Tax Refund Loan – H&R Block Emerald Advance

Go to tax refund loan products updated for 2018.

Tax Refund Loans Available in November 2015

In November 2015, H&R block will begin offering their tax refund loan product called Emerald Advance which is based on the tax refund you expect to received in 2016. You may being applying for a refund loan in local H&R block offices.  The tax refund loan, if approved, is posted on an Emerald Prepaid MasterCard. When you receive your tax refund, it is applied to the balance to pay down the loan if you choose. This is different than Refund Anticipation Loans that were offered in the past because after you receive a tax refund loan from H&R Block, you will continue to have access to the line of credit all year!

Benefits of the Emerald Advance

  • H&R Block Emerald Prepaid MasterCard allows for easy and early access to an amount of your estimated tax refund.
  • You can use a portion of your tax refund to pay down the balance.
  • Access to credit year-round

How do I apply?

Visit a participating office starting in November 2015 or call 866-852-9250 today to schedule an appointment.  You can also sign up now to received a notification when the application period will open.  Go to their page for the sign up notification:  H&R Block Refund Loan

What to bring

  • Current earnings statement (e.g. pay stub)
  • Unexpired government-issued photo ID (e.g. valid driver’s license)
  • Your Emerald Card (if you have one)

For More Information about the refund loan process, go directly to the H&R Block Site for details about the Emerald Card Advance.

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