Used FreetaxUSA and filed on 1/30/2013. IRS received 1/31/2013. Still processing as of 2/3/2013. Anyone else in the same boat?

Home Forums Archives Tax Preparers Where did you file? Others… Used FreetaxUSA and filed on 1/30/2013. IRS received 1/31/2013. Still processing as of 2/3/2013. Anyone else in the same boat?

  • This topic has 26 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Servena.
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  • #5369

      I filed early, but, due to the education credits… my return was rejected on the 30th.  I then resubmitted them, taking out the credits.  I will amend later.  My return was received on the 31st FROM the IRS.  (I think a lot of people get the wrong impression from the company they used when they get their first text, email etc. stating that there return was accepted)  My return in still in processing on Feb. 3rd.  I am hoping it changes by tomorrow.  I think with so many people not giving it a few days and calling, ordering transcripts, overloading the WMR site…  That systems crashed, answers are left unanswered and everyone gets nowhere.  My fear though is… FOR THE PAST 3 years, I have continually fell into some sort of problem with the IRS and their system that processes the returns.  I have read about the new MEF system and how it updates.  There ARE NO batching of filers anymore.  It is on a per filing basis.  The system will be running 24/7.  DD are suppose to be everyday (except Sundays).  I am personally nervous that WMR is still in processing mode.  Is anyone else in the same boat>  RECEIVED ON THE 31st and STILL PROCESSING?  Thanks….

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      • #4134358

          Now we know who the seblinse one is here. Great post!

        • #20646
          Celeste PRIER

            I filed using FREE TAX on 2/2/14 and was accepted on 2/3/14. Still STUCK on the first bar. Cannot get a Dd. transcript has *with 0000 and the date 3/3. Received STATE refund 2/12/14 through my bank.

          • #7844

              It says on line there Accepting the school credit taxes feb,14 so I’m hoping maybe a week after that we will have the taxes

            • #6199

                Update i checked early this morning and nothing had changed i checked again this afternoon and i now have ddd

              • #6080

                  Filed on the 31st, accpeted on 2/1… used FreetaxUsa… called and spoke to a lady that didn’t even want to look my info up. She just kept telling me to be patient, and giving me rebuttals to sooth me. She was saying if I’m getting the code 152, then its just processing.. I kept saying, well let me give you my info, but she didn’t want to take it. So finally I just got tired of trying to re-word “Lady look at my account and tell me what YOU see!”.. but I don’t have any extra anything…

                  Wages from 2 different W-2s
                  Moving expense deductions
                  No school credits
                  Couldn’t. Order transcripts as of now

                • #6002

                    ***UPDATE*** I looked and called wmr today… STILL PENDING… UGH. I wasn’t going to, but, I called to order transcripts. So, with that said.. HOPEFULLY ALL OF OUR REFUNDS WILL BE SENT SOON!

                  • #5977

                      Hey, it is Sara again… Yep, still stuck in processing mode and as of an hour ago.. still can’t order my transcript. I FINALLY got through to someone at the IRS yesterday, after calling and getting rude, rude and did I say rude people. The man FINALLY took the time and looked up my soc. and taxes. He told me they were still being processed, I do have a garnishment for taxes owed a few years back, but, that does NOT hold things up and that everything else looked fine. I am still really annoyed with the hold up. I should have known to wait a day or two sending them in. I think the overflow from what I have been reading about us (31sters) has put us somehow in a longer waiting period. People that either filed the day before or day after are being accepted and dd are being given like crazy. It is OUR day that I keep reading over and over that are stuck in processing hell. I am not that impatient of a person.. but, it really chaps my ass that I somehow fall into some “computer glitch” or “bad filing batch” etc. almost every dang year. What really ticks me off is a bigger picture. We are taxed every which way in life, taxes keep going up and there is no end insight.. but, yet if we OWE they take it with interest, put levies, garnish wages, take our homes etc… But, they can argue, delay, not even have the decency to answer questions about OUR RETURNS when we call … instead are rude, condescending and read off of a sheet of paper and hang up. WE ARE THE TAX PAYERS! WE ARE THE WORKERS THAT THIS COUNTRY RUNS OFF OF… OUR MONEY… Ughhhh… SO FRUSTRATED RIGHT NOW! I hope some of you have received some good news today! Please post

