Transcript question filed 2/8

Home Forums General Discussion 2024 Tax Season Transcript question filed 2/8

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  • #4537785 Reply

      I’ve been looking over this forum to better understand the whole return process but I’m confused in my particular situation. I filed 2/8 married joint nothing special as far as credits I believe, and when I pull my transcript at the very bottom under “transactions” it says no tax return filed. Also the only dates I see are next to “accrued interest” and “accrued penalty” showing 0.00 for both with an as of date of 3/04.

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      • #4537862 Reply


          I truly believe we will update tomorrow on our transcripts and Saturday on WMR. I am weekly with 05. So tomorrow we should be seeing updates throughout the morning on transcripts. Hopefully with a DDD.

        • #4537856 Reply


            I looked in previous years transcripts and found I’m in group 05 I believe

          • #4537854 Reply

              Same here… I think it’s because we may fall under the “weekly” category and will not update quite as often… I filed 2/08, accepted the same day and nothing yet on transcripts or WMR… my only question has been, when will we update???

            • #4537853 Reply

                Im in the same boat.
                Filed and accepted on 2/4
                WMR one bar transcripts no tax filed.
                Married joint
                No deductions

              • #4537843 Reply

                  Filed 1/29 had to verify wages , letter sent 2/9 receive 2/13 and faxed same same back to received request information and you are now processing since 2/14 no updates on transcripts bottom to say 2023 no return filed on wages and the other one has a as of 2/26 and have no details I have been 05 for years so I a praying for an update tonight

                • #4537837 Reply

                    I also filed on 2/8 – Married Joint and have the same as you regarding the transcripts. I am usually weekly with the exception of last year. But if I am weekly this year I am expecting some type of update on transcripts tomorrow. As long as it shows my return has been received versus not filed I’ll be happy.

                  • #4537834 Reply

                      I filed on 2/6 and received my refund last week, but the wage income still said no return filed found (bottom right transcript), so don’t let that discourage you. I bet your account transcript will update tonight/early tomorrow morning with a DDD next week. Fingers crossed for you/everyone.

                    • #4537833 Reply


                        I also filed and accepted on 2/8/24. My transcript say the same exact thing. I am a weekly and my transcripts should update tomorrow (Friday 2/23/24). Just check your transcripts tomorrow and we should have an update. Good Luck!

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