Why the IRS set us all up for a long wait this year.

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Why the IRS set us all up for a long wait this year.

  • This topic has 11 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 9 years ago by Nope.
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  • #4093960
    B F

      So I went through the IGMR timeline for last year and I noticed something. Last year, the IRS officially opened for tax returns on the 1st of February and DDDs immediately came pouring in on the 2nd. This year, it opened on the 20th of January, and now here we are on the 5th and there doesn’t seem to be any DDDs rolling in at all. I think people are unfortunately in for a lot of disappointment this year and A LOT of waiting. I hope I’m wrong, but the IRS may have set us all up for a long wait, because right now it doesn’t look like they plan on deviating from the schedule they had last year. That means for us a wait from the 20th, when the IRS began officially accepting these returns, all the way to the 2nd of February just for DDDs, and the 6th for actual refund deposits.

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      • #4094134

          MCRT88 that “Only been a few days” argument doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. Last year, the IRS didn’t officially open for returns until January 31st. Still, they had a TON of DDDs available on February 2nd or so which was a SUNDAY. Now it is 6 full days basically since they opened up and there have been *zero* DDDs given out. That difference cannot be ignored.

        • #4094132

            Lets not forget the following items that came up prior to this years tax season:
            – New Obamacare laws and employer reporting data. (More stuff for the IRS to check your return against)
            – They got a really bad review from the IG on how they are combating fraud and collecting taxes / offsets/ past due child support
            – They are understaffed due to budget cuts. That means less support staff to help out when MeF hicups, processing errors occur, system connections go down
            between IRS computers, etc

            They opened up return acceptance earlier than usual, but that does not mean they improved processing times, they may have done this to spread out volume. Remember they are doing their return processing 100% accurately if you get your money in 21 days or under.

            I think we are just going to wait it out. As long as I get mine within 21 days, no reason to complain.

          • #4094126

              Idk if I agree with this.. I think @Tom8 is right, it would be a HUGE mistake to wait that long to process DDD. It would cause a MASSIVE move of money, man power and a ton of other working pieces, all at the same time, and would be a set up for disaster. It has ONLY BEEN 3 BUSINESS DAYS since the IRS officially opened, the first day they typically don’t even process any returns, they just start accepting massive amounts and then the following day they start the processing. Today is only, technically, the 4th business day they have been open.. That said, They will not push an update on WMR with DDDs unless they have a SUBSTANTIAL amount to update, otherwise their phone lines blow up with people asking “Why did they file this day and have a DDD and I don’t?”.. I have also heard that this year had a TON more early filers compared to last year. So, with all of that information at hand, including the face that the IRS did have a substantial budget cut.. I would expect to see some updates tonight/tomorrow morning, if not the following night at the latest. Its going to take an extra day or two compared to last year, but fear not.. It will happen. It always does. Just be patient and keep checking your WMR, SBBT and Bank Acct. WE WILL GET OUR MONEY. I may not be tomorrow, but I expect to have it by the end of this week/ beginning of next week at the latest. For all we know they could push an update tonight/tomorrow and it be in our accounts Thursday/Friday…

            • #4094118
              B F

                Another day with no progress. Starting to look more and more like I am right.

              • #4094053

                  I had mine on the 29th of last year. Before opening. I expect a DDD tomorrow.

                • #4093983

                    I’ve been reading where people are saying they are missing bars or that they call to order transcripts so that they can estimate when they are going to get their refund. I know everyone is anxious! I went online & downloaded my transcript but only thing that was there were prior years & this years wage, plus since I was accepted on the 14th I have never lost a bar. I figure that yes it would be nice to know when to expect our refunds but reality is when they send them they send them! Of course there’s going to be people saying that there’s delays, or someone they know said this or that, or they talked to a rep and was told this! Best thing to do is don’t believe all that crap!

                  • #4093982

                      I agree, I had seen a message from one of the tax preparer companies that the IRS will not update WMR until 1/31 & it seems like that is going to be the truth. I’m not sure why they would accept returns & not complete the process until 11 days after but it’s never the same. Wednesday I called the transcript 800 number & I was able to order 2014 transcripts which typically means a DDD within 2 days. Now the transcript line is down & the online system doesn’t work.

                    • #4093979
                      B F

                        Tom maybe it was the 31st last year but who cares? One day off makes no difference. It has not been 5 days since the IRS opened officially for tax returns and nobody has seen any progress. To me that says it all. Unfortunately I have to assume that no progress will be made until February, and that the first refunds won’t be issued until the 6th – Just like last year. Unfortunately last year they had the decency to open for returns later, which made the wait for some people shorter. Now we’re all stuck.

                      • #4093966

                          I have always recieved my refund 2-3 days before the wmr even fully updates to refund sent. so i would not worry, and beside they have less people working this year because of cut backs so it could take an extra couple of days.

                        • #4093962

                            No offense but I think your dead wrong, first off the IRS opened on Friday Jan 31st last year not the first. Second I couldn’t imagine the IRS waiting almost 2 weeks to send out the first DDDs and more than 2 weeks to make the first DDs their phone lines will be on fire and the first batch of DDs would be Massive because of the long build up I just don’t see them doing that. It would be a huge mistake.

                          • #4093961
                            B F

                              *on the 25th

                              my bad folks, typo.

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