What r you doing with tax money ?

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season What r you doing with tax money ?

  • This topic has 20 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by wllmwallace.
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  • #4098022

      I’m planning a nice trip! How about you?

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      • #4099743

          I bet $2k of ours on my Patriots with my boss….got paid this morning. Smiled the whole time he counted out the cash. Now waiting for DD 02/04, and then paying off bills, and buying some guns.

        • #4099389

            Fixing my car up, getting my license, getting the kids their necessities, fixing up the house, and putting the rest into savings

          • #4099340

              speech therapy for my niece , and paying off some holiday bills. After that won’t be much left so maybe a nice family dinner and some savings if possible.

            • #4099336

                I am going to Florida too!!.. Disney here we come!

              • #4099316

                  For the first time in many years we don’t need another car or to make a big purchase. We do need to move, so security deposit and first month’s rent while we continue to look for new forever however home. New (used) furniture for the house because we most of our other furniture in a bad roof collapse and leak/mold- but my budget isn’t extravagant. I’m paying my tuition to re-instate in school to complete my RN-BSN and then investing 20%. 10% to tithes. Nothing too exciting in theory but sooooo exciting in practice. I’m praising God in advance! (Oh, and I may have a speeding ticket and surcharge to pay but I could do that with a paycheck- I just haven’t yet). Boring stuff. Grown up stuff. I’m growing up. (I really want to buy a new MacBook Pro, mine is circa 2009, but it still works well and we have literally 7 computers in this house so that just seems selfish and like a childish thing to do. Instead I’ll get a cute cover for my current one, I guess.

                • #4099300

                    Seriously, just paying a some bills, some in savings and investing the rest…. It’s a very nice feeling looking at all my bills and seeing a balance of -0-

                  • #4099295

                      Redesigning the side and backyard of our home. Took a year just for the fromt because it can get costly when your wife wants everything she sees. We are getting close to 2k so this will help with the side and half backyard hahaha

                    • #4099263

                        Trying to buy my first car, going to buy a $700 car somewhere so I can actually make it to work without being mad when it rains :)

                      • #4098442

                          Using it for some college expenses for one of my kids, paying off a small loan we have and paying a credit card off finally. Hoping there is a little left after paying the extra unplanned college expesnses to maybe take a weekend trip somewhere. If there isn’t, will just be glad to take care of the other.

                        • #4098395

                            Savings :/ lol.

                          • #4098388

                              @JD Thanks (just focusing on priorities) for 2015.

                            • #4098199

                                Going to Las Vegas to a place called escorts of sin city

                              • #4098152

                                  Down payment for a Cayenne for my wife. It’s weird how the older you get the less you think of you and the more it makes you smile to bless someone else

                                  Sherry, one of the BEST posts I have seen on this board!

                                • #4098051

                                    lottery tickets

                                  • #4098040

                                      Got three grand on the SeaHawks

                                    • #4098039

                                        Some weed

                                      • #4098038

                                          I am paying off Credit Card Debt and putting up a chunk for vacation :) I won an all inclusive trip to Mexico at my company holiday party so i will be putting some away for that (spending $)

                                        • #4098033

                                            I’m paying off all of my credit cards so that I can have a fresh start to the new year and also starting a nice Christmas Club account so I don’t have to stress when the holidays are upon us once again.

                                          • #4098029

                                              Planning on doing some repairs on the home and MAYBE a new set of clubs if its in the budget :)

                                            • #4098026

                                                I’m doing the same. Where do you plan on going? I’m going to Florida.

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