WOAH, what the heck WMR??

Home Forums General Discussion 2024 Tax Season WOAH, what the heck WMR??

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 11 months ago by Mommaz.
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  • #4538265

      I’m so confused. This year has been so weird. Nothing has changed with my household in 8 years so there shouldn’t be any problems.
      I filed 1/26. I didn’t even bother checking WMR for weeks because I knew it wouldn’t update for a while. It’s been on “We’ve received …. it’s processing” the entire time. I couldn’t access transcripts for the first time EVER because of ID.me. My verification never actually worked. My spouse was able to completely verify.
      All of his transcripts are still completely blank/not available.
      And now WMR says (for both of us) “The information you entered doesn’t match our records”.
      What is going on???????!!!!!!!!!!!
      I’ll call tomorrow but wanted to know if anyone could shed light on this for me now?

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      • #4538316

          Early filers get caught up in the held back lane yall. Either held off long or audited for no reason. Its a stupid a$$ security thing because scammers use early filing to try to push fake or fraud returns through. So in return the randomly do this figuring “if” its fraud thr real person would still file and then they’ll hold both ect to investigate

        • #4538295

            @Kat. I have had this message before in previous years. I was told by my Tax Advocate it means “They haven’t touched your rerurn yet”. Even though the message hints there may be an error in filing or inputting #’s, it’s simply that they are swamped. I was accepted 1/22 with no movement on transcripts. Good luck!

          • #4538267

              I wish I knew too. WMR has said that for me since I filed in January (information doesn’t match records). In my case though, my filing circumstances have changed a lot since last year. But still not sure why it would say my info doesn’t match! I did get an IDV letter on the 20th and verified the same day. So just waiting blindly.

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