Why do WMR Bars Vanish?

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Why do WMR Bars Vanish?

  • This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #4104039

      I filed 2/2 and already received state! However I check with husbands info and today have no bars. Message says processing refund available sometime.. No DDD. Checked with mine still stuck at one bar, no change. We filed jointly of course. Any ideas?

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      • #4104466

          I was told that the disappearance of “bars” was due to heavy sight traffic. I filed returns for all {3) of my children. The first was on 2/2 and accepted within 30 minutes. It showed approved with a DDD of 2/9 on 2/4. HOWEVER, I just checked and status HAS NOT changed it remains on APPROVED/DDD 2/9. No refund has issued. Another was filed in late evening on 2/3 and accepted about an hour later NO INFO,, the last one was submitted at 12:20 AM on 2/4 and accepted immediately, NO INFO

        • #4104081

            I filed 1/13 and was accepted the next day I had one bar until 1/30 when it disappeared. I still have no bars, no trascripts and no DDD. Good luck if I dont recieve an update I will calling early Monday morning!! It will be 21 days on Monday!! This year sucks!! Good Luck! Some peoples bars appear after a couple of days or a week with an approved update. I was told when I called the IRS that meant it had to be manually looked at by a human when your bars disappear.

          • #4104074


              Idk if any of my bars ever disappeared, but it sat at just one with TT 152 for the looongest time. I filed 1/22 w/my husband (also joint) and it just updated this morning with a DDD of 2/11. I was able to order my husband’s acct transcripts via the app on thursday, but not return, so I never bothered again. I know this isn’t much of an answer, but kinda gives an idea of their turn around. I hope you see something soon! This year’s waiting game sucks!

              If you wanna try and get some info the sneaky way, say WMR instructs you to call them and see if you get an agent nice enough to give you some info. That’s how I got my DDD before WMR updated. ;)

            • #4104050


                Yeah I get that. No one wants to wait! Although I want/need answers. No one wants a delay. I really need this in the window of 21 days after filed.. It puts me right on my due date! So the sooner the better to take care of unfinished business..

              • #4104046

                  Some people filed 1/20 and aren’t even getting theirs yet.

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