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If you claimed the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) or Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC) you will have values on Form 1040 Lines 27 and/or 28. If you claimed these credits, your refund is subject the the PATH Act and could see the Path message on the WMR. When you check the status of your tax refund on the IRS Where’s My Refund tool, you with see the PATH message until after February 15th. This does not apply if you only claimed the standard Child Tax Credit (CTC).
To see if you claimed these credits, look at your 1040 Tax Form
Look on Page 2 of the 1040
Line 27 – EITC
If there is a value on Line 27, your refund is subject to the Path Act because of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC).
Line 28 – ACTC
If there is a value on Line 28, your refund is subject to the Path Act because of the Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC).
Line 19 – CTC
If there is a value on Line 19 ONLY, but not the others your refund is NOT subject Path Act.
PATH Act Status message
What is the Path Act?
The Protecting American From Tax Hikes (PATH) Act is a law that was enacted in 2015. Part of the PATH Act affects those filing with Earned Income Credit (EIC) or the Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC) as those refunds cannot be issued prior to February 15th.
According to the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act, the IRS cannot issue refunds before mid-February for tax returns that claim the Earned Income Tax Credit or the Additional Child Tax Credit. This applies to the entire refund, even the portion not associate with these credits. Check Where’s My Refund in mid- to late February for your personalized refund status. It’s updated once a day and remains the best way to check the status of your refund.
You can read more about the Path Act here.
Hi, I got some movement on my tax records. I am waiting on my 845 code I think that’s the release code. Also I got a date Feb. 24? What does that mean? I feel like I am going to wake up to a deposit like any day now.
OK this is the longest I have ever waited on taxes and it’s ridiculous. Original taxes received 2/9/24. 5/1/24 notice issued, in meantime I’m reviewing all my crap through turbo tax and notice that one of my w2 and one insurance 1095a did not transcribe over so I amend my return. 5/20/24 received notice
They did not mention other w2 but focused on 1095a. All fixed received my amended return and processing 7/29/24 my as of date 8/12/24 I am owed refund also notice issued on 8/12/24 crap now what? 8/16/24 notice received saying as of 8/12 if you have not received already you will receive it within week. An Adjustment was made and your new refund is ****. The 19th was a week no updates
Accepted on 03/11 W2, Paths and 1099NEC Earnings. Still no movement. What does this mean?
What are considered “bad” codes?
@Sheila_33: hello makes sense I did go and check transcripts today mon feb12 24 and code section says no return filed :/
Just got the PATH message on wmr yesterday 2/11/24. Accepted 1/24/24 from what I saw we are the weekly batch cycle 06.
@Blckmgck: Sounds like you may be under the path, and you may not have to wait until June. If no bad codes popped up along with the credits on your transcripts then you may see a refund date Saturday.
@blckmgck You are just on the PATH.
Hello I’m wondering if my refund will delay the same time this year because of what ever reason last year I got my refund on June and I filed on February after the path act date . This year efiled on January 31st and wmr says I need to wait until the 15 to check the status of my refund. Idk I’m so confused
Anyone get a change on wmr for the path message. I’ve had the path message since my tax’s were accepted 1/29
@LWA: same here
Be nice if the IRS out a date that they received the e file return on the where’s my refund tool .
@waiting577: either wait or refile
@LWA: same for me. I am not sure why I have that message and I clearly make too much to claim either tax credit.
I got the path message on wmr but both lines are blank on my tax return
How can I get the tax hook up?
@Mary: right?? It’s so annoying. 🙄
I e-filed on 1/23/2023. IRS still has not accepted return. Is there anything I need to do?
Sure wish they would do away with this (IGMR) is not affiliated with any government agencies. The information we provide is purely speculative. We derive our information from personal experiences and comments from users. We attempt to maintain the most relevant and accurate information available. However, we are neither responsible for false information nor the timeliness of refund status and delivery. DO NOT post the amount of your refund, account numbers or social security number. By commenting you agree that IGMR cannot be held liable for what others may do with your information. We allow comments subject to our sole discretion. If your comment is held for moderation please read How We Moderate Comments HWMC. The links on our site are affiliate links. If you buy something after clicking a link, we may make a small amount of money to support the cost of maintaining and improving the site. This website is owned and independently operated apart from advertisers and is only an affiliate to the companies displayed in ads.
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