Verify identity

Home Forums General Discussion 2024 Tax Season Verify identity

  • This topic has 15 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 7 months ago by brittany.
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  • #4535654 Reply
    Kaitlyn Martin

      My wmr updated this morning to a “ To protect you from identity theft, your tax return is currently being reviewed. To help us process your return more quickly, verify your identity and tax return information. If you recently received a letter from us, follow the instructions on the letter. Please have your tax return (Form 1040 series) available and read the website or letter before starting the verification process. If you already verified your identity and tax return information, you may check the status of your refund after 2-3 weeks” has anyone else had this and if so how long did it take to resolve !!! I need this tax return sooner rather than later

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      • #4538118 Reply

          I verified on tue in person and today I got an update on my record with a DDD of 2/28!!! Good luck everyone!

        • #4537855 Reply

            I never got a letter been on the phone for 45 mins… if I wouldn’t have called I would have been more confused. I understood the fraud issue but THE IRS needs to be on top of the communication they deliver to tax payers. WMR never stated I needed to verify. Transcripts are blank. Smh AMERICA’s government

          • #4537846 Reply
            Kaitlyn Martin


            • #4537254 Reply
              Kaitlyn Martin

                I called and they let me verify my identity over the phone with a bunch of questions. Now it’s waiting time! Anyone know how long it’ll actually take to get the refund?

              • #4537032 Reply

                  I verified through ID me video. WMR changed to processing for two days then went back to the verification notification. Grrrrr….. & still no letter received.

                • #4537035 Reply

                    @Martin me too! Went away for a few days and came back. Never shows if I use same info with wife ss#! Married filing joint

                  • #4537021 Reply
                    Kaitlyn Martin

                      My wmr changed back to verify your identity this morning 😫

                    • #4536041 Reply

                        If you haven’t created a IP Pin and did I.D me online verification you are more likely to run into this issue. They are taking tax fraud very seriously this year, and are making sure that it is 100% you that filed your return. Doing both of those will ensure them that it was you and not a fraudulent filing.

                      • #4536039 Reply

                          I also wanted to add that I think it must be some kind of error within the i.d. me/wmr system, because this year there have been so many people complaining about this issue happening to them as well. Here’s to smooth sailing from here on out! Happy Valentine’s Day!

                        • #4536038 Reply


                            My fiance experienced the same thing. For a couple weeks it was like that where wmr prompted him to verify his identity. So, when I came to the forum this morning & saw that yours changed, something told me to go check my fiancés. Low & behold, he no longer has to verify! Thank goodness! He filed via turbotax and has an est ddd of 2/19, so here’s to hoping he gets his dd this weekend because he banks with chime.

                          • #4536027 Reply
                            Kaitlyn Martin

                              This morning my wmr changed to we have received your return and it is being processed!! Maybe that means the verification fixed itself?? Anyone??

                            • #4536012 Reply

                                Does anyone have the steps they can share? I got this letter from MA and I accidentally threw it away!!! Now I have no clue what I was supposed to do.

                              • #4536006 Reply

                                  My husband has had to do it in the past. Usually only takes about 5 days and he’d get his refund. I think 2-3wks is said just to cover themselves incase it does take longer than a week.

                                • #4536002 Reply

                                    Hey! I went to my local office and verified

                                  • #4535905 Reply

                                      My wmr does not say I have to verify identity but my online account says for my 2023 return to be processed I’ll have to verify. My as of date on transcripts is 2/12 and wmr still says processing. I’m a pather and never had this happen. I hope it doesn’t take forever 😩

                                    • #4535837 Reply
                                      Kaitlyn Martin

                                        I called this morning, and they so said I can’t verify until I receive that letter in the mail. So if I don’t get it by next Monday call back. Ugggg I need this tax return! I’m Soo stressed that it will take forever. Please update if you have to verify and if you’re able to.

                                      • #4535663 Reply

                                          I have this message and did the steps. I did the video call and provided my info. After which i received an email stating that that i have been verified. When I go to check the status i get a message stating that i still have to wait for the letter to come and put the code into the site in order for me to proceed. its been 2 weeks and i still have NOT received a letter which can take 3 weeks in the mail. plus another 2-3 weeks after completing that step.

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