This Forum Has Gone Downhill

Home Forums General Discussion 2022 Tax Season This Forum Has Gone Downhill

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  • #4520750

      Wow. I’ve been on this forum since 2017 and remember it being so lively. Now it seems like a ghost town with unwanted topic discussions. I don’t know. Maybe it’s a good thing,maybe it’s a bad thing.

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      • #4520825

          A massive number of people got their refund on 2/24 and the traffic has indeed died down. But there are still people lingering that are held up for various reasons. Sometimes you will find more people active on our main page discussion in the comments:

        • #4520787

            I filed 01/25 been on delayed message since Feb 12th is all bull

          • #4520754

              I was saying the same thing. I bet they Allllllll got their money….good for them but the rest of us have to stick together lol

            • #4520766

                It appears everyone got there money but us :(

              • #4520765

                  I’ve never had to wait this long for my refund. Filed 2/1, accepted 2/3, then one bar on WMR, now i’ve been delayed for a month.

                • #4520759

                    Everyone got their refunds so the said fvck the people who haven’t. Unfortunately I haven’t got my refund yet.

                  • #4520753
                    Sgt Nojoy

                      It’s because most people got their refunds fast and easy this year. It was a shit show last year. I waited 4 months last year but just 13 days this year.

                    • #4520751

                        For real! It used to be booming. Where did everyone go? Maybe we are behind and there’s somewhere else.

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