key tax return and refund dates
When can you file your taxes?
You can submit your tax return before the IRS begins processing as early as the first week of the year with many tax preparation providers. You don’t need to wait until the IRS begins accepting tax returns but you must have the proper forms and paperwork. Some forms are not available until mid January. Tax returns filed before the IRS officially opens sit in a “queue” and are held until the IRS officially begins accepting tax returns.
Your tax return may be selected in a test batch. If you e-file early and it sits in queue, your return may be sent to the IRS early. This can result in early direct deposits depending on the payment provider you select. Our cycle chart will update with key dates including test batch dates.
When does the IRS accept tax returns?
The IRS usually opens around the third week of January each year. They announce the opening date early in January.
The IRS will begin accepting tax returns in 2025 on January 27th.
When is the IRS test batch?
If you file your tax return early, it may be sent to the IRS in a test batch before the IRS has officially opened for the year. It is usually a week before the date the IRS begins accepting tax returns. This has resulted in refunds in the past that can be posted by direct deposit as early as the day after tax season opens.
When will I get my tax refund?
Early filers whose returns are accepted in a test batch can anticipate a tax refund as early as the day after the IRS opens the January filing season if your return was in the test batch. The day that the IRS deposits refunds varies for regular returns but we notice trends based on the method you chose to file and select to direct deposit. You can use our tax refund calendar or refund cycle chart to help find out when you will get your tax refund.
Where is the IRS refund cycle chart?
The official tax refund cycle chart published by the IRS has been eliminated and replaced with IRS FAQ. Refund cycle charts are now published by independent websites and vary slightly.
A good reference to use is the When To Expect My Refund cycle chart that is published early each year by the College Investor.
tax refund grapevine
This is a user-to-user community of taxpayers. Share experiences and ask questions below in our Live Discussion. We have learned more about tax refunds than we ever wanted to know.
tax refund tools
IRS Update Cycle
Use the IRS Update Cycle chart to find the days and times the WMR and transcript update.
When are Updates?
The IRS has regular mass update cycles.
Where’s My Refund can update any day of the week. But there are mass updates on Wednesday and Saturday when a lot of people see an update. Use our calendar to find out what day you can expect to see updates on Where’s My Refund.
WHEN DO transcripts update?
Transcripts can update any day of the week. But there are mass updates on Tuesday and Friday. Use our calendar to find out what day you can expect to see an update on your transcript.
@NYkhidd: a day before it updated?
So does that mean it was deposited on the Thursday before the Friday update. ?? About February 13
@OLTFREEFILER: wow yours went through fast, I was accepted on the 21st and mines still says being processed for over a week and I don’t even have to verify anything or it’s nothing wrong with my return at all, there slow for me this year.
Filed 1/27, accepted 1/27 movement on transcripts. IRS WMR has changed to return is still being processed with tax topic 152. Have been a weekly for years
Question.. I filed as married filing separate on Jan 30th. Was accepted Jan 30th. Not a PATHer. I’m on 1 bar, 152 status on WMR.
However, I’m an idiot and I just realized I filed my taxes using 2023 W2 (same W2 I filed with last year)
My question is, since I was Accepted, will I definitely get the refund I’ve been expecting and then will have to amend? Or will IRS catch the mistake this week?
@Jenkz: that’s for weeklies of course .. dailies will see deposits starting around the 18th .. we got deposits first last year path released the day before weeklies updated last year .. it was perfect
@Jenkz: first path deposits should be 2/21 that same Friday for people with no fees … paid upfront . When the 846 hit the transcript between 3-6am .. the deposit usually follows same day as early as 12pm .. it come directly from the IRS when you have no fees or paid upfront and NO HOLD cards of course like chime etc .. some traditional banks like chase .. BOA etc hold til the day of the DDD
Hi all on this wonderful forum! Anyone have any insight on what could possibly be the first DDD for pathers who are daily with as of 2/17 who are just waiting on the 846 code to show on transcripts?
Quick question so path won’t lift until 15th a Saturday so weeklies wont see anything until following Saturday wmr n transcripts Friday with dd of 2/26 2/27 ?
Are they working on transcripts all day today 2-4-25, or was it just an update at midnight? We feel they are moving slow and we would otherwise been almost had our refund.
@DebMom: who knows honestly? There is zero rhyme or reason to IRS timeframes
@OLTFREEFILER: factamundo!! got my state last night.. never got it early for starters im a PATHer let the lifts begin right lol
@ErisedMai: okay, does that bank allow it to check your things like sbptg does? I didn’t know it went thru somewhere different with the 5 day early deposit.
@Vanessaa: No, WMR always updates a day later than transcripts. Sounds like everything is normal.
@StressedTFout: Sbtpg doesn’t handle your refund if you opted for 5 days early with TT, its a bank called cross river bank that does.
