Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season UPDATE US IF YOU'RE FROM THE SOUTH

  • This topic has 53 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Wesley Kammer.
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  • #4095381
    hopeful in Atlanta

      I am noticing a lot of ppl from the south that can’t order transcripts or haven’t received any updates. Post here if you have updates or if you don’t and your are from the south

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      • #4099052
        Wesley Kammer

          I filed 1/23/15 and it was accepted DDD changed from 2/6 to 2/20 transcripts show “no return filed” and a bunch of zeros what is going on? now the app is down and so is WMR site on 2/1/15?

        • #4096672

            In Florida, I was able to order my transcripts on Wed, Got refund today

          • #4096661

              Texas filed 1/12. Accepted 1/13. One bar. No transcript.

            • #4096655
              Missy E

                I’m in Arkansas filed 1/28 Federal and State have not been accepted yet filed H & R Block online

              • #4095670

                  Texas. Filed 1/7, accepted 1/20. N/A for transcripts. Anyone have transcript now that couldn’t view it last night?

                • #4095665

                    From Houston, Texas accepted on the 16th, got transcripts yesterday in the morning, WMR updated last night to refund approved and scheduled for 1/30/2015.

                  • #4095657

                      in jacksonville area fla, got both transcripts and ddd for friday the 30th. i filed with tt as well. but i filed my fiances taxes same day and his transcripts are unavailable also no update on WMR for him. it also may be because he has childsupport offset though, so idk.

                    • #4095652

                        Oh and I was accepted by GA state, but I owe 0, and am getting 0. I filed with TurboTax, and Im in Atlanta, Georgia.

                      • #4095649

                          I filed the 14th, accepted the 16th, was just able to order transcripts yesterday, same 20150402 code, this morning, wmr showing ddd January 30th. Im in Georgia.

                        • #4095648

                            @fl yes i did use turbo tax

                          • #4095647
                            hopeful in Atlanta

                              Tobias I am also from Atl and nothing from neither. My mom, and 3 cousins all filed on or around the same date and nothing for no one not state or federal no one is able to view or order transcripts so I am confused but I will remain hopeful that on the next go around we will be in that one

                            • #4095644

                                I filed on 1/20 accepted on 1/20 and I have a dd for 1/30 (Mississippi)

                              • #4095643

                                  Curious…. for us southerns with no updates, but were accepted on 1/21 or before…..did any of you guys use H&R? I’m from Greenville, SC and still no transcripts and at one bar! Totally sucks!!

                                • #4095637

                                    I was accepted 1/16. One bar and no transcripts. I live in Atlanta. I am unsure what is going on but I don’t have anything from federal or state where other people are getting at least state and now federal.

                                  • #4095631

                                      I’m in Florida filed 1/17 accepted 1/20 called the IRS yesterday because I couldn’t order my transcripts and received the number to call for identity issue…she reviewed my return and said their are no issues with the return, it was still processing and I can get my transcripts and it will be done within 2 days. Since the cut-off for 1/30 ddd is wenesday ~ I don’t expect a deposit till next week any later and it will be over 21 days :( The question now is how often are they going to be making deposits

                                    • #4095618

                                        In Florida. Filed and accepted 1/23, no DDD or transcripts.

                                      • #4095616

                                          I’m in Florida and have a ddd of 1/30

                                        • #4095611

                                            Submitted 1/19, accepted 1/21, was able to get transcript yesterday with cycle. Got two bars and 1/30 Dodd this morning.

                                            Al issued Ssn, live I. Ga

                                          • #4095610

                                              Kentucky, Updated at 3 am, Filed TT on the 11th accepted on the 13th. Approved on 1/28! DDD of 1/30!


                                            • #4095609

                                                @cocoafl I’m in brevard, did you use TT?

                                              • #4095601

                                                  file 1/7 accepted 1/9 refund on 1/30 filed TT transcripts and wmr updated yesterday

                                                • #4095596

                                                    Florida get your shit together

                                                  • #4095570

                                                      I filed 1/20, accepted 1/20 at 11:45. 1 bar on wmr. Transcript showing N/A. Im in Va. My friend in AL got hers and she filed two days after me. Im confused by how these returns are processed. …but hey, nothing we can do.

                                                    • #4095569

                                                        In FL, with a MA social… filed 1/20, accepted 1/20 within 10 mins. Only 1 bar on WMR and I have N/A on transcripts 2014 with the exception of wage and it says no tax return filed. This is driving me crazy!

                                                      • #4095566

                                                          South Carolina. Filed and Accepted late night 1/23 through TT. Was able to order transcripts on 1/27 and had cycle date of 20150402. WMR finally update today and gave me a DD of 1/30.

                                                        • #4095562

                                                            From Kentucky file 1/20 accepted same day still no update and no transcripts except wage and it says no refund filed. Getting super frustrated

                                                          • #4095560


                                                              Filed on 17th.. accepted on 20th… one bar and no transcripts… Atlanta hub seems to be slow as usual

                                                            • #4095553
                                                              Mish mosh

                                                                Think it might have something to do with ss #’s?

