Wmr update

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Wmr update

  • This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #4098473

      I filed on 01/25 was accepted on 01/26. As of yesterday I only account transcript available. Later in the evening around 4 EST my return transcript was available. My cyce is 20150405. I just got approved with a DDD of 02/04.

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      • #4098502

          @ ugh…Its called an update. Nobody wants to stroll down for 10 minutes to find a WMR Update. The fact is you didn’t get approved so your lurking around trying to find piece in a forum. Stop being jealous and grow up.

        • #4098495

            No, I didn’t get audited, jackass. There are already tons of threads available for you to post this. Making a new one just means you’re being an attention whore. You should have posted this in a thread that already exists.

            Anyway, I’m done with this thread. I said my piece.

          • #4098493

              @ ugh…You must got audited. Its called a forum for a reason. If you didn’t care you wouldn’t have read it. Its always that one bitter person who wakes up at 6 am checking there status and gets upset when they bar don’t move. Stop doing illegal taxes and your bar would move.

            • #4098492

                I don’t see why everyone and their mother has to make a new thread when they get a WMR update.

                We get it, you’re happy, now move on. People who have been stuck on one bar and blank transcripts for a week honestly don’t want to see 20 new threads every morning from people bragging about their DDDs. It is so rude,

              • #4098490

                  From my understanding they are still updating wmr.

                • #4098482

                    I finally got a update, but it says delay in processing. Even though all of my transcripts are available. Anyone else?

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