Walmart Money Card

Home Forums Archives Banks & Prepaid Cards Walmart Money Card

  • This topic has 19 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by steven.
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  • #5975

      Hello… I just have a question. I filed my taxes with Taxbrain, and they use SBTPG (Santa Barbara Tax Products Group) they (SBTPG) received my money today and took out the appropriate fees. I still have not received a deposit to my walmart money card. I called the 800 number on the back of my card to see if was still active ( just to be safe I called 3 times) and they all said that my card was still active and there was no problems with my card. So my question is what time does SBTPG transfer money to your bank and what time will it show up? Thank you

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      • #4331709

          Have you checked the information on their official portal which is ?

        • #4248120

            There was a 10k deposit onto my Wal-Mart card with no issues in 2017.

          • #4227120
            Staxx Mooney

              Not sure if rejected deposiys was a concwrn for any of you guys due to thw amount.
              Heres am email responsw directly from walmart card:
              Thanks for reaching out. You can deposit up to $50, 000.00 via Direct Deposit. If you’re expecting a tax refund over $8,000 it will not be rejected.


              The Email Support Team

            • #4205631

                I have a walmart money card is there really a limit to how much can be deposited

              • #4154979

                  I used a Walmart money card last year and it wasn’t worth the hassle. The ATM at my local Walmart was out and going to the money center they said they can take out $1,500 a day. Also there is a limit how much can be deposited at once. I forgot what the limit is, you can check their website. Another thing, once the deposit hit, they wanted me to verify my identity and wanted me send them a photo of my ID and said it might take up to a week to verify. Thankfully it only took 30 minutes. Overall it’s better if you go through a bank.

                • #4144545

                    Wondering if anyone with a ddd of 3/2 has gotten their return yet, using WMC.

                  • #4136152
                    My reund was accepted 02/05/2016

                      I have my despoit going on my Wal-Mart Money Card and my refund was accepted on 02/05 and wmr said my ddd is scheduled for 02/10 does that mean at midnight tonight ill have my refund on my card? Is that how Wal-Mart money card works?

                    • #4124272

                        I’m worried about WalMart money card will my money be thre on my dad of 2\3

                      • #4123847

                          And I forgot to add that they hold my refund for 5 weeks while they validated my information….

                        • #4123845

                            I use the walmart money card once and that was last year the IRS process to my return in one week as usual and then I got a email from walmart money card saying I had to validate my identity which I faxed over a copy of my drivers license and social security card I called them Later that afternoon and they told me it would take 4 to 6 weeks to validate my identity I will never use walmart money card again

                          • #4106773

                              Walmart card sent my refund back!!now i have to wait for a check in the mail! All their advertisements said get your refund sooner… Not one word about their being a limit for the amount of return!! Anyone know how long it should take to receive paper check?

                            • #4099322

                                Does anyone have a Walmart pay card for employees of Walmart that received their dd OK who filed a joint retuen

                              • #20875

                                  sup you mfers. i suck the meat, the rod, and the penus

                                • #8257

                                    received 2/14 DD on 2/14 @ 12:07 am via walmart money card

                                  • #8067

                                      My deposits never show up until almost 5am central time, so be patient!

                                    • #7975

                                        Also keep in mind that Walmart Money Card is on the west coast so time is PST.

                                      • #7973

                                          Check a bit after 12am. Mine dd’s never show up exactly at midnight.

                                        • #7972

                                            I have a 2/14 DDD. I will keep you guys posted!

                                          • #5984

                                              It will show up on the day of your DD at 12am.

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