What Are You Guys Doing With Your Refund

Home Forums General Discussion 2021 Tax Season What Are You Guys Doing With Your Refund

  • This topic has 27 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by Deca.
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  • #4457823
    Cali Gurl

      I really want to use part of my refund to go on a 5 day trip somewhere in the Caribbean. Anyone else got anything special planned?

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      • #4459090

          Invest in Chiquita Banana. Modern Day Bananas are under threat of extinction. Panama Disease is quickly infecting large Banana plantations. Once a banana tree is infected, the land under the tree is permanently unable to produce a Banana tree. Gros Michel Bananas faced the same tragedy and are now extinct. They were a far superior Banana compared to modern day varieties. I must do my part to protect our worlds Bananas.

        • #4458971

            New beds for my kids, paying off our car loan, saving a bit for a rainy day. I know, I know. Wild woman here when it comes to spending! Lol.

          • #4458850
              • Top Contributor

              Why was my reply (yesterday) not posted???

            • #4458675
              Alx D.



                Had you invested 5k on Bitcoin this time last year you will have right now 50K. There are many different options to save and increase your returns nowadays if you actively monitor it and make the right moves.

                How about you take that negative energy to the gym and pump more iron?

              • #4458665

                  mommy needs a ps5.

                  haha in all seriousness I have been thankful to be employed this entire time so nothing is hurting, I might upgrade my kids beds as they seem to be outgrowing the smaller ones.

                • #4458660
                  Bodybuilder Barry Rhoton

                    Everyone always says save or invest but when it comes to do it they wont besides you aint going to make much on a 5-10k investment. You gotta invest 50-100K to even see a return thats worth tying up that amount of cash.

                  • #4458654
                    Cali Gurl

                      Sounds like a lot of you are investing your money.

                    • #4458623

                        Starting a candle business and a car down payment

                      • #4458518

                          Dumping it all into silver that I’ve been stacking for years

                        • #4458307
                          Alx D.

                            Bills. Some money to go from freelancer to business. Putting the rest on Bitcoin.

                          • #4458305

                              New roof, and saving.

                            • #4458215

                                Paying bills and saving it for next tax season to put down on a house.

                              • #4458184

                                  Starting a small business, paying towards my car balance, new iMac to treat myself.

                                • #4458173
                                  Cali Gurl

                                    @doncon Nope….received my state refund over the weekend, still waiting on federal.

                                  • #4458114

                                      Have you received your refund yet?

                                    • #4458097

                                        I will be buying my wedding dress and the rest will go on bills and my daughters 6th birthday

                                      • #4458065

                                          🤣🤣 rent and a new car for myself as well

                                        • #4458057

                                            Im going to buy a new phone. I dont have one right now. And i need to buy winter appropriate clothes for my family. Other than that?…..not much else.

                                          • #4458051

                                              Savings, investing. Every trip to the store, I spend more, leave w less. Buckle up kids!

                                            • #4458019

                                                Rent, other bills and a “new” car.

                                              • #4458016

                                                  Im restocking the biz.

                                                  So when yall get yall taxes cause im waiting like crazy too but i need ya to support a small business ans get yall some THC AND CBD Infused candles and body butter at http://www.cannipeuticsensations.com

                                                • #4457980

                                                    Family vacations and bill paying…however with the way the tax season is going so far I might use it to pay for a room at the mental hospital with a nice little white jacket that gives me a hug.

                                                  • #4457941
                                                    Cali Gurl

                                                      I’m also going to put a nice chunk towards my credit card too.

                                                    • #4457904

                                                        Paying down my credit card

                                                      • #4457845

                                                          @Cali Gurl oh yes definitely! And you as well we deserve it 2020 was a mess lol

                                                        • #4457837
                                                          Cali Gurl

                                                            @Nursey definitely treat yourself 😌

                                                          • #4457832

                                                              Buy some cow panels for my big garden buy more land spoil the babies a little and maybe treat myself to a nice wood stove and/or solar generator☺️

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