US Bank

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  • This topic has 15 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by Michael Coolidge.
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  • #19949

      Anyone receive there DDD yet through US Bank? We filed with HRBlock, paid the fees upfront and have a 2/12DDD. Just trying to see if anyone got there’s early or what.

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      • #4521671
        Michael Coolidge

          My refund was sent on the 30th of March it’s April 2. It doesn’t take this long to release my funds.

        • #21973

            Us Bank cannot see pending deposits and deposit the “day of” around 4am (eastern) from my experiences..:)

          • #20478

              I went to bed around 1:45am and woke up at 4:00 eastern then had to check the account again… My DD was there in US bank account… I think it could be 4am when it hits since i checked last Wed. and had state posted to account at 4:30am….. Gl everyone

            • #20256

                Just called US BANK to see if there is a pacific time they release funds for our 2/12 DD and he said they dont hold it,lol soon as it becomes available. It could be that they really dont know and its in que and not pending like some do. So anytime after midnight it looks like and i dont know if they are on Eastern time or ?

                I told him i have a 2/12 deposit date and he said from his experience the iRS doesnt release tax checks except on Mon. and Fri. ,lol …They dont know how much knowledge we have here on IGMR about the new systems….. :)

              • #20222

                  The 12th it will be,looks like…….. We can hobble that long :)

                • #20177

                    No DD this am as of yet :(

                  • #20139

                      I’m hoping for early, but expecting day of between midnight to 8am they have told me. I will know tomorrow if it is early or DD

                    • #20084

                        Anyone know if US bank only release they day of DD??? Its been yrs since i used them, Do they get it a day early?? and is their update time 430am? My state went in around then. Any help is appreciated

                      • #20016

                          US Bank is playing dumb holding onto our refunds. If Navy Fed, USAA and other banks already have 2/12DDD’s then US Bank does. I’ve called them twice today to checking in anything pending and they play dumb saying nothing is showing.

                          Then he gave me the IRS WMR site for me to check and I laughed and told him I know the money is coming, you all are holding it up.

                        • #19976

                            Nothing new here, have 2/12 DDD with US BANK

                          • #19968

                              Yes they will…just called them no deposit yet but she said deposits come in all day and will update all day….my fees were not taken out up front…I called the company that took out fees and its states the money was sent to my account but they don’t open till 9…will call later to speak to someone live. Thinking either today or tomorrow I will have it:-)

                            • #19959

                                I used to bank with Navy Fed when I was in, chances are if you call them, they will release it

                              • #19957

                                  Filed 2/2/14 accepted 2/3/14….ddd 2/11/14..banks with navy deposit as of yet

                                • #19952

                                    Yeah I see navy fed 2/12’s hitting the accounts already, but I know us bank sucks compares to navy fed lol

                                  • #19950
                                    Jami filed & accp on 1/30 still one bar on WMR

                                      not me but lots of them rolling in today I have been watching the site

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