Maryland Income Tax Refund

Home Forums General Discussion 2024 Tax Season Maryland Income Tax Refund

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  • #4535233

      The state of Maryland always has processed my returns quickly. This year it’s been over two weeks since my return was accepted. Has anyone from the state of Maryland received their 2023 refund yet????

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      • #4535910

          Please consider reposting in the Maryland forum (if you haven’t already).

        • #4535885

            spoke to someone Friday yes they did the update abd I asked her if my refund was accepted 2/2would I be processed this week , she said it’s possible but not guaranteed due to the update preformed they started the first batch from the end of January on the 6th but to be honest she said like basically it might not be until the following week for people accepting in the first week of February. So basically they have no real update on the status

          • #4535884

              I spoke to someone Friday yes they did the update abd I asked her if my refund was excepted 2/2would I be processed this week , she said it’s possible but not guaranteed due to the update preformed they started the first batch from the end of January on the 6th but to be honest she said like basically it might not be until the following week for people expected in the first week of February.

            • #4535873

                My FED and Maryland State was filed and accepted 23 JAN 2024.Getting the same message. I used the email app on 6 FEB 2024. A rep replied the next day. Rec’d FED refund on 5 FEB 2024. No further info from Maryland received. State is likely earning interest income by holding back refunds as long as possible while blaming the delay on “SYSTEM UPGRADE” .

              • #4535857

                  Checked at 1040 still getting the same message. The state comptroller Facebook page is saying refunds will start going out later this week in the order they were received.

                • #4535856

                    Checked at 1040 and still the same message about not being processed. But the state comptroller Facebook page is saying refunds will start going out later this week.

                  • #4535848

                      I saw on the Comptrollers FB page they said that they will be processing in order of receipt and should have all returns filed before the 29th done by the end of this week. Idk how much I trust that, but that’s the “official” word.

                      Still checking all the time tho

                    • #4535845

                        There’s still nothing as of this morning. The website for Maryland says they update at 10:30am daily but I’m not sure if that’s true. I emailed them again and I got a form letter back via email that my return had not yet been processed they need more processing time than usual because of their computer upgrade. Why would they schedule an upgrade for the first week of tax season? Anyone who sees their refund post or at least an update of their website, please let us know.

                      • #4535695

                          Any change for anyone. Still surprised maryland is taking this long.

                        • #4535610

                            Ours was completed on the 3rd and still nothing from the State. I’m hoping that since they are upgrading their system that just because I don’t get any update doesn’t mean it won’t show up next week. FED gave us a date and both were filed by our tax guy on the same day

                          • #4535564

                              Maryland still hasn’t processed returns…they truly are taking their time

                            • #4535567

                                Still no update and today makes day three since they officially opened.

                              • #4535443


                                  Nope. No update as of 10:50am today

                                • #4535439

                                    Has anyone’s status updated?

                                  • #4535363

                                      It’s so frustrating that the State of Maryland Comptroller’s Office decided to upgrade their computer system the same week tax season opened. Their own website says it takes up to 3 days to process tax refunds and we are on day 2 (2/7) of their unofficial new first day of processing and still no updates! They do not respond to emails and do not answer their phones. So irritating.

                                    • #4535306

                                        State doesn’t process until federal starts which was the 29th, but MD conveniently scheduled a computer upgrade right when it opened. No processing was done from 1/29- 2/5 so really the first day was today.

                                      • #4535268

                                          Same here accepted on the 30th. Still showing that “your refund hasnt been processed” message

                                        • #4535257

                                            I’m waiting on mine too. Still nothing, HRB says it was accepted the 29th

                                          • #4535256

                                              I’m waiting on mine too. Still nothing, HRB says it was accepted the 29th

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