and I won’t have to call 272 times to get them to release it this year.
TT just sent an email about 15 minutes ago saying I was accepted, but GDOR website doesn’t have my refund showing in green yet.
I went through HR Block with Federal accepted on 2/12. Nothing to date with GA. Called HRB and told that all of their customers are showing in filing status with acceptance pending. Nothing posted on DOR to indicate there is a problem. This sucks.
Yes, turbo tax and paid up front
File: Feb.12
Accept: Feb.17 -
My state still hasn’t been accepted and I filed on 2/13
Did you use turbo tax?
Filed Ga on 2/12, still not accepted. no movement, not sure what ga revenue doing. Hopefully we get some updates soon.
My georgia state still hasn’t been accepted. Every year it’s something with them
can someone give me some wisdom: if i put the wrong lived in county on my STATE tax return, not my federal, do i have to amend my federal return as well? and how in the world do i amend my STATE tax form? or will they correct this mistake for me?
My federal is processing but state still hasn’t been received
Still not accepted in GA either. Filed yesterday
Has anyone been accepted yet? Georgia said they were….
I was wondering the same thing I haven’t been accepted yet either
Has anyone been accepted yet? Georgia said they were going to start on the 12th.
Hey y’all!
I filed this year and for the first time I actually owe? It came up to $190 owed which isn’t terrible but I was surprised. Is it because we had to file a 1099-G because my wife received unemployment for a few months in 2020?
Well we been waiting so long. Well the status changed today after calling them again!! Now we finally blacked out zeros!! I hope it comes soon
I got this today fingers crossed they release it anyone else got this
Refund Status
Your return has been received, and it is currently being processed. Please contact the Department at 1-877-GADOR11 (1-877-423-6711), option 3 to speak to a customer service representative during our normal business hours M-F 8:00am – 6:30pm. -
Yall arent the only one waiting. We are still waiting. We call and they can only tell us to wait the full 90 days to process out.
@GsMom, you’re not the only one. I filed back in February and am still waiting. I’ve called and was told nothing was wrong. I just don’t understand as my sister filed the same day and received her state refund a week later.
Well am I the only one still waiting 🥴🤦🏾♀️😭🤣
Well we called the number again and pressed 3&3 and the lady said it’s still processing and nothing is wrong with the return. She said itll be released within 30-60 days….Whew goodness these people but I guess it’s a wait
Glad to see more people calling and getting theirs released. It just pisses me off that we even had to call. They play this game every year for some reason. I honestly think they hope we’ll forget about our state refunds.
I had to do this same thing three years ago then the last two years I had it back within days. Back to calling this year. I think we need to start a campaign and demand answers as to why we even have to call.
Just an update. My return was approved on 2/27/20. I called on Monday and was advised it was still processing; to allow 90 days. I just checked and my balance changed from zero to my return amount in green. Hopefully i get a DDD soon.
@Stacee Again, after reading your response to my comment. I check the State Where’s Your Refund and updated to:
Your refund is scheduled to be transmitted, or was transmitted, to your designated bank account on 4/3/2020.
THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH for the great information!!!!! You are appreciated!
Im so happy for you! I got my DDD this morning for tomorrow. I still don’t have my federal but at least my state is on its way. I am just floored by the fact that we had to call to get movement. Again, congrats and stay safe!!
Thank you soooooo much Stacee!!!! Great information! After reading through the comments on yesterday I called the number and used options 3/3 like you said. I filed on 1/20 and finally zero out this morning.
So I called and it seems they are wanting documentation for my itemized deductions. Mine has been green since 2/4, I have not received any letters or documentation asking for this. So I guess I will have to wait and see. This sucks. Lol.
I am on hold with that number right now .. trying to see what they say. Ill post if anything.
Call back that number and choose 3&3. If you don’t know what Im talking about, scroll back through these comments. I did it yesterday and guess what? I zeroed out this morning. (Been waiting since 1/30) Tell them that the website says 21 days!! If it’s more than 21 days, then there’s a problem. So, either tell me the problem, so I can fix it, or let me have my money.
