Under Review – lucky me

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  • This topic has 9 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 9 years ago by Jennifer.
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  • #4103622

      I spoke with an IRS representative that stated a letter was sent to me on January 30 explaining that I was under review. It is February 6 and I still have not received that notice in the mail. WMR has not updated to reflect that information either. My transcripts are still blank showing a date of 216 2015. Is anyone else going through this situation? Is there a possibility that that notice was sent out in error. I have nothing different than last year claiming head of household, One dependent. Earned income tax credit. Health insurance through Medicare all year long.

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      • #4111462

          I recieved my letter on march 23 and we had filed march 13. On WMR it had showed recieved and processing… then it all went away. We dont have the obamacare so its not that ( we have ins thru husbands county employer) We had a little bit owed from a few years ago and i just figured they would take that out and send us the rest…. guess not. Now its just a waiting game and from the posts before it will be a long one

        • #4106962

            Received my letter 2/13, letter is dated for 2/6. Don’t understand how my STATE taxes are already deposited, but my federal taxes were being ‘thoroughly reviewed’? I changed jobs and made more money than the year before, but I filled out everything according to my W-2 forms and did nothing out of the ordinary.

            I’m going to call on 2/17, since that makes my 21 days from file date. Hope this is a glitch and I get my return shortly.

          • #4104750

              I am under review bc of my name change. I got married and have a new last name so they flagged me. Even though I filed a joint return with my husband. Tax advocate said that it is because the social security office has my name listed as my maiden name and new name conjoined. On my social it does not say that. This is insane. I file the right way and get flagged for identity theft. If any of you have not called tax advocate it might help you to do so. They may be able to dig deeper and give you more info. Only if it has been your 21 days.

            • #4104737

                @shay same day.i received my letter I finally talked with a rep, pretty nice lady, although she didn’t look into my file, I got the feeling she wanted to though. Cause she said based on policy she couldn’t and advised me to just wait until wmr updated. I’ve been getting different answers this is the 3 rep I’ve talked to, ill be calling back tomorrow maybe ill actually get someone to look into my account. Still n/a on transcripts and one bar, topic 152 on wmr

              • #4104510

                  I received a letter dated for 2-2 and I didn’t get the letter til the 6th. BUT I called the irs on the 4th just to see if I could get a update and he didn’t tell me anything about me being under review and said I was processing just fine. Makes me wonder if this is in fact a glitch or something. Anyway, I filed on 1/26 still sitting on one bar no error messages, transcript says “N/A”….ugh.

                • #4104447

                    I received the 4464c letter dated for January 29 I lost my bars January 31, I contacted irs the following Monday which was February 2, I spoke with an irs rep concerning missing bars( keep in mind I didn’t know I had a letter issued to me in til I received the letter which was this past Friday February 6) the irs rep gathered my info looked it up and shared with me that everything was looking good far as my refund and that it was processing with no problems, he never mentioned a letter, and with my experience over the years with the irs they will tell you if it was a letter sent out and he never made mention of it which leads me to believe the letters were sent out because of the alleged glitch

                  • #4104443

                      I was told same thing that they sent me a letter on the 23 Jan which I am still waiting to receive. Now my bars are missing ON WMR and I still have yet to be able to view my transcript. Extremely frustrated.

                    • #4103701

                        I’m still waiting for my letter..I filed the same as I have the last 6 years HOH claiming my daughter and grand daughter .

                      • #4103638

                          I got my letter today, its a 4464c letter, says could be up to 60 days they are taking a closer look at my return. The letter was dated from the 02/02

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