Where’s My Letter Watch Party!!

Home Forums General Discussion 2024 Tax Season Where’s My Letter Watch Party!!

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  • #4537929

      Who wants to add their two cents? What a nightmare! I’m starting to think the “5071c identify yourself letter” is just a fable, or a glitch in the matrix. I find it IRONIC that the IRS will accept a random, computer-generated number to prove my identity, rather than q’s such as Where was your first job in 1986? What street did you grow up on? Mother’s middle name, etc. Nope. A random number that could be stolen from my mailbox. Or flew out the back of a truck. So, whomever finds my missing letters gets my refund??
      Accepted 1/22, verify identity 1/27 on wmr. Two letters sent, haven’t received anything. Established IRS acct and ID.me. Nearest in-person place 102miles away, and appt 6 weeks out. Something isn’t right here. Anyone actually get any letters? When? What planet are they mailed from? Rant on!

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      • #4539347

          Funds posted at 7pm. Faster money card from refund advantage. See yall next year!

        • #4539334

            2/25 online account notification updated to I needed to verify
            2/26-28 I called the appointment line and was told I had to wait for the letter
            Letter arrived 3/2 with control number to verify
            WMR Updated 3/14 to return received
            This morning (3/15) transcript updated to 846 DDD of 3/20 🎊🎉

            Praying everyone that is verified after 3/2 starts to see those dates rolling in see yall next year💋

          • #4539333

              Filed 1/10
              Rejected 1/23 AGI was input incorrectly
              Corrected AGI 1/24
              Accepted 1/25
              No WMR FOREVER no notices nothing
              Top two had nothing while bottom two had 2023 but no information an said no return filed shock 😳

            • #4539321


                They only show a few that they have mailed out. Many notices they mail don’t show up online. My transcript updated today and never shows the letter was mailed nor did my irs account. I was told by a phone rep when it was mailed. The account won’t show that.

              • #4539320

                  Still waiting on my letter, however when I log into my IRS account and go to notices it says I’m signed up for both mailed and paperless notices and I have no notices as of now…… My notice was set to be mailed out 3/11…….

                • #4539319

                    I filed on 1/31/2024 accepted 1/31/2024
                    as of date 2/26 only bottom two transcripts both are blank i do not even have a cycle code.
                    I received a letter in the mail to verify. I verified yesterday. Nothing told me i needed to verify or even any codes.

                    anyone else?

                  • #4539317

                      Anybody file and get accepted early Jan
                      Processing date 2/26
                      & receive code :570-2/26
                      971-03:04 ( 60 day review letter only)
                      Get a dd?

                    • #4539316

                        No update for me…… Every transcript I have is filled out except for the wage and income it’s the only one still showing blank, does anyone know what that could mean? Of course the 570/971 but no letter yet.

                      • #4539315

                          I’m curious how long it took everyone to receive their letter? Filed 2/17 and noticed about a week and 1/2 later the notification to verify return. I requested a letter to be resent and my husband did as well last week and still nothing. No notices online that one was sent, as well. Would that typically show first? We are completely blank n/a, no return filed and not a single code. 🤷‍♀️ Only bottom two of 2023 but of absolutely nothing. “Still being processed”

                        • #4539309

                            Update DD 3/20

                          • #4539304

                              I have a date!! 3/20! Prayers for all of you to get yours as well! Transcripts only wmr didn’t update yet.

                            • #4539278

                                Filed 2/1 accepted same day
                                Verified in person on 2/28
                                WMR action required ID went away after in person verify
                                Transcripts show No record of returned filed still and WMR says:

                                We apologize, but your return processing has been delayed beyond the normal timeframe. You can continue to check back here for the most up to date information regarding your refund. We understand your tax refund is very important and we are working to process your return as quickly as possible.