My BF called just now and they said Its being processed. It could take up to 90 business days and we recieved it March 9th so it’s just a wait…..Welp we tried!
When I called, I told them I’d received an email from the tax advocate that I had contacted and they told me to use options 3 and 3. The lady said oh okay and went straight to it and released it.
I really did get that from the TA. We’d been going bath and forth with emails for a week so I finally did it.
Hope this helps.
So what department are we supposed to contact? My BF is still in the green and its been since March 9th
Well I called, I talked to someone who kept saying, I can’t do anything from the fraud department but then she said “it looks like it’s released, it’s just got to come to you” so, maybe? Fingers crossed!
@needmymoniesnow- thank you! So that’s like the fraud dept, and reporting option? Is basically just to get to a human right?
@Stacee call 877-423-6711 for option 3 and 3.
Hey, for those of you saying to choose 3&3 on the menu, can you tell me what number you are calling? I have the tax resolution number, I just want to make sure I’m calling the most accurate number. Im desperate at this point and sick of waiting!
@ReRe84, that’s about how long it took them to tell me! I was mad as hell. But thank God I got a lady (after calling constantly) to tell me I need to upload my W2. I was like WTF??? I’ve been calling for weeks and they’ve been telling me it’s still processing and nothing is wrong only to find out, something was wrong…ughhhhh
I was told I need to upload a copy of my W2, but it took yall since Feb 4th to tell me all of that and I could have been had my money…smh
I would like to thank you all for the continuous updates because I believe it has helped a lot of people. I called again on 27 Mar; pressed 3, 3 and told the woman that I was told I needed to upload my W2 after I receive a letter. She looked in the system, gave me a submission ID and told me to upload the W2. I uploaded the W2 that morning and checked later that night – the system was updated and reflected a zero balance and the long message. I’m hoping I get a DDD soon.
Well the text I got from GaDor said 3/26 but my DOR account says 3/30 so I assume it was sent but won’t show up until Monday. At least I know it’s on the way.
Will be trying the 3 & 3 thing Monday. Been waiting too long now
So calling and pressing 3 & 3 actually worked I zeros out this morning
@sunsgibe what the heck? Why wait until now to let you know this? I’m calling complete bull. They should’ve sent you a letter long ago if they were gong to pull an audit.
If you don’t get a letter by Wednesday, I’d call the TA’s office and start the process.
I feel so badly for you. *hugs*
Well, they actually looked at my account using the 3,3 system. They told me they would be sending me a letter auditing me. Then I have to send info to prove some of the lines. WTH??
Thank-you Jenny… I will try that in about an hour.
I will let you all know how it goes…
@sunshine when you call the DOR press 3 then 3 again. But this tome tell them that their website indicates that all refunds are processed within 21 business days. Only if your taxes have questionable or wrong information can take the 90 days. I said that to the woman I spoke with and then asked so I’d like to know what is wrong with my return seeing that I’m way past the 21 days. The woman released mine…try that and see if that gets you anywhere and good luck.
@needsmymoniesnow yes I did get my DDD for March 27th. After it zeroed out I got the long message on the where my refund. Then this morning it had my DDD. So I would expect tomorrow you should see your DDD 😊
@Jenny did you get a ddd today?
yes- I emailed…
They answered, I emailed back. They answered again about the 90 days, and I emailed back- for the third time. That was this morning, and it usually takes two days for a reply. So upset…
After my sixth time calling and being told it was processing, nothing is wrong, allow 90 days, I finally called again. This time I was told, they need to verify my W-2. She generated a letter while I was on hold and said I should receive it in 7-10 days. She told me to upload the W-2 (and reference the code on the letter) and call them back 24 hours later. We’ll see how this works out.
So I I had no help sending the email. They replied with the basic wait 90 days. Now today I pressed 3 and 3 and spoke to someone who said my return has been released. So I will see
@sunshine did you try emailing the georgia TA’s office?
