Wmr down ?

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Wmr down ?

  • This topic has 12 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by CorKell.
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  • #4104176

      The message I am getting right now is they can’t provide me any info with my refund. I filed 1/28 accepted the same day no movement except able to view account transcripts with all 0000 yesterday. This morning I woke up and wmr had a 9001 code and now wmr is down. # 1 is it down because of updates and question #2 if it is down bc of updates is everyone down or just people that is actually being updated?

      Any help on this would be appreciated. I’m so confused thanks

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    • Author
      • #4104222

          WMR is working for me now.

        • #4104219
          Krusty Kuntpuke

            Filed jan 31. Down for me too. Sick on accepted before it went down.

          • #4104214

              Any 1/30/15 filers? Man, figured I’d have a Ddd by now…….

            • #4104212

                WMR is down for me as well. Hoping for an update filed 1/8 accepted 1/12 had to fax in my 1095a 1/31 WMR has had no bars and no topic until Friday, got topic 152 but now no refund amount. Just hoping for something soon

              • #4104210

                  I don’t think they’re down on Saturdays. I got my DDD on 2/7 (Saturday). Checked it 2/7 3 AM, no update. System went down for a bit. Checked again 2/7 4 AM and I had my update.

                • #4104208

                    It’s been down for me all day long. Checked this morning, then at 1pm, 3, 5, and so on, but it’s still down. I don’t believe it’s usually down this long even on Saturdays. It goes off eastern time at 3:30 am. I’m in AZ and it updates at 1:30am for me, and takes about 15 or 20 mins for it to come back up usually.

                  • #4104205

                      Filed 1/30/2015 at 3pm ec time, accepted the 31st, stuck on we are processing your refund. Wmr down for me too as of 12:50 am 1/8/15. Not sure if the guy aboves right or not about it goes down Saturday. I though that was supposed to be Sunday though? Not calling bullish, I midnight be wrong myself.

                    • #4104195

                        On Saturdays, the IRS systems go down. It doesn’t mean they are doing updates, nothing changes on the weekend because no one is working on those days. It will come back up Sunday evening. But, it will still have the same info displayed as it did before it went down.

                        Monday between 3am and 6 am EST will be the first time they update it for the week.

                      • #4104191

                          Wmr down for me too

                        • #4104190

                            WMR just went down for me just now

                          • #4104182

                              I filed on 1/29 and accepted same day and owe back taxes. My return was pulled for review as well. I am getting the same message when I try to check mine as well. I really do hope it updates tonight. Good luck

                            • #4104181

                                Down for me as well

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