                              • #4539279

                                  Filed 2/1 accepted same day
                                  Verified in person on 2/28
                                  WMR action required ID went away after in person verify
                                  Transcripts show No record of returned filed still and WMR says:

                                  We apologize, but your return processing has been delayed beyond the normal timeframe. You can continue to check back here for the most up to date information regarding your refund. We understand your tax refund is very important and we are working to process your return as quickly as possible.

                                • #4539277

                                    accepted on 1/29
                                    2/12 received email to verify did it on portal
                                    letter sent on 2/23 to verify again
                                    received letter on 3/8 and verified
                                    transcript still shows n/a on top 2
                                    WMR shows “Your tax return is still being processed. A refund date will be provided when available.” since 2/12

                                  • #4539267

                                      Update where my refund went from still being processed to we have received your tax return an is being processed

                                    • #4539250

                                        Filed 1/29
                                        Accepted 1/29
                                        Verify notice 2/12 Told to wait on letter. 2/20 verify notice gone. 2/23 verify notice back on WMR
                                        2/26 still no letter called and told to wait until 3/8 and letter wasn’t sent until 2/23
                                        3/9 updated on WMR refund approved ddd 3/13. Funds in acct this morning.
                                        Still no letter. Weird tax season

                                      • #4539171

                                          Received my CP05 letter in the mail 3/09. “Working to verify my wages, etc. No action needed at this time.”
                                          Saw it online on 3/04.
                                          Nothing new. Still waiting
                                          Accepted 1/19
                                          Received Code 570 on 2/14 with date of 2/26
                                          Received Code 971 on 2/21 with date of 3/04
                                          WMR…still processing with 1 bar code 152

                                        • #4539143

                                            @whitewolf!! Congrats this gives us all hope! I’m still waiting since Jan 18, Verified on 02/20 online and with a IRS rep. Today I called and she was very nice and said they received the verification and everything looks good and they have to say at least 9 weeks from verification but it could come in earlier, she also stated it will be direct deposit. (previous rep said it was a check) My as of date also changed to 03/18. I feel good in my soul now. It will arrive. Yay!!!!

                                          • #4539128

                                              Thanks so much white wolf for the update! Verified a week after you hoping I get my date next Friday! See ya next year!

                                            • #4539107

                                                ⭐FINAL UPDATE
                                                Filed 1/18.
                                                Accepted 1/22.
                                                WMR= “Verify Identity” 1/29.
                                                Letter saga above in topic starter…received 2/26.
                                                Verified online w/letter 2/26.
                                                Transcripts updated this am= 846 on 3/13.
                                                Transcripts were blank or n/a until this am= 3/8
                                                I’m cycle code 20241005.
                                                ⭐IMPORTANT! WMR still says “Verify your identity”. My IRS account still says “Verify, your return has not been processed”.
                                                Good luck everyone, see you next year!

                                              • #4539099

                                                  Filed/accepted 2/17. Assuming an added dependent flagged us this year. Not sure when the notification popped up that we needed to verify our 23 return, I happened to notice it some time last week on id.me. Top two n/a & bottom state no return filed w/ as of date of 3/11. WMR for hubby & I state “still processing.” No update of a letter being sent. Why are some peoples WMR “action required” & others only have a notification link on id.me, like us?

                                                • #4539109

                                                    Verified 2/29.

                                                    WMR still is on verify page.

                                                    When I click to verify on wmr –> IDme –> page states we cannot help you, if you verified it takes 21 days…

                                                    Transcripts: top two = NA, bottom are still blank w/as of 2/19 (no movement).

                                                    Patiently waiting but patience is wearing very thin.

                                                  • #4539095

                                                      @ Patiently Waiting

                                                      On your irs account on first page you will see notifications and under it you would see a verify notification towards the bottom of page I entered my 14 digit code and the notification went away that’s how I knew I was getting a letter because I had the verify notification

                                                    • #4539090

                                                        I think if your letter hasn’t been mailed yet the option may not come up. It was there for us though as soon as we were accepted. Update or no update for me: transcripts still blank top two n/a wmr say the same still processing it has since we’ve been able to see it it never went to path or verify message only on the online account.