I actually did press 3 and then 3. They didn’t care. I will try again… can only pray,,,
@sunshine keep calling! I know I’ve called 20 times but yesterday was the first time I chose 3 and 3. Don’t give up. It’s your money and they’re holding it needlessly.
Congratulations to you both!
Still Green here. Calling did nothing for me yesterday : (
Finally!!! Thank you Jesus and little lady at the DOR!!! Zeroed out!
Hopefully I’ll see that money tomorrow or Monday.
Imma try that extension in the morning cause this is ridiculous
@Jenny thanks. I sure hope so. If I don’t zero out I’ll call back tomorrow. Now that I know I have the department that can do something, I’ll call until I see progress. 😂
Praying I don’t have to though. 🙌
@needsmymoniesnow that is exactly what I did. I called DOR selected 3 and then 3 again yesterday. The lady said she released mine. Woke up to my green numbers zeroed out in black. I hope you see some zeros tomorrow morning. @GAboy call the DOR back select 3 and 3 again. You will be on hold for a while but this may work for you. I waited about 15-20 minutes.
Well I finally got through using 3 and 3. She asked the regular questions plus agi and Put me on hold. Came back and said she verified the account and allow up to 90 Days. I guess I’ll know in the morning if it helped or not. Not feeling hopeful though. 😑
As of now, mine still showing as green. Was accepted on 2/4. … ughhhhh. Never has taken this long !
I finally zeroed out this morning!! Accepted February 4th!!
I filed via snail-mail and selected Direct Deposit using same banking info I’ve used the last 12 years I’ve filed. Today my status said my check was mailed or is scheduled to be mailed on 03/23. Is this a standard message that funds are on the way, or would it have specified “direct deposited” if it was being electronically deposited? For the life of me, I can’t recall if I received a “mailed” message in previous years. Thanks for any feedback.
Thanks for the info. Guess I’ll wait a while longer before pestering them. I imagine if there is an actual error, they’ll send me mail.
As for rural roads and FL, we’ll have to agree to disagree. I’ve spent a good part of 60% of my life in rural FL, and the roads are just as nice as Georgia’s. And in the cities, FL wins hands down. But we’re digressing I guess.
Thanks again for the info.
Me -
@ReRe84 that was my second response from them. The first one was to call and choose 3 then 3. I was on hold so long it disconnected so I sent another email and they came back with that crap.
I need that money to set aside. These people are playing. I hope none of them ever get stuck in this position with their cushy state jobs. 😡
@needsmymoniesnow i got the same 90 days crap also when i sent an email 😡😡😡
Needless to say I sent a reply. It wasn’t pretty. I may be under audit before this is over with. 😂
Just got this response. 🤬
Thank you for contacting the Georgia Department of Revenue.
It may take up to 90 days from the date of receipt by DOR to process a return and issue a refund. Please allow additional time for the processing of your refund.
Taxpayer Resolution Unit
Georgia Department of Revenue
1800 Century Blvd N.E. | Atlanta, GA 30345
Phone: (877) 423-6711
dor.georgia.gov -
Dont know about you guys. Still Green Since 2/4. I’m sure this virus crap hasn’t helped the situation either.
@Me ” Error Timely” just means they haven’t finished processing it yet
As far as doing away with state taxes, I lived in Florida for a few years and no thank you. That’s part of the reason things are so much higher there and rural roads are HORRIBLE. They have no constant flown of tax distribution to offset for needs such as road repairs. Part of the reason Florida’s low income are moving to Georgia is because of the higher cost of living.
My BF status changed from saying it was received and being processed and to call them to the short message (It has been received and being processed please give us 90 days blah blah) So I guess he should update soon hopefully
@TJ Yes your DDD should come in one or 2 days from now! Keep checking on it! I remember mind zerod out Saturday got a DDD 2 days later
My issue is a bit different. I actually owe taxes this year (good problem to have). Sent them the money, they took it out. I check my DOR status, and it says Error – Timely…. Ugh. Now I have to call. I freaken hate phones.
