Transcript Changes for Stimulus Payments

Home Forums General Discussion 2020 Tax Season Transcript Changes for Stimulus Payments

  • This topic has 61 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by Krystal.
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  • #4400945
    Sgt KJ

      Ever since my refund process back in early March my as of date has been March 23. That’s where it stood yesterday. Today it was updated to an as of date of April 27. My guess is that it an indication that the stimulus payment has been sent or is in the process.

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      • #4427317

          @thicks I do. It says additional amount action pending. Date 04-06-2020. Amount 0

        • #4427005

            Krystal, the change in the As of date has NO bearing on when you’ll get your refund. Under Transactions, do you have TC 570?

          • #4426824

              So I have not received my refund but have received my stimulus. I filed February 2nd and received a letter I had to do an ID verify. Did that quickly. My cycle says 20201205 and it initially said as of 4.6.2020 and now has as of 4.27.2020. I’m not sure if this means to expect my refund by 5.4 or what now.

            • #4422152

                Not so far here

              • #4422117

                  Anyone update?

                • #4406892

                    [quote quote=4401170]I looked at my 2015 transcript, and the “As of” dates for that one are 9/11/2017 — a year and a half after I got my refund.[/quote]

                    [quote quote=4401190]It could be that they were working on software, etc towards the latter of 2015 (screwing with account info). I could be reaching, but you never know with the IRS.[/quote]

                    Just to follow up on this side topic we discussed earlier, it occurred to me later that my return was probably opened by my student-loan servicer. Under certain repayment plans, you must re-apply yearly, and the application includes consideration of your tax return, if filed. I’d gotten behind, and they were working with me, so that’s why they opened that year’s return so much later (I didn’t have any return more recent).

                  • #4406552

                      This is only my theory… as i posted below my as of date had changed to 4/20/20 on 4/10/20 then a few hours later changed back to 3/16/20. Same day as they were sending out stimulus info to banks. Maybe it was them in our accounts checking our dependants and wages. No codes were added to mine as of now haven’t received my stimulus yet but i plan on tracking it tmrw when the website is up

                    • #4406464

                        I have that code as well, it can’t mean anything to do with Feb because I just filed a week ago and got this.

                      • #4403589

                          I’ve been following these forums for awhile now. I’m in the same boat as y’all are.
                          I filed on 1/22.
                          Accepted on 1/27.
                          Notice CP05 issued on 3/16.
                          My as of date was 04/15, but transcript has changed to 04/27.

                          I just wish they’d release my taxes.
                          Tire of this crap. All of it.

                        • #4402424


                            Your as of date? Or did you get a new date and cycle code at the bottom of your transcript as well?

                          • #4402419

                              Mine also changed to 4/27

                            • #4402355


                                Well, let’s keep one another updated and reconviene on the matter in the near future. Lol

                                I am trying to find out if others outside of us who have already rcvd their DD are experiencing the same.. or heck just anyone else at all..

                              • #4402353

                                  @DeeDeeLTL just seems too coincidental it happened same time as stimulus checks started to show some progress. I wouldn’t sweat it.

                                • #4402345


                                    Oh ok, that is definitely not the same code JC and I have at the bottom of our Tscripts. Ours just appeared in the last two days or so.. Is your method of payment supposed to be direct deposit via bank or CU?

                                  • #4402336

                                      You are correct DeeDeeTL, it has been on the transcript since I filed.

                                    • #4402335


                                        No I flied the end of January, and yes it has 20200505. Not sure what that means.

                                      • #4402311

                                          @Ronnie: do you mean 20201505?

                                          20200505 just means you were accepted into the system and began processing the first week of February.. is that when you filed?

                                          20201505 aligns with the 5th day of this past week (week of 4/6..

                                        • #4402304

                                            DeeDeeTL and JC

                                            I do have the 20200505 cycle code, just looked again.

                                          • #4402298


                                              You’re welcome!

                                              @JC I bank with a credit union, but I don’t have anything pending as of yet either. To next week!

                                            • #4402289

                                                Thanks DeeDeeTL and JC!