                                                      • #4539073
                                                        Patiently Waiting


                                                          How did you verify online? When I login to my account using Id.me I don’t see an option to verify myself.

                                                        • #4539071

                                                            Filed 1/19
                                                            Accepted 1/22
                                                            570 as of 3/4
                                                            971 as of 3/11
                                                            Got my return verification letter 2/29, verified and was told it would be nine weeks.

                                                            Called 3/6 and was told to expect a CP05 letter in the mail and up to 60 days to finish processing.

                                                            Woke up this morning to 571 as of 3/25 and 846 as of 3/13!

                                                          • #4539066

                                                              I’m also checking in I verified online on 2-28 and checked my transcript today and seen my as of date changed from 2-12-24 to 3-25-24 but transcripts are still blank

                                                            • #4539060

                                                                Checking in: No movement. Verified 2/26 online with letter (which took 3 weeks to arrive). Action Req’d msg still present on WMR. Transcripts are n/a on top, blank on bottom. Recent call, and agent states after you verify it will take 2-3 weeks for system to realize you completed it. Also hearing about major USPS delays across the board, for those who are still waiting.

                                                              • #4538995

                                                                  I verified online on 2-28 still waiting for a update hopefully it’s soon

                                                                • #4538994

                                                                    Anyone had any updates yet? I know I just verified but I’m SO impatient!

                                                                  • #4538911

                                                                      Filed 2/1
Accepted 2/1
Married Filing Jointly with 6 children (as we’ve always had).

                                                                      We had in person verification at IRS office 2 hours away on 2/28. They said they released our return for processing and gave us the generic “9 weeks message but may be sooner.”

                                                                      Anyone do this same process? If so? When should we expect to update and hopefully see a DDD?

                                                                    • #4538907

                                                                        I was accepted 1/29 and have been waiting for this supposed letter ever since. Nothing showing on my transcripts. When i called 13 days ago to try to make an appointment at local office the guy said he “resent” the letter and to wait for that. Its getting absolutely ridiculous. Nothing in informed delivery for today either.

                                                                      • #4538886

                                                                          Okay so update.
                                                                          Filed 1/22
                                                                          Accepted 1/23
                                                                          Id verify letter mailed 2/13
                                                                          Received 3/04 (today)
                                                                          Let’s hope all is well and I get a DDD within the next few weeks!

                                                                        • #4538873

                                                                            Ok, so got my 5071c letter Saturday, 3/2. I filed since 1/29, so hopefully that gives everyone a timeline of expectation. The process itself online took like 2 mins.

                                                                          • #4538872

                                                                              Hello everyone I woke up this morning to an email notification saying i had a unread notification on my IRS account it was a message asking me to verify my RETURN FILED then last question was if i have received the id verify letter i answered NO then it said that one was getting mailed out today let’s see ,
                                                                              FILED 01/17 ACCEPTED NEXT DAY CODE 570 AND 971

                                                                            • #4538869

                                                                                I have something coming today too!! I can’t wait! It says Austin Texas which others have said that’s where it’s been coming from. Not making any calls until I find out if this is it or not. Mail runs in about 3 hours for me!

                                                                              • #4538860

                                                                                  Checked my informed delivery this AM and there IS a letter from IRS. Last time I got a letter from IRS it was a “Thank you for using IDme”, lol. I can only hope this one has my 14 digit code! Not getting my hopes up though.

                                                                                • #4538846

                                                                                    I checked my account and found a CP05 notice.
                                                                                    “We’re holding your refund until we finish reviewing your tax return.”
                                                                                    2/14 received Code 570 dated 3/26
                                                                                    2/21 received Code 971 dated 3/04
                                                                                    Called on 2/20 and told this notice was mailed out on 2/14. They even read it to me. Don’t understand why they waited to publish it online until 3/4 if they had it showing in the system on 2/20. I still have not received anything in the mail.
                                                                                    Anyway, it does not tell me anything more than I already knew.

