Transcripts updated during the day?

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Transcripts updated during the day?

  • This topic has 8 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #4095686

      Just a quick questions – HRB accepted 1/20 – still no movement
      I know WMR is only updated overnight – but are transcripts updated throughout the day or only overnight?

      Hope we all get ours soon!

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      • #4095776

          @Tia ,

          I understand the anxiety. My wife thinks I’m crazy. She says “just let it go and wait”. I’m in the same boat as you are. What I told you is what I tell myself to try and keep me from actually going crazy.

          For now I just have to accept I didn’t get into the first batch of deposits and wait until my status gets updated. No need for me to freak out until I actually am given a reason other than my own fears of screwing something up on my return.

        • #4095775

            Yesterday I checked transcripts and they were avail for 2014, but none of them had any information. I checked about twenty minutes later and information was available. This was between 8 and 9 in the morning. I’m guessing that they very well could be updated during the day, as is WMR. I’ve checked WMR in the morning to see it at a different status in the afternoon. **shrugs**

          • #4095763

              I’m in Texas also. Accepted 1/20, no transcripts, one bar… Filed w/ H& R

            • #4095753

                @tradami I think that would be my best bet, and include this site as well. Although I think it is very helpful to have, I think it fuels my anxiety even more.

              • #4095741


                  You could always just check every morning. Whether your deposit date is friday or not, knowing any sooner wont make the money come faster.

                • #4095702

                    I am going to continue to check hourly.

                  • #4095701

                      I think that would help to know how often they update the transcripts so I dont waste my time looking through out the day

                    • #4095695

                        I’m in Texas and have the exact same situation. HRB accepted 1/20 no transcripts

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