Verify ID But Refund Deposited

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  • #4536628

      I have followed these boards for a few years. We’ve never had any real issues until this year. Our wheres my refund states we need to verify our ID. Yesterday I went on to see if I could see transcripts and they are blank. Today at 4pm our deposit posted. I’m not complaining but very confused. The bars are gone and it states we will need to verify. Very confusing!!!

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      • #4536774

          My transcripts are all blank, except the bottom 2 have 2023, but no cycle code or anything. Filed TT and was accepted on 2-1, no advance but fees taken out of refund, still processing on WMR, no codes or anything on transcripts, my account says I need to verify my ID, but it says no letters or notifications.

          I don’t get it 😕

        • #4536721

            Didn’t check transcripts but WMR has been saying ID verify since being accepted. Filed 1/21 accepted 1/23 Never got a letter or anything. WMR updated today to DDD for 2/22. Im thinking there’s a difference between WMR ID verify and transcript ID verify.

          • #4536705

              Ours did the same thing. It went from I’d verify needed to still processing on Tuesday. On Friday when I went on it was back to I’d verify again. At 4 we had our money. Very odd.

            • #4536703

                I meant checked my wheres my refund.

              • #4536702

                  I just checked my work and it now states refund will deposited by 2/22. I checked last night late a d it still stated I need to verify ID. My transcripts(which I’m able to see every year)are still showing the wage only and it’s mostly blank. It’s crazy!!!!

                • #4536691

                    My WMR went from verify to processing to back to verify this AM. Very frustrating.

                  • #4536652

                      Man I hope this happens to me! My wmr does NOT show I need to verify ID but our transcripts are blank as well. No cycle date or anything. Online account says we need to verify before they can process but my wmr has never stated that and never went to path message either. It’s been over three weeks since we’ve filed and we have not gotten a letter to do so. I’m going insane trying to figure out what the heck is going on!

                    • #4536645

                        Hi. Did you see anything on your transcripts saying that you have to verify identity?

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