Transcript As of Date

Home Forums General Discussion 2024 Tax Season Transcript As of Date

  • This topic has 15 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 10 months ago by Angie.
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  • #4537872

      Does anyone know if the As of date on our account transcript means anything? I filed on 2/12 and my as of date is Mar 11 2024. Both bottom two transcripts are zero’s with “no return filed”.

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      • #4539394

          As of date still says 3/18 and hoping this Friday i gets some updates 810 2/29/24

        • #4539393

            update just a refresher
            Filed 1/29
            2/13 received and faxed requested documents (12C Letter)
            2/23 verify Screen came up called and called and finally 3/4 advised i needed to go inside but no letter no codes either.
            3/1 Update transcript as of 3/18 and 810 Code date 2/29/24
            3/16 Went to local office on the one Saturday they had open for the month waited 4 hours to be verified which took 10 mins same questions asked on the freaking phone. only diff they had to view my ID/SS and 2023.

          • #4538965

              Here my status so far
              1/30 file
              2/13 fax documents
              2/14 processing
              2/23 for some reason went to ID verify
              Transcripts updated 3/1 to
              810 freeze code and my as of date went to 3/18/24 called advised no need to do ID and to give it 60 days from date of fax

            • #4538959

                @angie, @bmac, @dania, @ruben, any updates?

              • #4538958

                  I have an as of date as 3/18. Nothing else. No notices. No letters. No codes. No cycle codes. Filed 2/15, accepted 2/16. What is going on?

                • #4538947
                  Amy Lopez

                    I talked to the IRS they said the date 3/11/2024 was the date they will start my review for the 45 days we should have ours around April 20th

                  • #4538278

                      My as of date was 2/26/24 , which is today and i still have no updates on my transcript and the as of date still says the same 2/26/24. Will the information update Tuesday 2/27/24 i wonder.

                    • #4538248


                        Thank you I heard so many things on the as of date but it hasn’t moved since I filed so I am hoping Monday they do update..

                      • #4538247

                          Its a projected date. Thats all. A tickle date to return to your file if it hasn’t processed yet. It can change and be pushed out at any given time.

                        • #4538246

                            The as date for me still says 2/26 and no movement and both bottom are blank just has 2023 and the as of date of 2/26. So I’ll see in the am if anything happens or by date changes . My balance still for 2023 day adjustment is being done

                          • #4538108

                              Same as me, I updated last night with an “as of “ date of 3/11 but my TT still says 2/29

                            • #4538097

                                To my understanding the As of Date is just the date that the irs has to have your refund completed. Like a deadline or due date.

                              • #4538093

                                  But how can it be an advanced date of “as of”. I updated today only in the account transcript 2023. I only have 2023 in wages and act transcript. The only thing that appeared was as of date 3/11/24. I filed 2/17 and accepted 2/19. That’s 21 days give or take a Sunday. Last year I was accepted 2/20 and had an as of date of 3/13. I firmly believe it’s their own way of saying we have to pay you before that “as of date”. 21 days.

                                • #4537879

                                    But I am hoping I update tonight with the big mass update

                                  • #4537878

                                      What I found for as of date –

                                      What Does The “As Of” Date Mean On The Transcript? While some people may falsely believe that the ‘as of’ date listed on their tax transcript represents the date that the tax payment is due or the date they will receive their tax refund, this date is actually referring to when their tax balance was calculated. Mine says 2/26/24 so I’ll post back if I get an update I filed 1/29 had to verify completed that 2/14 and back processing

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