Why is it taking so long this year …

Home Forums General Discussion 2024 Tax Season Why is it taking so long this year …

  • This topic has 6 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 7 months ago by JonMarkTX.
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  • #4537575 Reply

      I’ve never had my refund take as long as it’s taking this year. They usually give that three week estimation, but I’ve always received refund about two weeks after filing. This year, however, nothing has moved anywhere – the WMR bar, transcripts, nothing, and it’s been 21 days.

      Filed with Turbo Tax on 1/31
      Accepted that evening
      WMR says return received
      Nothing in transcripts

      Married, filing joint, nothing fancy just a regular 1040 – no children. Why is this year so sluggish?

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      • #4539595 Reply

          Filed 2/12/2024…nothing….I even called the IRS and they said there’s no notes/letters/notices and to “please try to be patient” (I am loosing my patience).

          Would appreciate insight into how long it took, are you still waiting, etc?

        • #4539594 Reply

            Filed 2/12/2024…nothing….I even called the IRS and they said there’s no notes/letters/notices and to “please try to be patient” (I am loosing my patience).

          • #4538135 Reply

              I finally got an update this morning! Received DDD of 02/28

            • #4537882 Reply

                I filed on 1-31 at 7pm
                Accepted 1-31 at 710pm
                I have no EIC or CTC
                Schedule C only
                My IRS account page shows no letters at all
                I have bottom 2 transcripts 2023 blank with a as of processing date of 2-26-24 with no codes either
                Top 2 transcripts are N/A
                WMR is saying delay message
                It’s never took this long before

              • #4537650 Reply

                  I’m in the same boat. Filed 1-29 and same issue with transcripts. Hopefully we see something Friday.

                • #4537649 Reply

                    Filed 2/6 pather ddd 2/22.. thought it was pretty quick this year.

                  • #4537636 Reply
                    Sour punch

                      I have no idea but we’re kinda in the same boat if that helps lol. I filed 2/1. Transcripts at the bottom show as of date 2/26 other show n/a. And the wmr tool is giving me processing delay message. I’ve logged in several times to see if anything has been updated and nothing as of yet. Has me wondering if I did something wrong on my return.

                    • #4537578 Reply

                        USAA DDD2/22 deposited today in last few min. see yall next year

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