                                                                                  • #4538843

                                                                                      I was told my letter was mailed on 2/14. I am hoping i get it soon 😭😭

                                                                                    • #4538823

                                                                                        So my husband pointed out to me something he seen on the news about a lot of postal agencies having issues and some even switching locations. Like the capital branches. And ours just happens to be one. We had a lady who lives about 30 minutes away mail something to us a few weeks ago and haven’t seen that either. Might actually be the post office fault. Although that’s still government crap!!

                                                                                      • #4538822

                                                                                          I guess that will have to be our next step if the “local” office rejects us again tomorrow. Although I’ll still check to see if this so called letter comes. Just stressing big time!

                                                                                        • #4538780

                                                                                            I did the verification video call with ID. Me

                                                                                            Then I was told I HAD to have the 14 digit control number from the letters I never received. However, they internally verified without me needing it because my transcript & WMR updated this morning with my DDD

                                                                                          • #4538808



                                                                                              I understand. Have you considered a tax advocate? I used one 2yrs ago. Free, and you qualify due to current hardship. It was a positive experience for me, and I had my return in two weeks from contact (which happened to be Sept that year)! Keep at it!

                                                                                            • #4538805

                                                                                                I verified over the phone no letter sent, I was able to verify without the letter because I live in a disaster area. One week after verification I seen movement. DDD 3/6

                                                                                              • #4538804

                                                                                                  Nope. No letter. Last rep verified it was mailed 2/13 to my address. Said to make in person appointment since it was past time. Call to make appointment they asked me to wait on letter. I’m beyond furious with our government. Got people getting handouts I have 5 kids no sort of assistance and my husband is out of work until April.

                                                                                                • #4538802

                                                                                                    My letter mailed 2/15 I got it and verified via the website on 2/29. I called 3/1 and the guy told me I have to wait 2 weeks before I can even check. (Which I know isn’t always true). Nothing’s moved it changed for me. Transcripts still N/A

                                                                                                  • #4538800



                                                                                                      Still no letter for you? You are past the 3 weeks it apparently takes. I called 3x to make SURE they sent it, and had them verify the date. No change of address for you?
                                                                                                      Accepted 1/22, verified w/letter, transcripts are n/a lol. What a circus.

                                                                                                    • #4538798

                                                                                                        Assuming I get a letter next week, does the person who is listed first on the return need to be the one to verify if that’s what the issue is or does it not matter? I ask because I am more than willing and able to call and sit on hold for hours because I have time but my husband unfortunately does not because he’s working constantly and he really doesn’t have the time to do so.

                                                                                                      • #4538795

                                                                                                          I called and talked to a representative. One said my letter should have already been here. Called again and they said it was never sent, so she transferred me to the verification people. It took a few call backs and about 3 hours of my day. They asked me questions and said I’m verified and should update in a week or two…

                                                                                                        • #4538776

                                                                                                            How are you verifying without a letter? Everyone I have spoken to says I HAVE to have that letter. Mine still hasn’t came. Transcripts are blank/ say no return filed. Accepted 1/23

                                                                                                          • #4538763

                                                                                                              I got the need to verify notification. I finally got through to someone to verify over the phone. Anyone know how long it takes to get an update after verifying via phone?

                                                                                                            • #4538761

                                                                                                                I wouldn’t worry too much about it. I was told 2 letters were sent. I never received either. Called and told to wait 3 more weeks……

                                                                                                                Transcript updated tonight. DDD of 3/6

                                                                                                                Never received letter

                                                                                                              • #4538556

                                                                                                                  I got my 5071c letter yesterday answered the 3 questions hopefully see a update soon

                                                                                                                • #4538555

                                                                                                                    I thought I was the only one still waiting. No letter yesterday and still none today. Going to call Monday for an in person verify if it don’t come by then. This is ridiculous. Mine was mailed same day as several others that have gotten theirs.

