Uggh Offset

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Uggh Offset

  • This topic has 22 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Lisa.
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  • #4095211

      Ok I am really confused. On the wmr I have a refund date of 01/30 but underneath that it says that the refund has been reduced to pay a past due irs tax obligation, then it says the balance of your refund $$$$, will be sent to your bank. Ok the amount that it says I’m getting is the amount on my return so I don’t understand what they took??? I never owed any tax. Could it be the penalty I had to pay for the health insurance thing?

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      • #4107132

          Can anyone on here please update on their refund staus? Was it received? If so, was it the amount you were expecting? And how long until you received it? I got the same message today, but I have no tax obligations and called the offset # to verify. Any info is helpful. Thank you.

        • #4105816

            Hi I have a question:
            I had an education offset for a portion of my refund but I’m wondering if anyone can answer me this: why hasn’t the balance dd into my acct by now?? I’ve had an offset last yr & no probs receiving the leftover portion of my refund..I’ve contacted the number & they have no answers..

          • #4095285

              Ok I recalled offset line it says $1309 of you’re original refund amount has “been applied” to your February 3rd refund amount. So I take that to mean it’s already been deducted before they even put the mail check date on wmr and the mailing check date was posted as the 3rd after dept of Ed was taken out

            • #4095272

                Noelle- wmr does not show the change in amounts. It just had the tax topic for offset. I called the numbers and that’s when it told me the amount of the offset for mine. We filed jointly so that’s why I wondered if there’s be a delay. I’ve read that we can still dispute after we receive what we are still owed but I don’t want to do any changing until they send the $2500 I have a loan I want to pay off entirely with it. The offset line only said amount and that it would be deducted (even though I was in deferment still confused on that but whatever) thanks for advice guys

              • #4095265

                  Rebecca in answer to your question, I think you should probably call the IRS just to make double sure that it is being mailed, Maybe they can even add on the direct deposit information so it can still go to your bank. I also have a question for you? You said you have a student loan offset, did the amount that they took show up on your wmr page or did it just say a tax code?

                • #4095260

                    There should not be any delays Rebecca. You can call the offset number and see if the IRS paid the debt yet.

                  • #4095255

                      Ok so I have a student loan offset but my husband has none. We aren’t disputing it and wmr has a date for check to be mailed for February 3rd (turbotax forms apparently deleted bank info and can’t change) will the check really be mailed or do I have to file something because we will still be owed about $2500 after the offset amount. I’m just confused because I keep seeing people say file injured spouse but really it’s not worth disputing unless it’s going to be delayed longer than wmr tells me. I’ve never had this issue and my loans even show in forebear acne but the Amy is what’s owed currently from when it was in payment so really clueless

                    • #4095243

                        No problem, I am glad I was able to help you. This website is awesome for that!

                      • #4095242

                          When you answered the healthcare questions it should have applied the penalty then that’s why the amount is the same as what you filed. All of the companies should be sending it to the iRS reflecting your answers

                        • #4095241

                            Yes it does, I just got mixed up by the, the remainder of your balance of x amount of dollars will be sent wording, Thank you for your help

                          • #4095240

                              If you are getting an offset, they will refund it from whatever amount WMR says you are receiving. Make sense?

                            • #4095239

                                So is the $$$$ the amount being deposited after the offset?

                              • #4095237

                                  Your refund has been reduced to pay a past due IRS tax obligation.

                                  The balance of your refund, $$$$$$ is scheduled to be sent to your bank by January 30, 2015. If your refund is not credited to your account by February 4, 2015, check with your bank to find out if it has been received.
                                  Please wait until February 4, 2015 before you contact us again as we are unable to take any further action until then.

                                  Please read the following information related to your tax situation:

                                  Tax Topic 201 – The Collection Process

                                  Please Note:

                                  Your refund may be reduced even further if you owe any past due obligations such as child support, another federal agency debt, or state income tax.

                                  If this applies to you, the Financial Management Service, who issues IRS refunds, will send you a notice informing you of any offset they have made. The details of the debt are not provided to the IRS. Please do not call us to inquire about the details because we will not be able to answer your questions. Instead, direct any questions you have about the offset or debt to the agency identified on the notice.

                                  For refund information, please continue to check here, or use our free mobile app, IRS2Go. Updates to refund status are made no more than once a day.

                                • #4095235

                                    Ya I have been faithfully for 2 weeks, never anything but my dd is set for the 30th, I just am confused that the amount they say they are depositing is the same amount as what I thought I was getting in the 1st place. So even though it says “the balance of your refund of $$$$$ will be deposited” doesn’t mean that is what I am acutally getting? Wow I am probably going to confuse everyone else.

                                  • #4095234

                                      I did have an offset and this is the message I received tonight from WMR :

                                      Your tax refund is scheduled to be sent to your bank by January 30, 2015.
                                      If your refund is not credited to your account by February 4, 2015, check with your bank to see if it has been received.

                                      Please read the following information related to your tax situation:
                                      Tax Topic 203, Refund Offsets for unpaid child support and certain federal, state, and unemployment compensation debts
                                      Please Note:
                                      Your refund may be reduced to pay a past due obligation such as child support, another federal agency debt, or state income tax. If this applies to you, the Financial Management Service, who issues IRS refunds, will send you a notice informing you of any offset they have made. The details of the debt are not provided to the IRS. Please do not call us to inquire about the details because we will not be able to answer your questions. Instead, direct any questions you have about the offset or debt to the agency identified on the notice.
                                      For refund information, please continue to check here, or use our free mobile app, IRS2Go. Updates to refund status are made no more than once a day.

                                    • #4095232

                                        Noelle, my transcript never mentioned my offset either. Have you been calling the offset number daily? I recommend doing so because debt can be entered into their database daily.

                                      • #4095231

                                          I mean wmr says it could be reduced further, not offset number lol

                                        • #4095228

                                            I called the offset number, it says no offset and it’s only me but it does say my return could be reduced further for child support etc… but I have the kids, I don’t pay child support? My transcripts don’t say anything about an offset. Ya I will have to call someone.

                                          • #4095225

                                              That happened to me too, I called the offset number and entered my social security number and no offset. I called back and entered in my husbands social and he had an offset of 1450 dollars to unemployment. It was paid tonight in full by the IRS. The offset number told me how much and to who. If you have any questions, I would try calling them. It is quick and relatively painless.

                                              Have Questions about an Offset?

                                              Toll Free: (800) 304-3107
                                              TDD number: (866) 297-0517

                                            • #4095222

                                                So on my transcript it will list the offset and where the money went?

                                              • #4095215

                                                  Look closely at your transcript

                                                • #4095213

                                                    Yes it’s your Obamacare penalty

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