All of this is a good reason you and everyone else should be supporting abolishing the income tax here in favor of a sales tax like FL and TN have. So much easier there…
My return was submitted and received on Wednesday. Thursday it showed my amount as green. Today, Friday, it shows black zeros. Does that mean my refund is coming? I haven’t gotten the email about my refund but I went from green to black
I didn’t talk to them on the phone. I just emailed them and they emailed me back. [email protected]
Mizgizmo so you emailed them and they called you or did everything through email?
@mizzgizmo84 what is the email address you sent your grievance to?
@travellife I told them that I filed Feb 1 n still hadn’t got my refund n that people filing after me had gotten theirs. I told them I really needed my money because of the covid virus. On my DOR file it had 2 other yrs green also. They said they reviewed it and updated. I looked n now everything has been zeroed out. I’m hoping to get my refund soon.
Missgizmo84 what did you say to the tax advocate?
@mctaxes My BF just called cause he had that message too. They told him that it was a credit error and it’s fixed now and being processed. Please give them a call
I sent an email to the tax advocate yesterday. They reviewed my file and said they updated it. Everything has now been zeroed out including my 2019 taxes. So since it’s been zeroed out does that mean I’ll be receiving my refund soon?
When I look at my DOR account and look at all the tax seasons listed it shows that this year’s, last year’s, and the year before(2019,2018,2017) that the amounts are still green and are not zeroed out. But all the years before that ARE zeroed out. My question is….if there are green balances does that mean I never received my state for those years? why is there still a green balance? Anyone else had this problem?
My refund was received today. I spoke to the supervisor on Tuesday. Asked about the hold up. She reviews my file and received funds today. I hope y’all can connect with the same person I did.
Sat on hold for over three hours yesterday and then disconnected… never spoke with anyone.
o.m.g. awful what kind of an answer is that,
Thank you for contacting the department with concerns about your refund. For additional assistance, please dial 1(877) 423-6711, when prompted please select option#3 and option#3 again.
For additional questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us directly.
Taxpayer Resolution Unit
Georgia Department of Revenue
1800 Century Blvd N.E. | Atlanta, GA 30345
Phone: (877) 423-6711
dor.georgia.gov -
Still green since 2/4. Called the DOR and was told that Everything was good with my taxes and she didn’t know what the hold up was. Was told to call back in a few days.
@sunshine thanks. We’ll be okay. Many won’t though and could use their refund to help stock up on food and such
Hopefully we’ll hear something from the tax advocates today.
Still on green. 🙄
@needmymoniesnow – oh my goodness. I am so sorry- what an awful situation! And on top of that, they are sitting there holding our money. So done with this, and none of them care…
When I emailed the tax advocate I told him my issue and also that there seemed to be a bottleneck for the Feb. 3 and 4 filers. I hope they help – I hate this : (
@sunshine I know. I was just put Out of work for 3 weeks. I have 2 weeks paid but one week will take all of our savings. I’m sick. Waiting on results and lol I work for the lab doing most of the testing. Won’t know anything for three days but because I have a cough and drainage (allergies) and have been exposed to positive patients, I’m out.
Not a vacation I’m enjoying.
What a nightmare : (
@needmymoniesnow I just emailed too. Thanks for suggesting that.
I need this desperately…
This is the email for the Georgia tax advocate. I just sent an email. I’ll try this route and see what happens.
GA big bro
@cashflow.. I will try again tomorrow morning. Thanks for the advace.
They are literally holding our money. She put me on hold for 5-6 minutes. Reviewed my file and said I released it for you.
