Who Screwed up the Offset?

Home Forums Tax Refund Offset Who Screwed up the Offset?

  • This topic has 10 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by mermaid.
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  • #22060 Reply
    IGMR Admin

      Was it the IRS, Treasury or OCSE (Office of Child Support Enforcement)?

      A question from an IGMR user:

      “My child’s father’s refund was scheduled to be offset for arrearages. Somehow, he still got his refund. Domestic relations caught it and scheduled him for a contempt hearing, stating that he had to pay it back. Now, three days before the hearing, they call me and say that because he has been making his regular monthly payments (he owes over $11,000 in arrearages). How is this possible and has it happened to anyone else?”

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      • #4299454 Reply

          @ James Evans-

          Did WMR say anything about you not getting a refund and that it was supposed to apply to your offset before the check was sent?? Yesterday, my status in WMR said sent to my bank account even though I had a DOE offset but then today it updated to my entire refund being taken and applied to the offset. Pisses me off because DOE never notified me of defaulted loans- I have several that are in good standing. I think they did it on purpose.

          I too needed my full refund- I’m a teacher in one of the most expensive states and have other debts I wanted to pay off to get myself ahead. I also needed to be one of those lucky ones as you were last year.

          To be honest, with the mess the government has been in this year, I don’t think people are going to be as lucky if they owe debts to any federal agencies.

        • #4297739 Reply
          James Evans

            I was supposed to be offset by the DOE last year and ended up getting my whole refund by mail instead of direct deposit. Now this year 2019, im supposed to get offset again for the SAME thing DOE. Kind of hoping someone messes up again and i get my full refund. Single father of 2 boys. I need that $$$

          • #4244916 Reply

              Do you know if they messed up on child support payments this year

            • #22967 Reply

                Well I have been reading some of the comments on this subject. I myself was supposed to receive money from offset of my ex-wife’s tax return but as of today I still have received anything. I have called the treasury offset program and can’t get any straight answers from them. I have also called the Attorney General’s office they can’t answer my question as to why I haven’t gotten anything yet.

              • #22577 Reply

                  I too seem to be in same boat. Ex filed taxes and his wmr still says date provided when available, offset hotline originally said he had a debt and gave local child support phone number for him to call. He has had no movement on his acct for weeks and for the past several days offset number now can find no debts for him and he got a 846 code today on transcripts for may 26th no 203 codes or changes on wmr so I am praying somehow I still get it but I am worried since it longer says he has a debt or code

                • #22148 Reply

                    I am one of those 2nd refund hunters I am guessing ? My Ex filed single, and got the letter that his refund was intercepted for child support… same as last year. But the money has not been sent to me ? The IRS has noted that they have a hold on the funds for review of fraudulent claims, any idea of how long or if any one has received their money yet ? I got the money pretty quickly last year, and now all this fraud stuff, but his is legit ?!! So frustrating !! Is anyone expecting money from child support and not received it yet, but the father has already received the letter stating their refund went to child support ?

                  • #22137 Reply

                      This has been happening for the last two years with my childs father. He is not suppose to get a refund but somehow he is still getting his refund. When I call to ask questions no one knows the answers.

                    • #22106 Reply

                        Wow suppose it was only one person with the missing child support offset. I’m sure those that were supposed to be offset, but still got their full refund instead of paying child support arrearages are jumping online to discuss. These are indeed the parents who have fallen behind in their obligation.

                      • #22069 Reply

                          This is absolutely ridiculous. SOMEONE is responsible for this but all I can find so far is blame shifting. Each agency says it was the other’s fault. This is very frustrating and SOMEONE needs to be held accountable and make it right. End rant. (For now)

                        • #22066 Reply

                            Apparently there are a large group of people who had offsets, but still received their refund. Which leaves another group of people (expecting to receive said intercepted funds), who didn’t get that lump sum that they anticipate around this time of year. Wondering who screwed up. The IRS? The Child Support offices who submit the offset? Or Treasury? Something went wrong.

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