What does this mean

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season What does this mean

  • This topic has 12 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #4099595


      I read that 05 means Friday? That true?

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      • #4100446

          I applied for a hardship with the advocate program, spoke with the advocate and did not wait the 21 days and will have my money this Friday. I do not have time to wait around and pe penalized for being an honest person.

        • #4100412

            Just looked at transcripts. My wages and income is blank. If others is like this. That might be the reason for the delay.

          • #4100236

              Still no update. This is very frustrating. I really need this money.

            • #4099635

                They may not tell you anything if it hasn’t been 21 days Charles unless you get lucky and find a rep whose willing to reveal a bit more info.

              • #4099633


                • #4099631

                    I believe that just means it’s under reviewing before updating with the amount to be deposited but that you should see something Friday. It can’t hurt to call the offset line to confirm if you do indeed have an offset and the amount.

                  • #4099622

                      Any reason I should be concerned with my amount with a minus in front of it. I have it received on WMR, just no other progress.

                    • #4099620

                        The IRS has a pocket guide of what codes mean but this is what I found

                        150 – Tax return filed
                        806 – W -2 Withholding
                        766 – Credit to your account
                        768 – earned income credit
                        896 – overpayment credit offset
                        570 – Additional account action pending

                      • #4099612

                          150, 806, 766, 768, 896, 570

                        • #4099599

                            Do you have any codes listed?

                          • #4099598

                              Also my amount is -0000 (not actual amount)

                            • #4099597

                                You should be receiving your direct deposit soon..I believe by the end of the week

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