                    • #5951

                        On mine it said it got accepted on the 25 but i have the education credit thought it would reject but it didntt mine still says pending As of feb 7,2013

                      • #5941

                          I filed using FREETAXUSA on 1/28, got my accepted email 1/31 around 9pm… WMR has been processing ever since.. I was able to order transcript. Still waiting for DDD.. Anyone with my dates getting anywhere?

                        • #5812

                            So, I requested my transcript yesterday and I got updated to Dd 2/8 this morning. I had to call the hotline because I could not access the system, but apparently they are working at the IRS office.

                          • #5792

                              Im lost, so many people i know filed Monday 2/4/13 and have been approved and received refunds. I filed 1/30/13 and in still being processed.i called to ask why i couldn’t check my status thru automated services and the first lady was rude and told me it hasn’t been 21 days so i need to wait. I called back and got another lady who was rude at first then became nice explaining to me that the system picks randomly and for me to check only once a day to keep the system from jamming.some people check several times a day and nothing has changed for them because the system only updates over night, those people are causing the system to back up. I then asked her why i couldn’t order my transcript and that i was told that if i couldn’t order them then something was wrong, she said that was not true. She then repeatedly that so many people are doing that and tattoo is jamming. So i guess im just left here with the system jammed and not know anything….ugh!

                            • #5757

                                Congrats !!

                                The 800 # says the same old thing being processed No DD :(

                              • #5747

                                  Filed 1/31. Accepted in less than 5 minutes. Processing since. Able to order transcript night before last. Currently still locked out of wmr. Called automated 800# this morning and received ddd of 2/8.

                                • #5729

                                    Just got approved deposit set for Friday!!!

                                  • #5706

                                      Filed and accepted 1/31. Finally able to order return transcript last night. Still processing …..

                                    • #5697

                                        I used freetaxusa as well.IRS accepted my return 1/31/2013. As of today I am still processing. One positive is that I was able to order my transcripts.

                                      • #5687

                                          Still processing today as well…hopefully will get news tomorrow….do they even help you if you call?

                                        • #5589

                                            No i tried to order a transcript because i read somewhere that if you can and it goes through then your ok well i couldn’t. I actually had to report someone who did fraud. She still got her dd on the 1st. It kind of sucks that people who are honest have to go through this and those who lie and cheat the system still get a refund. I am highly upset (i really wanted to say something else).

                                          • #5588

                                              I filed on the 30th of January through liberty tax when i got home around 5 pm i checked online and the irs had received my informationthis was all in the same day i thought that things were moving pretty fast. Well that was a slap in the fast because it’s now the 4th of February and still processing. I had a simple return only one w-2. This suck….

                                            • #5582

                                                could any of u order a transcript

                                                • #4134421

                                                    IJWTS wow! Why can’t I think of thnigs like that?

                                                • #5579

                                                    my return was just w2

                                                  • #5575

                                                      I also used freetaxusa, filed on the 1/29, and was accepted on 1/31. Still showing processing with 21 day message on wmr.

                                                      @sarazeus: I did the exact same thing. I filed with 8863 on 1/24, it was rejected on 1/29. I spoke to freetaxusa’s support about whether I could take it off and they gave me the go ahead. So, I took it off and refiled on 1/29. I will amend it later once I get my refund.

                                                    • #5573

                                                        I use the same site same accepted date and still processing

                                                      • #5570

                                                          I used freetax USA and I was also accepted the 31st and still processing as of today, grrrrr

                                                        • #5377

                                                            I continually year after year fall into some sort of long, drawn out processing delay with the IRS for all different reasons.. always there system, blah and blah… Anyone else getting the same thing with PENDING that filed and received on 30/31st?

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