                                              • #4402275

                                                  Tax code 290 generally means additional tax assessed. Several different scenarios – Releases the following freezes: O—Reactivated Account, —A Duplicate Return, —K Refund Hold, W—470 hold, —R 570 hold, —F Advanced Payment, —X Manual Refund,P—841/720, —G Math Error, —J Math Error/TDA, R— RPS, B— Subsequent Payment, —Q WPT, 680 Hold (See Freeze Code Section for specific conditions).

                                                • #4402271


                                                    I made less than 10grand last year due to a disability I was dealing with… and I have dependents, so I didn’t owe anything additional. It is actually used as a code to indicate a number of different actions including a release.. so that isn’t what I was concerned with. I also got my refund yesterday (praise God).. so I know that isn’t it either.

                                                  • #4402264

                                                      @ronnie. I looked into it. I’m not going to worry yet as it has a 0 amount and I’ve read sometimes the 290 has to do with the hold being released as well. I did forget to include my 1095a and had to fax that over. I just think this tax year was wacky and out of sorts so I’ll just stay calm.

                                                    • #4402260

                                                        @ JC

                                                        You should look up the additional tax assessed on google. It means something different. From what I read on the IRS site it means they did not agree with the tax you paid and you may owe more. Check it out and see.

                                                      • #4402258


                                                          I have no additional code on my transcript.

                                                        • #4402255

                                                            I don’t have any additional codes..but I also have a traditional bank account so I’m not expecting anything til next week. Congrats to all who’ve gotten theirs. It’s been a crazy year for sure.

                                                          • #4402250

                                                              @DeeDeeLTL no alerts but I wouldn’t get any as I bank with Bank of America so nothing pending ever shows up there. I’m hoping to see something Wednesday.

                                                            • #4402245

                                                                @JC same, and I believe so as well. Have you gotten anything (alerts pending, deposits, etc) yet?

                                                              • #4402241

                                                                  @DeeDeeLTL 290 additional tax assessed also has a cycle code of 20201505. I have a feeling it has something to do with stimulus.

                                                                • #4402233


                                                                    Do you have this on your transcript as well?

                                                                  • #4402232


                                                                      What does your say?

                                                                    • #4402230


                                                                        What is the code?

                                                                      • #4402229

                                                                          @DeeDeeLTL I have a code now with my 4/27 date as well

                                                                        • #4401857

                                                                            Has anyone’s transcript gotten an additional code at the bottom? Not the as Of date.. but a new date or code towards the bottom?

                                                                          • #4401784

                                                                              My as of date changed from 3/9 to 4/27 this morning. It has stayed that way. No change to my 2018 as of date like some of you. I’m not holding my breath for my refund or stimulus.

                                                                            • #4401487

                                                                                My as of date on transcript changed to 4/27 as well idk what that means

                                                                              • #4401465

                                                                                  My 2019 return is under a 60 day review that end on 41/13, still no refund :(checked my 2018 return on my tax transcripts and it shows a processing date of 4/20/2020??? So hopefully my stimulus check will be deposited soon

                                                                                • #4401319

                                                                                    I used a serve card and had a refund advance i wonder if that has anything to do with it? I seen a post on Facebook saying if your money has to go through republic then republic bank will issue you a check. I can’t get anyone on the phone to confirm of course. On my 1040 it doesn’t have direct deposit info but it does have the last 4 of my card. JH said they can use that to deposit but I don’t see how

                                                                                  • #4401310

                                                                                      @texmex, @courtney, @Tasha

                                                                                      Same thing with me. My AS of Date chnge from 3/30 to 4/27 this morning… now it went back to 3/30. This is a fck’n mess! 😩😢😭😭

                                                                                    • #4401293

                                                                                        Mine changed as well. My 2019 is still processing. I checked my 2018 acct and it said “as of April 27, 2020”. However, now it is back to March 18, 2019.