                                                                                                                  • #4538549

                                                                                                                      Well today I called and was told that whoever told me that my letter was sent 2/14 was wrong.

                                                                                                                      Received 570 on 2/8 and then 971 on 2/15. Agent told me on 2/20, a letter was sent on 2/14 dated 3/4. Called this morning 2/29 as I have not received anything and was told that the notices are postdated but the agent looked again and said no, my letter is actually being mailed on 3/4.

                                                                                                                      Guess I will take a pause and come back in April.
                                                                                                                      Filed and accepted 1/19

                                                                                                                    • #4538431

                                                                                                                        8445455640- number I used to schedule in person.

                                                                                                                      • #4538430

                                                                                                                          8008305084 Taxpayer protection program can be reached between 7am and 7pm your local time.

                                                                                                                        • #4538417

                                                                                                                            No letter today as I already knew. Called again and was told it’s been 14 days (when originally they say wait 3 weeks!) and was told to make an appointment at the irs office. Called office and was told today was day 14 so try to wait until Friday to see if the letter shows up 😑

                                                                                                                          • #4538400

                                                                                                                              No letter in the mail today. I honestly don’t think I’m gonna get one at this point, I think it’s just that my return was randomly selected for review (that’s what I’m gonna keep telling myself) and I’m praying I see 846 on my transcripts on Friday.

                                                                                                                            • #4538355

                                                                                                                                Funny because I call my oldest Sasquatch 😂 just impatiently waiting!!

                                                                                                                              • #4538353

                                                                                                                                  Now that the letters are coming in…. Maybe.. just maybe this week by Friday.. We will see Movement, DDD’s, a Check… at this point a sighting from Big Foot anything… lolol one thing is for sure. Next year I will not file early, you can bank on That!

                                                                                                                                • #4538352

                                                                                                                                    Yeah I check the mail either way just in case but someone said they seen theirs so I still check like crazy. Not the best year to be delaying our taxes when husband is out on medical leave and I don’t work!

                                                                                                                                  • #4538351

                                                                                                                                      @momof5-2008 I have informed delivery and it didn’t show up on any of my daily USPS emails but it showed up last week.

                                                                                                                                    • #4538350

                                                                                                                                        Congrats!! No letter for me today and looking like not tomorrow either per informed delivery. I’m in GA and mailed 2/13 as well 😑

                                                                                                                                      • #4538347

                                                                                                                                          UPDATE: Received my 5071c letter today. It was mailed 2/13 from Austin, TX, regular (first class) mail. I’m in AZ.

                                                                                                                                        • #4538318

                                                                                                                                            2/2 Called again today and the agent stated he did not see anything about am online verification.He was helpful and offered to verify again over the phone to ensure I passed the verification process. We went through the steps and he said he was able to update my account as verified and because it’s over the phone, it shows right away. He said sometimes there’s a delay with the online process. Got the 9 week response but said that’s standard and it should be sooner than that.

                                                                                                                                          • #4538317

                                                                                                                                              My letter was mailed out on 2/9/24 and I received it 2/20/24. Verified online but still no movement. Transcripts still say no return filed and WMR has been stuck on “still processing” for weeks. 1/2

                                                                                                                                            • #4538296

                                                                                                                                                I googled irs near me and it pulls up local offices. Just call the one you wish to travel to.

                                                                                                                                                Update for myself: no letter coming today!!! What a surprise!

                                                                                                                                              • #4538271
                                                                                                                                                Chimin in

                                                                                                                                                  Can someone please post the number they called to set an appointment & verify please?! I have 570&971but w different dates , was told needed to wait for a 60 day review letter but nothing still

                                                                                                                                                • #4538245

                                                                                                                                                    I called the day after I verified at the irs office (same number to make an appt) and they confirmed that the identity thing was cleared up and I was good to go…just had to wait 9 weeks ia what I was told they have to say. My opinion….if they are able to verify you have a return on file the only hold is the verification of identity and as soon as its cleared your golden!

