key tax return and refund dates
When can you file your taxes?
You can submit your tax return before the IRS begins processing as early as the first week of the year with many tax preparation providers. You don’t need to wait until the IRS begins accepting tax returns but you must have the proper forms and paperwork. Some forms are not available until mid January. Tax returns filed before the IRS officially opens sit in a “queue” and are held until the IRS officially begins accepting tax returns.
Your tax return may be selected in a test batch. If you e-file early and it sits in queue, your return may be sent to the IRS early. This can result in early direct deposits depending on the payment provider you select. Our cycle chart will update with key dates including test batch dates.
When does the IRS accept tax returns?
The IRS usually opens around the third week of January each year. They announce the opening date early in January.
The IRS will begin accepting tax returns in 2025 on January 27th.
When is the IRS test batch?
If you file your tax return early, it may be sent to the IRS in a test batch before the IRS has officially opened for the year. It is usually a week before the date the IRS begins accepting tax returns. This has resulted in refunds in the past that can be posted by direct deposit as early as the day after tax season opens.
When will I get my tax refund?
Early filers whose returns are accepted in a test batch can anticipate a tax refund as early as the day after the IRS opens the January filing season if your return was in the test batch. The day that the IRS deposits refunds varies for regular returns but we notice trends based on the method you chose to file and select to direct deposit. You can use our tax refund calendar or refund cycle chart to help find out when you will get your tax refund.
Where is the IRS refund cycle chart?
The official tax refund cycle chart published by the IRS has been eliminated and replaced with IRS FAQ. Refund cycle charts are now published by independent websites and vary slightly.
A good reference to use is the When To Expect My Refund cycle chart that is published early each year by the College Investor.
tax refund grapevine
This is a user-to-user community of taxpayers. Share experiences and ask questions below in our Live Discussion. We have learned more about tax refunds than we ever wanted to know.
tax refund tools
IRS Update Cycle
Use the IRS Update Cycle chart to find the days and times the WMR and transcript update.
When are Updates?
The IRS has regular mass update cycles.
Where’s My Refund can update any day of the week. But there are mass updates on Wednesday and Saturday when a lot of people see an update. Use our calendar to find out what day you can expect to see updates on Where’s My Refund.
WHEN DO transcripts update?
Transcripts can update any day of the week. But there are mass updates on Tuesday and Friday. Use our calendar to find out what day you can expect to see an update on your transcript.
@TisTheSeasonOfTorture: usually tonight is a WMR update but in all honesty, this year has been anything but usual.
What if any update is there tonight?
@Harry a: If you count the actual calendar days today is day 60 for us dated
570 3/11
971 3/18
@PatBrooks: congratulations 🎉
When did you file?
I finally updated on WMR!
They are moving slowwww this year.
Hang in there you gals and guys, It’s coming!!
Hello all, was to be expected, I guess🙄…. A BIG FAT HEAPING SPOONFUL OF 💩!!….
No update. 571 is still dated for 5/20/24. This sucks.
@GuessI’mWaitingANOTHERWeek!: SAME!! I literally have dreams about it. It’s been a wild season and why can’t it just be over 😭
@GuessI’mWaitingANOTHERWeek!: Mine is its like the mailman who throws out the mail so he can finish faster
Lately I’ve been imagining my tax forms literally printed out and on the desk of someone who got fed up and just up and quit on their lunch break 2 1/2months ago. Just sitting there with everyone else’s forms who are still in limbo here…just gathering dust, covered in spider webs. Probably won’t be found until next tax season when a new employee gets that desk.
F/A 1/24…Yup, my mind is going to some very dark places. 😡🤣
Hope some of you had good news this morning.
day 107 1 more day 60 day is up
No change, initial 60 day letter is up
Zip, zilch, nada. Not surprised though. Still holding out hope for everyone else here 🤞
@PrinceAq: thank you for the late night early morning thoughts it means a lot at times like this! I wish all the well for you
@LostNthesauce: I know how you feel I’m in the same situation something so simple became complicated. Don’t let that get to you the system screws us all in some way
No update thus far! My 2023 tab disappeared and came back still at 570 dated 5/20/24 along with 971! Now this notice was sent in march verified 3/22/24 and it’s may? Nah we good keep the damn refund! I see why people cheat the damn system they just as trifling but get butt hurt when someone beats they behind! I won’t be filling taxes next year and I’ll stand 10 toes down on it! Idc times 10 “WE STILL OVER IT” f/a 1/29/24
@Mary: thank you for replying 😊
Positive vibes going out to all of you tonight!
@Red Dawn Yes on transcripts
Tonight the weekly’s update right?
👋🏼 C’mon IRS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
***I am / We are more than exhausted***
Let’s goooooooi!!!💥💰
2 more days 60 day letter is up
106 days and counting
Omg 😊 🤞🏼