                                                                                      • #4401292

                                                                                          My transcripts are back to saying “as of 3/14/20” again instead of “as of 4/20/20“ as they did this morning…

                                                                                        • #4401286

                                                                                            Has anyone checked their transcripts again today? Mine had an as of date of 4/20 this morning checked again and it’s back to March 12. I have screenshots with time stamps but can’t post unfortunately

                                                                                          • #4401236


                                                                                              Beside it does it have the phrase (tax assessed?).. I’m thinking that this is what we are all seeing on our transc for 04/27/2020

                                                                                            • #4401217

                                                                                                Although my 2019 transcript is not available yet:(, i checked my 2018 transcript and it does say ,”as of date” April 27, 2020. Would that mean IRS will or has processed my stimulus payment? My 2019 is still prcessing. We did not get any refund last year due to my husband’s defaulted student loan. Hope we will soon get both stimulus payment and our tax refund 2019.

                                                                                              • #4401195

                                                                                                  Check this out!!!! They have a button to check status of your stimulus and how you are getting it as well as how you wish to get it


                                                                                                • #4401190

                                                                                                    You’re right, @thicks. It was in affect in 2016 for filers. But, it was rolled out in 2015. It could be that they were working on software, etc towards the latter of 2015 (screwing with account info). I could be reaching, but you never know with the IRS. Just want us to all see that payment post.

                                                                                                  • #4401184

                                                                                                      @tryingtopatientlywait: Thank you for your input, Erica. Maybe I’ll check my account transcript again tomorrow. (I use a pre-paid mobile phone service, so I’m not going to burn through text messages [for the validation code] to check repeatedly throughout the day today!)

                                                                                                      I’ve been under the impression that 2016 (filed in 2017) was the first year that PATH affected.

                                                                                                    • #4401176

                                                                                                        @thicks, I read other forums where ppl are saying that 2020 was just added a few mins ago and some say that it was there when they woke up this morning. It seems like updates are happening at anytime. Also, 2015 was the first year for PATH and that could explain the AOD for that year/transcript. My processing date is still the same (2/10), as well. The IRS moving in real time is a bit trippy for me. Lol

                                                                                                      • #4401170

                                                                                                          I checked my account transcript. While the “As of” dates have changed from 3/30 to 4/27, I don’t know if it means anything. I looked at my 2015 transcript, and the “As of” dates for that one are 9/11/2017 — a year and a half after I got my refund. My processing date (for 2019) remains 3/23.

                                                                                                          I do not have 2020 available.

                                                                                                        • #4401165

                                                                                                            Also the irs website has changed today as well

                                                                                                          • #4401163

                                                                                                              Mine changed today yesterday it said March 9 today it says April 20

                                                                                                            • #4401153

                                                                                                                I can’t view my account at all. The page refuses to load…one of the perks of having a mobile phone I guess lol.

                                                                                                              • #4401118

                                                                                                                  Thanks, @thicks! I’ve tried to compare this payment with the way returns are processed and it’s somewhat similar sans the cycles. I appreciate the info!

                                                                                                                • #4401103

                                                                                                                    I haven’t looked at my account transcript web page in a few weeks, but I speculated a day ago or so that if 2020 gets added, it’s probably evidence that the IRS has processed and sent the EIP, because it’s an advance of a tax credit on 2020 taxes.

                                                                                                                    Also, I’ve noticed that the IRS always pushes the processing date out to the third Monday after processing. It’s just how they account things. I suspect if 2019 TS are changed to reflect 4/27 (the 3rd Monday after now), it means a payment was processed yesterday.

                                                                                                                  • #4401047

                                                                                                                      Did anyone notice that the year 2020 was added to your IRS Account? When you log into your account, you can choose to either look at your account by year or you can view your transcripts. Check to see if the year 2020 was added.

                                                                                                                    • #4401014

                                                                                                                        My transcript changed to April 27 as well.

                                                                                                                      • #4401011

                                                                                                                          Mine changed to 4/20 as well.. I’m really not sure if that means anything. Maybe it changes monthly?

                                                                                                                        • #4401009
                                                                                                                          Justin NJ

                                                                                                                            Dam 4/27 isn’t Monday :/

                                                                                                                          • #4401006

                                                                                                                              Same thing with my transcripts…

                                                                                                                            • #4401004

                                                                                                                                I looked at my transcripts as well it said Feb 10th before and now it say April 20th.

                                                                                                                              • #4400994

                                                                                                                                  @Sgt KJ The same thing on my transcript. Changed to April 27. I’ve been waiting to see if anyone else checked their transcript details. I believe the same thing….payment has processed or in the process.

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