What is an IP Pin?
An identify protection pin (IP Pin) is a method used by the IRS to verify your identify. It is a 6-digit number assigned and issued by the IRS. It is different than an e-file pin which is self selected by the taxpayer. A scam that crooks like to use is filing fraudulent tax returns using someone else’s social security number. An Identity Protection PIN helps to prevent this type of fraud when the IRS processes your tax return. When the IRS identifies that your SSN has an Identity Protection Pin requirement, it acts as an authentication number to validate the correct owner of the SSN on the tax return. If the IRS issued you an IP Pin, it must be entered on your tax return. If it is not entered, your tax return will be rejected. This is how it prevents someone else from using your SSN to file a tax return.
Who uses an IP Pin?
Not all people need to use an Identity Protection Pin to file their taxes. If the IRS identifies fraud, an identify theft indicator is placed on your account. The IRS will issue an Identity Protection Pin in this case or if you “opted-in” to receive an IP Pin. You may opt-in to receive an IP Pin if you received a letter from the IRS inviting you. Or, if you filed your federal tax return last year in Florida, Georgia or the District of Columbia there is an IRS Pilot Program offering you to request an Identity Protection Pin. You do not have to be victim of identity theft to participate in the pilot program. Once you have been issued an IP Pin, you may not opt-out and most people will be required to enter it on their tax return every year. An IP Pin is never reused. A CP01A Notice is mailed with a new Identity Protection Pin every year. They are usually mailed in late December or early January each year.
How do I Get an IP Pin?
Go to the IRS website page Get an Identify Protection Pin to determine your eligibility, get an Identity Protection Pin or retrieve your IP PIN if you lost or did not receive your Identity Protection Pin.
There is more information available on the IRS frequently asked question page regarding the Identity Protection Personal Identification Number
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