That sucks had I been thinking I would have gotten a name. My message said my deposit will hit tomorrow and my green is 0.00 in black now. I was so excited thinking maybe they had been advised to help people but keep
Calling because they did release mine right away. -
GA big bro
@Cashflow, yep i specifically asked for the Refund Dept; then asked for the Supervisor;
told them i really really need the money due to the coronavirus and some other sob/sad stories (needed money for a transplant, etc…). They said that they understand and empathized with me, BUT!! gotta wait for 90days since they could not expedite refunds.:-(
That sucks maybe I just caught the right one on the right day. Are you asking for the refund department supervisor
GA big bro
@Cashflow I just got off the phone with GOT; asked for Supvr; told me the same as @TonyT
smh -
@Cashflow When i called and spoke to supervisor she told me unfortunately theres nothing that can be done to speed up the process and that i would have to call back after 90days which would be June 10th. Different stories i guess i gave them the whole spill of why i need my money also. Green since Jan 30th and according to her they didn’t start processing till Feb 3rd for everyone.
Folks calling works. I was zero balance this morning in my ga tax account and I got notice of of my refund. I called asked to speak to a supervisor in the refund department and asked if they would expedite because my husband was off work due to health crisis. Next day cash transmitted. The lady reviewed my file while we were on the phone and told me it was released. Good luck. They are holding y’all money for some reason
@hiswife January 27th with TurboTax
When did you file?
What exactly did they tell you when you called regarding your refund that made you ask for a supervisor?
Were you “in review” by a human or “in process” and they just hadn’t gotten to your return yet? -
I called they ain’t helping nobody Willingly
I was just thinking that with so many people being put out of work, you’d think the would be in a hurry to release refunds so people could have that little extra.
Call and ask for a supervisor in the refund division. I requested mine get reviewed due to conditions with closing of businesses. They released mine. Just let them know you need your refund :)
Filed 03/10
Checked WMR State Ga transmitted 03/17/20
Problem is I filed with TurboTax and Opt For the
Card and Sad part Turbo haven’t even mailed my card yet -
I filed on 2/10 and my federal already came and went (offset for school loans)… but all I see for state Is…
Your return has been received, and it is currently being processed. Please contact the Taxpayer Services Division at 1-877-GADOR11 (1-877-423-6711) to speak to a customer service representative during our normal business hours M-F 8am -5pm.
Anyone else??
Still green 😔
still green here. 42 days now!
Still green.
Still green from 2/4… . Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Just think how great our healthcare system would be if it was Government ran… . Lol.. what a joke.
still green : (
Update Very Nice…Website Said Refund Would Be Transmitted On The 12th…I Wake Up Check My Account And Refund Was Deposited 😁
Still green.
@Tax2020 I’d call. It might be as simple as an other the phone verification and they’ll release your refund. I’ve done that before and had my money a few days later.
Your return has been received, and it is currently being processed. Please contact the Taxpayer Services Division at 1-877-GADOR11 (1-877-423-6711) to speak to a customer service representative during our normal business hours M-F 8am -5pm.
Has anyone received this?
ugggg still on green for state and today my federal was supposed to be deposited with chime and Nothing yet. Very annoying.
2/4 still on green. So tired of looking only to be disappointed.
I just checked and I’m still green..2/4 accepted.
Mine has been on green since 2/4, I have seen no change since. I even checked this morning.
Still stuck here at green since Feb 3.
Has anyone else thats been stuck for over a month seen any change?
@YaBoiDre I am so happy for you. So glad you got what you needed. I know what that feels like. Need this money very badly as I am in a terrible situation right now. You gave me hope
: ) -
@Sunshine I was accepted on February 6th.
@needmymoniesnow…I mean I need it… didn’t even get federal because of a dumb old student loan…all $1000 of my refund offset…but I just received this text
Your refund is scheduled to be transmitted, or was transmitted, to your designated bank account on 3/10/2020. Please allow 10 business days from that date to confirm receipt.Thank God!!!
@YoBoiDre congrats. At least someone is seeing some progress.
@YaBoiDre yes, black zeros means you are done and will receive your ddd in a day or so. What date were you accepted- was it Feb 4?
Well last night balance showed green…logon this morning and had black zeroes…so does that mean my refund is on the way?? I hope so..was on green for over a month!
@ needmymoniesnow
Great info I did contact them. ASAP!
Same. Told everything was fine. No verification or anything needed just had to wait for it to process out of the system.