                                                              • #4095545

                                                                  NC. Filed 1/12. Rejected due to typo in social. Refiled 1/13. Accepted 1/14. Bars disappeared. Transcripts available 1/27. DDD 1/30

                                                                • #4095540

                                                                    North Carolina

                                                                    Submitted and accepted on 1/22 but not approved yet? I filed with TT and have one bar and no transcripts

                                                                    What is the DD expectation for 1/22’s.. Saw on her that someone with 1/22 got a DD..

                                                                  • #4095536

                                                                      From VA. Accepted on 16, one bar on WMR. No change since 16th. Can’t order transcripts either!!

                                                                    • #4095534
                                                                      TX CHICC

                                                                        Filed and accepted 1/21. Still 1 bar on WMR with tax topic 152 and no transcripts. I owe taxes from last years return so will that delay my processing even further? If so how much more? Please help any info will be much appreciated!

                                                                      • #4095521

                                                                          I’m in Florida. Filed 1/15 Accepted 1/20 and this morning WMR updated to DDD of 1/30.

                                                                        • #4095506

                                                                            From GA, filed 1/20/15 and accepted I still don’t have no bars on wmr when I check wmr it says this( We cannot provide any information about your refund. You must wait at least 24 hours after you get the acknowledgement e-mail that your tax return was received by the IRS .Please read the following information related to your tax situation:
                                                                            • Tax Topic 152, Refund Information) .Also I can’t order 2014 transcripts and the wage and income transcripts says No Return File and nothing showing up for tax return, tax account or record of account transcripts . I’m so confused I really don’t know what’s going on.

                                                                          • #4095498

                                                                              I’m in Mississippi. I filed on 1/20/15 and was accepted the same day. Had one bar at “return received” on Where’s My Refund since Friday 1/23/15. I was able to order transcripts on Monday 1/26/15. I checked the status this morning, and I’m APPROVED with a DDD of this Friday 1/30/15!!! Hang in there y’all! :)

                                                                            • #4095488

                                                                                *Still showing accepted

                                                                              • #4095485

                                                                                  I’m from TX – accepted 1/21, able to view transcripts 1/27 (cycle date 20150402), WMR still showing Received…

                                                                                • #4095454

                                                                                    In FL, filed 1/14, accepted email 1/14, nothing has moved since then. Have N/A on 2014 with the exception of wage and it says no tax return. Looks like its just the same ole waiting game for us Floridians.

                                                                                    Has anyone from Florida gotten their DDD or are you at least able to view your return transcript and see the code?

                                                                                  • #4095449

                                                                                      NC-filed, accepted 1/23/115 and a DDD of 1/30/15.

                                                                                    • #4095443

                                                                                        I’m from Al. No DDD and no movement on bars, waiting for my Netspend card. Filed and accepted on the 23rd.

                                                                                      • #4095435

                                                                                          In FL filed the 15th Accepted the 17th no DDD Transcripts say N/A We need Answers!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                                        • #4095429
                                                                                          Leslie M

                                                                                            From Nashville, TN. Netspend user, Transcripts 20150402, DDD 1/30. No refund yet! Good luck to all of us Southerners!

                                                                                          • #4095418

                                                                                              Mine has been approved on WMR with a DDD of 1/30/15.

                                                                                            • #4095415

                                                                                                Filed 1/24 Accepted 1/14 DDD of 1/30 Filed with Turbo Tax from NC

                                                                                              • #4095414

                                                                                                  Im in montgomery al got a dd of the 30th

                                                                                                • #4095409
                                                                                                  Mish mosh

                                                                                                    From NC. Accepted on 1/22. 1 bar as of this morning, no transcripts.

                                                                                                  • #4095401

                                                                                                      From Nashville, TN just got second bar and states expect refund by the January 30th. I guess it could be before that date like today probably

                                                                                                    • #4095399

                                                                                                        I agree. Maybe just no update for us yet… fingers crossed.

                                                                                                      • #4095395
                                                                                                        hopeful in Atlanta

                                                                                                          Noticing a lot of ppl from Florida, Texas, & Georgia with no updates I know the south is slow but we can’t be that slow. I’m going to remain hopeful that’s all I can do

                                                                                                        • #4095392

                                                                                                            Florida… same situation

                                                                                                          • #4095391

                                                                                                              Lexington,SC Filed and accepted on 1/20. Ordered transcripts yeaterday. DDD on WMR this morning for 1/30!

                                                                                                            • #4095388

                                                                                                                Transcripts? Currently locked out, as for ddd?, 01/30. VA

                                                                                                              • #4095383

                                                                                                                  Panama City Florida. Accepted 1/16. Still no update on wmr and can’t get 2014 transcripts

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