                                                                                                                                                  • #4538243

                                                                                                                                                      ok here’s what I did.

                                                                                                                                                      I called the number to get an in person appointment and had them verify they saw my return. I told them it said I need to verify in person because it wouldn’t let me verify online. I confirmed that verifying in person is indeed quicker and releases the identity theft thing and let’s your refund be sent. if yall need the number lmk and I’ll post it here. I also verified that since I verified in person I didn’t need to do anything with the letter.

                                                                                                                                                    • #4538207

                                                                                                                                                        @ Brittany I am happy for you. I truly like it when people get theirs it makes us all believe. @ white wolf, I agree. One lady on another forum just got hers after similar situations, she did verify in person last Wednesday and no updates on wmr or her irs account, but she checked her bank late afternoon( FRiday) it was deposited. She thinks the verification releases the hold, not starts the processing. who knows. Transparency is not Uncle Sam.

                                                                                                                                                      • #4538205

                                                                                                                                                          I’ve mentioned to my husband about verifying in person but the closest office is over an hour away and long car rides are hard for him right now. This letter thing is a joke. I don’t see why we can’t get transcript updates and have that 150 code at least but the obviously figured we would find out the code is on them!!!

                                                                                                                                                        • #4538202

                                                                                                                                                            @Mo. Yikes! They are more or less untouchable as a gov agency, therefore conduct business in questionable ways. Our only recourse as taxpayers are the TA’s.

                                                                                                                                                          • #4538200

                                                                                                                                                              @brittany Yay!! Are you a daily, or weekly?

                                                                                                                                                            • #4538199

                                                                                                                                                                @maxine. Same here. Bottom two on transcripts say “No return filed”, with as of date 2/12. Top two are n/a. WMR and IRS account msg to identify since 1/27!!!

                                                                                                                                                              • #4538197

                                                                                                                                                                  @Katie. This “letter” talk I believe is just another way for them to stall. I was told I was sent 2 letters, on 1/29 and 2/13. Nothing. I routinely receive international mail that is faster. They aren’t giving me any other options. Might need a T.A. soon.

                                                                                                                                                                • #4538194

                                                                                                                                                                    No movement for me this week. Wmr never said verify but online account does. Was told letter was mailed 2/13 and still no letter. Mail never takes 3 weeks! My husband has been injured since we filed and we have no income coming in and are about to run out of funds. Really depending on this return!!

                                                                                                                                                                  • #4538191

                                                                                                                                                                      Has anyone seen any movement?
                                                                                                                                                                      My tax return is constipated and stuck sitting @ verify still!

                                                                                                                                                                    • #4538180

                                                                                                                                                                        Had to verify my ID in person drove 2 hrs away. wmr never cleared but transcript updated yesterday with a ddd on 2/28. also never received a letter that was “mailed out” just checked and my tax money came in hit yesterday. I bank with sofi.

                                                                                                                                                                        Conclusion: if any way possible yall verify in person.

                                                                                                                                                                      • #4538154

                                                                                                                                                                          @ white wolf you are welcome, I love IGMR it helps to let us know we are not alone in this. But when I say some of them IRS CSR (Customer Service lacking individuals) were mean spirited. I know they hire and ramp up people for the season who are not seasoned, but to be mean spirited and nasty. I was hung up on twice, and even after I got the GOLDEN Ticket letter one lady would not look up my account and said do what it says call back in nine weeks. and hung up…

                                                                                                                                                                        • #4538150

                                                                                                                                                                            Travishon you got 971 first then 570 then another 971? wondering (more like hoping) if this will be the case for those of us who just got 570 then 971 🤞🏼

                                                                                                                                                                          • #4538148

                                                                                                                                                                              @Mo. Thank you for all the info. I panicked a bit when you mentioned paper check. I hope it is not the protocol to print paper checks to all the IDV people. I am in the middle of a move. The IRS will not forward my paper check to my new address. It would be either wait for it, or have them cancel/reissue. The last time I got an IRS paper check following an amendment, it was September!