*Huge eye roll*
still on green since 2/5 good lord
Still on green since 2/6. Spoke to a rep today who told me my return looks fine and that it is in a normal processing stage and to call back 30 days from now if I had not received anything
Still on green as of 2/4. Nothing has changed in my tax situation in years. Refund is to be deposited into my bank that I’ve used for years. So, I’m just not understanding what the actual hold up is. I called the Georgia Tax Center and was told that everything was good and that’s all they can say. 🤔
Same here still green since 2/4.. Starting to get ridiculous……
Still green since opening day!
Still green 2/5
@cashflow it doesn’t matter. My state is going straight to my bank account. What’s happened is 2/4 filers are bottlenecked behind everyone who has filed since us and they’re not doing anything to move us on out.
I just posted the email and phone number to the head of the DOR. What we all need to do is start emailing his media contact (see post below) and draw enough attention to the problem.
David M. Curry
State Revenue Commissioner
Department of Revenue
1800 Century Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30345
404-417-2101/faxHere’s his media contact email
mailto:[email protected]
The routing number belongs to green dot bank!!! They mainly do prepaid cards including TT . With that being said are you waiting as well with a prepaid card like TT
@cashflow they don’t know you use the TT card. There’s nothing that would flag that.
I am thinking it is the TurboTax cards sending a flag. I have the same deduction a lower return the only thing done different is using the TurboTax refund card
Still on green here! So upset… everytime I call they say the 90 day thing! I do not know what to do…. sick of this nonsense!!!
Same here!! Still on green since 2/4. Our tax situation has not changed in years. Same company, same deductions/credits, just a slight increase in our income through the years. We’ve already received our federal and have never had to wait this long for our state. We used to have to pay in federal and state until our two children were born and you better believe they want their money ASAP!!
Sick of these people!!! I’ve called several tames and just keep getting told I have to give them 90 Days.
I certainly don’t get 90 Days to pay my property taxes or car tag.
Been sitting there looking at my refund since 2/4. This is complete nonsense.
Also still on green since 2/4. My federal just finally updated with a 3/11 DDD but no idea what the deal is with Georgia.
I’m still on green, is anyone else. Been quite in here the last few days? Mine was accepted on 2/4.
No movement..still on green. Accepted by state 2/4
I have a ddd of 3/6. I hope everyone has a change in status
Still on green since 2/4
Just checked and I am zeroed out, hopefully ddd soon. I hope you all see a change soon also. Accepted on 2/8 had been green up until today.
same…. still stuck on green…over a month…
Filed/accepted 02/02 & received state just under 2 weeks later. Still waiting on federal.
Same, stuck on green. 2/4 and counting. Definitely calling today and asking for the fraud department. Going to tell them Georgia is fraudulently holding my money.
Anyone had any luck today ? Still on green. . lol.
I think it’s hopeless at this point. No movement. Stuck since 2/3.
@needmymoniesnow thanks! Yea, it seems that way! Hopefully, we will get our coins by the weekend 🤔
@Jenny 2/4. Same as everyone else stuck in this boat.
@needmymomiesnow when did your return get accepted by the state. Mine was 2/4. This is the first year that it has taken a long time to get my refund.
@ gaboy requesting a refund won’t work. That’s actually for sales tax. I asked about that last year.
@Chevy wrong as I have no credits to prove. I had a straight simple return with one W2. Same address same company for the last 23 years. No credits for Georgia. I paid in much much more than I’m getting back.
Ya my amount is still showing in green.. I wonder if we need to request a refund? I filed mine with Turbo Tax and it was accepted on 2/4, and the amount has been green for several weeks. Still showing green as of today.
if you have not received your refund yet and filed in early February, your more than likely gonna be asked to send in documents before credits are added to your return.
GA Return accepted on 2/4…absolutely nothing :-( Generic message of 90 day processing.
34 days since they received it- been green since the first day they opened.