@shelleybeanss: That must by why, I don’t think I ever filed before mid February before this year.
anyone? did the path msg change this year im supposed to c no bars at this pt and my path msg correct ? they change up every year with small little things we dont notice til last minute lol so every year be diff suprises
I also wish one of my missing 1099s could show up so I can file. ugggh
VA state UPDATE!! accepted on 1/28, VWMR showed processing Fri, 1/31, updated today,2/4, to approved ddd 2/11! 1 week to process, another week to dd, 2 weeks from file to cash….fair enough! Now come on feds! pathers!
@StressedTFout: you will not see the release code until after the 15th of February. You’re just waiting for the PATH to lift.
@Justin05255 I wish!
I filed on 1-13-25, was accepted on 1-17-25 ( assuming a test batch) transcripts updated lasr Thursday with 150, 766, and 768 cycle code ending with 04 as of date 2-10. I opted for 5 days early with TT, transcript says processing date of 2-17. SBTPG says my account cannot be found when I enter my info in. I’m probably just freaking myself out but has this happened to anyone else? I have EIC so I am a pather and WMR has the path act message which updated to that last Thursday. Someone tell me something good so I can rest tonight
So what the turn around this year for uncomplicated returns with no credits? One week or two?
@Vanessaa: it will update tomorrow morning
Transcripts for 2024 updated they were not last night and total balance owed $0.00 but my wage transcript didn’t, is this good codes 150 806 766 768 and cycle 20250602 date 2/24/2025 I check wmr We have received your tax return and it is being processed. Tax topic 152. But no path message yet . Should I be worried
@NotsignedinKymama84: thank you soo much!
@Lisha: when filling out first time filers , prior year AGI is enter as 0. Hope this helps you , as I just filed my college age son who filed first time at 21.
Good Morning, can anyone tell me if there’s a way to file electronically without having the prior years AGI. My nephew will be filing for the first time. Thanks in advance.
Good Morning, just an update. My transcripts populated this morning with cycle code 20250602 refund date 2/7/2025. I filed 1/22/2025 accepted 1/23/2925. Last week my transcripts had zero’s with an as of date 2/17/2025. Glad I updated. Thought something was wrong since I was in the test batch and stuck in limbo. Hope everyone waiting to update will have good news this week!!!!
@Pleaseeee: I still don’t have as well .. I filed on 31st and returned was received but transcripts are showing non file message
So i filed last year, but never got my refund. What number can I call to check on this or is there something I can fill out on this years Tax to get my refund from last year?? any phone numbers?? they keep teeling under review, it was a simple 1040 , One job no child etc..
@WA State girl 22: I’m a weekly and have not had that same experience. Last year it took 8 months to get processed, and they owed me interest. Year before it took 2 months to process. I hate being a weekly
Transcripts for 2024 updated they were not last night and total balance owed $0.00 but my wage transcript didn’t, is this good codes 150 806 766 768 and cycle 20250602 date 2/24/2025
Good Morning y’all!
@Morris: 🤷🏻♂️😭😭😭😭😭
@froglover7m4: If I don’t see an update by Friday I’m going to start worrying. So far it isn’t fast for me.
@Morris: I honestly expected a review at the least because we had so many changes this year. I changed jobs, claimed education credits, gained a familial dependent, etc. and I think this is the fastest I’ve ever seen.
@froglover7m4: The IRS process is a mess. I got accepted on the 24th, but still no transcripts, and you got accepted on the 31st and showing updated transcripts.
I still don’t have access to see my transcripts for 2024. Anyone else?
Hi everyone. I filed Friday (1/31/25). Accepted same day. As of yesterday my transcripts wasn’t even there for the most part and what was was blank. I checked just now and everything is populated with an “as of” date of Feb 24th. All good codes. Just waiting on the 846 as I’m a pather. Is movement usually this quick?
@LWBOSS: I filed 1/24, accepted 1/27. Received DD for Va state refund 1/30, I actually got the check in the mail on 2/1. I owed a debt so that was deducted & a check was mailed. It said I would get the check in 7-10 days, but that was not the case at all. VA moved very quickly for me this year, even with a reduced amount (IGMR) is not affiliated with any government agencies. The information we provide is purely speculative. We derive our information from personal experiences and comments from users. We attempt to maintain the most relevant and accurate information available. However, we are neither responsible for false information nor the timeliness of refund status and delivery. DO NOT post the amount of your refund, account numbers or social security number. By commenting you agree that IGMR cannot be held liable for what others may do with your information. We allow comments subject to our sole discretion. If your comment is held for moderation please read How We Moderate Comments HWMC. The links on our site are affiliate links. If you buy something after clicking a link, we may make a small amount of money to support the cost of maintaining and improving the site. This website is owned and independently operated apart from advertisers and is only an affiliate to the companies displayed in ads.
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