• This topic has 39 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Marissa.
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  • #7422

      Anyone here have USAA and receive their refund before the DD? I’m scheduled for a DD of 2/13 but USAA is usually on top of their game so I was just curious if it would come maybe 2/11 or 2/12.

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      • #20092

          I’m a 2/12-er. Just called USAA about an hour ago. The rep said no deposit had posted but that doesn’t mean much because their system has not updated since Friday night. She said it would update again tonight so it’s highly likely the deposit will be in the acct tomorrow. Hope this helps!

        • #19790

            If anyone does get their $ a day early, would you post that info? Prob. wont be like last year when we got it a day before, but would be nice.

          • #19376

              MEG, that does not seem to be the case. Since IRS will not send the funds until the morning of the 10th you will have the money that day. You may get it early if IRS sends it early. But I would not plan on that.

            • #19369

                So, if my DDD is 2/10/14, will USAA post it tomorrow morning? The weekends always confuse me with them!

              • #19366

                  Got the refund around 0430 MST today. Which is the day the irs said I would get it. Had no fees taken out of the refund.

                • #19267
                  Heather L

                    Nothing yet?? This year is soooo weird!

                  • #19223
                    Heather L

                      USAA is really good about posting pending deposits immediately — we are always paid two days before anyone else at my husbands company :) With that said, IRS must be waiting to release funds, because I’m not showing anything (ddd of 2/6) Anyone have anything showing yet? (Gov. makes me nervous, lol)

                      • #19232

                          We normally get paid a day before expected pay days at about 6am mountain time. Still nothing get here either

                      • #8038

                          I guess nothing for me today :(

                        • #8015

                            Well I still have two more hours to go if it hits after 6 am :( guess ill drink coffee and watch tv until then

                          • #8014

                              that sucks about fees… I know they need to get their money, but some of them seem to take their sweet time. I hope you get it today!!!! This has been a horrible experience!

                            • #8013

                                got it! check- maybe you got it now. if not, it’s gotta be a timezone thing

                              • #8012

                                  I think the Fees being taken out is the hold up. Sbtg site updates at 9am so I’ve heard. If Sbtg has it at 9 you should be good to go you can call and ask when will they release to the bank.

                                • #8011

                                    can call usaa after 730 – it’s based on your time zone. I’m calling right then if we don’t have anything. I have to go to a class on post and I will be nuts by then if I don’t know anything!

                                  • #8008

                                      I just saw another one! wtf??

                                    • #8006

                                        @hsp42107 lol …I know the anxiety is going to make me croak over!

                                      • #8005

                                          for some reason I am locked out of wmr still… called the hotline and it is saying the usual, which I don’t know if that matters.

                                        • #8003

                                            I don’t think they are open yet. I’m checking my acct like a maniac! lord i cant take this much longer!

                                          • #8002

                                              I haven’t. The app on my phone is set up to alert me when there is a deposit….so Im just sitting here with a death grip on my phone lol

                                            • #8000

                                                Has anyone tried calling usaa?

                                              • #7997

                                                  We filed with h&r block at home…and we has fees taken out of our federal. Hoping that’s not the hold up.

                                                • #7996

                                                    that’s when it hits our usually I think. I am happy other people got theirs, but it’s making me panic more too. Can’t imagine why we’d not get it-no fees taken out for me. You guys? Used Turbo tax.

                                                  • #7994

                                                      It seems like my husbands mitary pay hits between 4:00-4:30 am for us…but like I said we are on the west coast.

                                                    • #7992

                                                        I bank with usaa as well. My DDD is 2/13 but haven’t seen anything hit my account. I did get my Colorado return around 6am. I live in England now so maybe it will come later in the day US time.

                                                      • #7987

                                                          Don’t feel bad, mines not there either :(

                                                        • #7986

                                                            ok i’m just freaking out… several more have turned up getting theirs. i’m so ready to have this over (andhave my money too)

                                                          • #7985

                                                              It just seems usaa’ers are getting them a little after six am.

                                                            • #7984

                                                                someone just got theirs on the main page-same ddd as us. i’m cst-does it go via timezone?

                                                              • #7983

                                                                  Not yet, but I’m on the west coast so it’s only 3:05 here.

                                                                • #7982

                                                                    starting to get nervous…expected it to be there when I woke up and it’s not. anyone else get theirs?

                                                                  • #7897

                                                                      @hsp42107 I’m hoping to see it in the morning too!

                                                                    • #7875

                                                                        yes, my ddd is 2/13… was hoping to see it today, but guess not. Everyone else seems to be getting it a day before their ddd… of the few usaa users I’ve seen, so I am expecting to see it in the morning. Went through turbo tax and paid the fees upfront, so don’t have to wait for that to be taken out and sent.

                                                                      • #7822

                                                                          @DALR thanks! You guys should be seeing yours by tomorrow. Praying for u!

                                                                        • #7818

                                                                            @armywife22 Wooohooo!! Lol thanks for letting me know! Happy Spending :)

                                                                          • #7737

                                                                              Hey ladies!! I got it! Just checked! It’s 636am est..

                                                                            • #7728

                                                                                @armywife22 thanks, that’d be great if you could let us know!

                                                                              • #7722

                                                                                  I bank with USAA as well. My ddd is 2/12 … I know they usually post deposits a day early around 7-730am. So ill post back if mine comes in today

                                                                                • #7688

                                                                                    Is your DD 2/13 as well?

                                                                                  • #7686

                                                                                      I am with usaa too. I am hoping so! Will post if I do…. keeping fingers crossed and toes too!

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