Mine was accepted 2/8 also still green. My daughter did her taxes about 2 Sunday’s ago, this was her first time filing and she received a check in the mail for her State. I have never waited this long for State.
Anyone receive their Georgia refund yet? Accepted on 2/4 and I’m still on green. Showing the generic message on Georgia where’s my refund. I’ve always received my state refund before my federal. Anyone know what is the hold up?
Yeah the 2/4 filers seem to be stuck but then when I dig around I see people that this happened to last year that filed in March or April and didn’t get their refund back until June or July. Some even called in September.
Still stuck on green.
Exactly. They told me 90-180 business days.
Just awful!
Just got off the phone with DoR. I was told to allow the 90 days but to expect it to take much longer. Apparently they are still trying to process returns and distribute refunds for 2018. I have figured out that if you sweet talk the rep on the phone then you can get them to give real answers and not the scripted crap they feed everyone. Oh well, so much for a quick turn around.
GA DDD of 3/2. Paid fees upfront. Using TT card. Does the state <span id=”IL_AD1″ class=”IL_AD”>send</span> a notification the day business day before my DDD? Or I won’t see anything until my DDD?
How did you find your GA DDD?
GA DDD of 3/2. Paid fees upfront. Using TT card. Does the state send a notification the day business day before my DDD? Or I won’t see anything until my DDD?
@StillGreen have you called them?
We had a 3k return…and the slashed it to $600 and we’re finally receiving it. No rhyme or reason. We don’t owe, no kind of offsets, idk what they’re up to.
It’s listed under Georgia Department of Revenue
They seem to be removing comments. There were a lot more the other day. I just keep reposting every time they take it down.
Still on green since I filed.
My return was single – around 1K – so we seem to be all over the place. Don’t see any correlation or pattern to us all waiting like this.
Has anyone heard anything about why it is taking so long?
Completely unbelievable.-
Wish I knew their fb page- I would comment there too.
Well I filed married joint on 1-30 and accepted state on feb 4th. I have been on green since then. A little over 4K state return and was thinking that it was because of the amount but some others are really low amount still green. This is stupid waiting this long.
Their not even replying to fb comments
Been that way since 2/3 as well.
Married, filing joint, one W2, no dependents.
$886 coming back.
Received my federal on Tuesday.
Everything is exactly the same for us that it’s been for the last 23 years, nothing but one job change in that time. We’ve NEVER waited this long. Blow up their Facebook page like everyone else.
@sunshine filed 2-1, accepted 2-1. ECTC and Head of Household. Getting back just under $1000. Been green since day 1
@ sunshine filed 1/27, HOH both credits and getting back under $300
Anyone else that is still on green- what info have you heard or gotten about why we are still on green this long? Of course, they tell us the same BS about waiting 90 business days (until June 15th) before calling, but anything else?
I just don’t understand…..
I am also wondering what we all have in common- maybe the amount the others got is smaller, or maybe we all filed same status, etc…
This is so unacceptable : (
Received my federal refund this am. I don’t remember ever receiving federal before my state refund. Hopefully you guys receive your federal also. Filed both on 1-27, and accepted on 1-30. Still green.. “Phuckum”
@Sunshine in 4 days it a be one whole month. I’m over it at this point
well- in three days I will be on green for one full month…
I cannot understand what order they are going in as so many people are getting their refunds and I am still sitting on green… this is depressing : ( -
got my ddd for 2/26 waiting to see how long it takes to post to tt card. took until 7pm to get my federal with a ddd of 2/26
Green since Feb 6th Here
Feb 4 and still green….. Not sure what is happening but this is crazy. I will have my federal before state.
Do they ever update during the day, or is it only overnight??
Zeroed out today and it switched to the long message. Accepted Feb 4th or 5th. If my case is the same as others’, this means DD in 2-3 days I guess…?
Still green since opening day. Have called at least ten times. Have done three refund requests. Nothing to lose since they aren’t sending me my money anyway,
last year i had the 90 day message and mine didn’t zero out for 3 months. this year already at a month.
