Children over 18, under 19 in college, don’t forget them on your tax return.

Can I claim my child if they are in college and over 18 might be a question some taxpayers ask?  Yes!  The website provides the below information to help you.  Maybe this will just make a small difference so that you don’t owe the IRS this year.  Tell us your situation with dependent college students and connect with other n the same situation here.  Make a comment here and check back soon to see if others are in the same boat.  Also, you might want to try a search here to get info about college credit, specifically those that use IRS Form 8863 which have caused major delay earlier in this tax season for many taxpayer, many of whom are still waiting for their refund after the H&R and IRS glitch.

Certain Children Under Age 19 or Full-Time Students

If a child’s only income is interest and dividends (including capital gain distributions and Alaska Permanent Fund dividends), the child was under age 19 at the end of 2012 or was a full-time student under age 24 at the end of 2012, and certain other conditions are met, a parent can elect

to include the child’s income on the parent’s return. If this election is made, the child does not have to file a return. See Parent’s Election To Report Child’s Interest and Dividends in chapter 30.

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