                                                                                                                                                                            • #4538146

                                                                                                                                                                                @Maxine. My circumstances are almost identical to yours. My nearest walk-in place is 102miles away, and scheduling after 3/15. Also had letter resent twice. I saw a new thread today. Topic was something to the effect of “IRS won’t even check my return.” He is a pather, and the rep stated not to expect any movement til March! If that is accurate, that tells me they have system issues. It would explain the inconsistencies.

                                                                                                                                                                              • #4538086

                                                                                                                                                                                  Pretty mad myself. My refund: Filed 1/28 accepted 1/29 on wmr. Then needed to verify. IDme w/video that was verified 2/3. Weekly, so following Sat woke up to ‘processing’. Yeah! Oops, nope. Following Wed (iirc) went back to verify where it has sat in limbo since. Transcripts are top two NA & bottom two blank w/as of 2/19. Requested letter TWICE! Nothing, nada, zip, zilch. No irs near me to verify in person and can’t get anyone to pick-up at nearest 90 miles away office?

                                                                                                                                                                                • #4538085

                                                                                                                                                                                    Pretty mad myself. My refund: Filed 1/28 accepted 1/29 on wmr. Then needed to verify. IDme w/video that was verified 2/3. Weekly, so following Sat woke up to ‘processing’. Yeah! Oops, nope. Following Wed (iirc) went back to verify where it has sat in limbo since. Transcripts are top two NA & bottom two blank w/as of 2/19. Requested letter TWICE! Nothing, nada, zip, zilch. No irs near me to verify in person and can’t get anyone to pick-up at nearest 90 miles away office?

                                                                                                                                                                                  • #4538117

                                                                                                                                                                                      and looking back I realized I put a new checking account # for one of my accounts. Not sure if this flagged it or not. No updates today, notification on irs account is gone, verification on WMR ID Message is still there. I am a weekly. They told me 9 weeks. I did call back and speak to Mr. Simon who said that the verification did go through with that rep. Ms. Sheffield.

                                                                                                                                                                                    • #4538116

                                                                                                                                                                                        Cont again.. lol So I called, rep who finally took time to speak with me said I was not in fact verified and that she could do it over the phone. We did, it took about 45 mins, she asked about last years return and this year and at the end of the call said that I was not getting direct deposit but a check.

                                                                                                                                                                                      • #4538114

                                                                                                                                                                                          Cont- It took 3 minutes to verify, they asked for Agi from 2023, whether or not you requested a check or direct deposit and last four of your banking info. Then it took me to a page that said congratulations you are verified. I didnt trust it, because I had my direct deposit split into two bank accounts, and there was no place to list two.

                                                                                                                                                                                        • #4538112

                                                                                                                                                                                            So the letter is real. I got mine on Tuesday 02/20. It has a 14 digit control # you put in when you get to that identify verify page on your IRS account. I was an early filer, Filled 01/17 accepted the 18. Message of verify identity popped up on WMR first week of February.

                                                                                                                                                                                          • #4538072

                                                                                                                                                                                              @Travishon. Congrats!!!! That gives us hope that this is just a glitch.

                                                                                                                                                                                            • #4538054


                                                                                                                                                                                                Never got a letter and this is still there on. W

                                                                                                                                                                                                To protect you from identity theft, your tax return is currently being reviewed. To help us process your return more quickly, verify your…….

                                                                                                                                                                                              • #4538053


                                                                                                                                                                                                  Never got a letter and this is still there on

                                                                                                                                                                                                  To protect you from identity theft, your tax return is currently being reviewed. To help us process your return more quickly, verify your…….

                                                                                                                                                                                                • #4537935

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Mine was mailed Feb 16. Still haven’t got it yet but it’s early so we will see.

                                                                                                                                                                                                  • #4537930

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Or let them ask you all these questions just to tell you they mailed the letter and to call back or go online when you it!!! If they even mailed it 😡

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