Accepted 2/4 or 2/5, still green. Like others, I have the return has been accepted, please allow 90 days for processing, etc. Also called, the lady was nice but she said she couldn’t tell anything and to….wait…90….days…REEEEEEEE
Geez for real I’m about to have to start making contingency plans. I wish there was a better way to at least know when the money is coming for sure so we could make arrangements.
@Still Green, you won’t even get a check until the numbers turn to a black 0.00 and you’re issued a date within 24-48 hours after they do.
When they turn black, your DDD is on the way.
Still green since Feb 3 but have DD date for my federal ..only my 4th year in state and never took this long :0(
Does anyone know if the numbers will stay green until I cash the check or will they zero out before they send the check?
By the way I am still green since Feb 4 2020 as well. Thanks
Accepted 2/5- still on green as well 😌
still on green since FEB 3rd- No movement…
Filed with turbotax 2/18 accepted 2/18 with eic and ctc and have a dd of 2/25
anyone with DDD of 02/24 receive their funds yet?
Navy Federal just released my funds! Good luck to those still waiting DDD…
Filed jan 22nd.
Accepted feb 4th
Zeroed out the 19th
DD of 2/24
But i called them and they said its been transfered already to my account but no deposit yet. I see a couple of other BOA users got their deposits this morning. I use BOA but i had my refund sent to my green dot checking account i set up hoping it would be faster. Should have used my BOA account. And im guessing no deposits over weekends so hopefully monday -
I finally zeroed out this am!!
2/4 accepted
recieved verify return letter on 2/13
verified on 2/20 immediately changed to 90 day message
2/21 got the long 90 day message
zeroed out this am… hoping for a ddd soon -
Same here. All they’ve said every time I call is the stupid 90 Days. Said she didn’t see any issues everything looked fine.
I was digging around and seeing where people were calling 6 months after they’d filed when they realized they never received their refund and had to get them to release it.
Okay – looks like there are a few of us that are on green since opening day.
What have they said when you have spoken to them? For me, they said 90 days blah, blah, blah…
Filed 1/27. Georgia accepted my return the first day they opened and I am still on green
@Travellife- I believe we are the same. I filed Jan 28th and was accepted the first day that they opened! This is so awful!!
22 days on green at this point…. I’m about to start looking for ways to complain against the state
20 Days on Green
Dor said ddd for 2/24 but the email and text msg says 2/20. Received my dd at 2 am this morning. I bank with boa. Hope this helps and I pray you all will see updates soon. Happy taxmas
Im confused. I have a date of 24 feb that it will be transmitted but when i call it says its been transfered to my account already
Same here. Text and email say it was transmitted on the 20th… WMR says the 24th…@givememy_money… Glad we finally zeros out after that verification letter charade we went through.
Woke up to a text and email for ddd of 2/20 but I check the status of my refund, it says ddd of 2/24!
Well I called federal and have a 2/26 ddd so I feel a little better. I just tried to call Georgia and hung up after 30 minutes on hold. 😡
I know they’ll update tonight so I’m praying to at least zero out.
Does their website ONLY update overnight?
Or …. has anyone ever gotten an update during the day or evening?
I am wondering if there would ever be a change during the day, or no need to check after the morning?
Checked today. Says it will be transmitted to my account the 24th. I called the number and it said over the phone that it was transmitted to my account and i talked to the lady on the phone and she said please allow 10-15 bussiness days for my bank to post it. Wtf.
@Sunshine Wow now its 90-180 days! Its past ridiculous now. :/
I just called again. This lady said it can take anywhere from 90 business days to 180 business days and that I shouldn’t call until it has reached that point.
How are so many people zeroing out then??
Still on green. Ridiculous. Yeah, I’m calling when I get off at noon. I’m calling the fraud department and recommending they report themselves.
@KB Thanks- this is so upsetting- but I feel better knowing that there are a few others also waiting because then at least I think it wasn’t just “lost” or something.
@Sunshine dont worry youre not the only one. It is ridiculous this amt of wait. Would love to tell the s