Home Forums General Discussion 2024 Tax Season WTF IS GOING ON?

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  • #4539606 Reply

      Filed and accepted 2/1
      WMR said action required ID verify basically after a couple weeks
      Verfied IN PERSON on 2/29
      They said everything is good and released our return for processing and they could see where a letter was sent 2/28 (ID verify letter)
      Transcripts updated finally with the 570 code last week
      Transcripts updated with the dang 971 code
      Wife called IRS and they said review and gave us 45 days message

      Idk what the crap is happening but why this year? My child has a disability and has to go to the doctor and we have no vehicle. All the refund was going to do was help us get a car.

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      • #4539685 Reply

          🫣 I didn’t check because so many ppl on these different platforms with similar situations have posted that they didn’t update. Smh this is ridiculous…im not gonna check, just gonna be pleasantly surprised when it hits(if it ever does) hoping y’all update

        • #4539695 Reply


            Thanks for responding, Sam!

            Still NADA here. Just checked transcripts, WMR, and IRS2Go and still NADA.
            No letters. No NOTHING.

            I’m so frustrated.

          • #4539676 Reply

              We are in the same situation as you Ida, nothing…we check daily just to try to understand. We filed 2/12 and it was accepted 2/12.

              We have applied for FAFSA for our 18 year old attending college. We also claimed the Additional Child Tax Credit so we figured that was the hold up.

              Called the IRS, they were suprisingly fast and helpful…stated we (like many others) are in the same boat and to please be patient.

              Good luck to all…

            • #4539675 Reply


                Still in the same position as you.

                F/A 02-04-2024. No letters. No notification to verify. No anything. No movement on IRS2Go or WMR or online Transcript. Top two boxes on Transcript still NA. Bottom two shows nothing.

                I don’t know what’s going on. HOPEFULLY, my situation is what happened to a few others; i.e., money will drop even though nothing changes on any of the IRS apps or transcript. Tomorrow is Friday. HOPEFULLY, some movement or the end to this NIGHTMARE.

              • #4539656 Reply

                  Still nothing! No updates on transcript or WMR or IRS2Go. No refund dropped.

                  Filed and was accepted on 2-4. No letter to verify. No anything!

                  Checked this morning and still NO change.

                  What the hell is going on over there???

                • #4539647 Reply

                    Yep ours still shows the same stuff

                  • #4539646 Reply

                      This just sucks filed 1/30 and still stuck even after verifying

                    • #4539645 Reply

                        We’ll update was false it went back to if you request an adjustment :( this rx season is sickening and people are reporting ch ages in deposit dates and what just happen to me a lot of people saying it changed back

                      • #4539633 Reply

                          Some ppl have been updating before they get the letter, some after, some wake up to money in their account even though transcript and WMR have no change, and then there’s the ones like me…stuck…nothing…no movement and absolutely nothing wrong with my taxes. Good luck I really hope you get an update…

                        • #4539643 Reply

                            @bowl I logged in this morning and now mines says owed for 2023 0.00 it didn’t say that before and I click view balance owed 0.00 and Saturday it didn’t say that . I am praying that means updates for 846 Friday … check you and your wife to see if it’s the same

                          • #4539634 Reply

                              Same here!

                              Filed + Accepted on 2-4.

                              Received ZERO movement since then. Nothing. Nada. Still “processing”.

                              Dear lord it’s taking as long as back in the 80’s when it would take 3-4 months before you got your paper check–and we filed electronically!

                            • #4539632 Reply

                                This year is terrible. What date is next to your 971 code? That’s the date a “notice” will be sent out. I received a CP05 letter on 3/11 telling me there was nothing I needed to do and it could take up to 60days (from 3/11) before they finished “reviewing” my return….😒

                              • #4539625 Reply

                                  SMH man

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