Which transcript do I look at?

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Which transcript do I look at?

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  • #4103448

      I filed 01/31 and was accepted a few hours later.
      I am able to get my transcripts online, however I can only see my Account transcript and not my return transcript (which I have a feeling is the one I need)
      WMR is still only at accepted, with one bar.

      I was hoping to have some sort of update this morning, with all the other 1/31ers getting a DDD or even their returns on the 6th

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      • #4104334

          No updates this weekend, nothing has changed on WMR or my transcripts. I have a feeling I got caught in the glitch and recycled.

        • #4103542

            *next I meant

          • #4103541

              I filed 1/30 but wasn’t accepted until 2/1 so your probably nested in line you I don’t know why some people are saying nothing updates over the weekend well yes it does so probably wait til Sunday and you should see something over the weekend. Ok

            • #4103531

                Thank you, There is nothing there. Just says No tax return filed. ughhhhhh

              • #4103459

                  Account transcript is where you’d find the 846 code. :) The cycle number is available there as well.

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