THE REAL reason behind blank Transcript

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season THE REAL reason behind blank Transcript

  • This topic has 11 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #4099616

      So I have confirmed with The IRS (I called and asked for a supervisor) that a blank transcript such as mine means you are under review and will recieve a letter, The review will take up to 60 days and it’s not random something on your return seemed off or suspicious such as the calculations of your expected return, He also said that this years system is new in terms of fighting fraud so there it is folks at least it gives peace of mind rather than knowing nothing. He said that most agents do not have that info avail to them that’s why regular agents can’t tell you when you call.

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      • #4099693


          Thanks for the post but this isn’t true. It’s likely the IRS rep gave you that info just to get you off the phone. Reason being is on 1/27 there was an update. Many people got transcripts while others got blank transcripts. Same thing happened again Friday. The number of people with blank transcripts cannot possibly be under review. The fact is the IRS lost tons of money and had to let go of 17,000 employees. They even admitted there will be LESS audits than years past which was already low.

          The people who got blank transcripts are set to be recycled this week. Will they “glitch” out again and be recycled to next week? I hope not but we will know tomorrow.

          If it’s anything like last week though we’ll get our transcripts tonight, WMR will update the day after tomorrow and we will get our DDD for Friday 2/6. Those that got blank transcripts on Friday should see an update on this Friday and get their DD for like 2/9.

        • #4099670

            It’s all a bunch of bull that the irs tells everyone different shit just so you leave them alone. Every year transcripts are blank until they finish processing and I have never been under review.

          • #4099669

              This is not true, there are many reason for a blank transcript. Most notably, when your return is starting to be processed it automatically creates account records/identity for that year. If you catch your transcript progress at the very beginning of processing – EVERYONE has a blank transcript at the very beginning.

              As it progresses different TC are added as appropriate until completion.

            • #4099656

                This is 100% NOT TRUE!!!!

                1st. If you spend a day on here, one thing that is extremely obvious is…many people have talked to the IRS and gotten information that has turned out not to be true. I believe you, that this is what you were told. But, that still does not mean its true for everyone.

                2nd. I can tell you personally, this situation did not play out for me like your saying! I have been checking transcripts since 2013, and every year, it is blank until the night before the DDD is set. This once again, played out like this for this year.

                If what your saying was true….I wouldn’t have received my money…because up until 5 days before i received my money…I had blank transcripts.

              • #4099645

                  Good luck, sparkle!! Please report back. I guess the way to get passed the 21 day block is to ask for a supervisor.

                • #4099644

                    Ok, I need to call again. We are getting way too many different stories. One is told of being reviewed, and now error resolution department. I need answers. So I guess it’s my turn to call.

                  • #4099641

                      Has anyone with blank transcripts been updated and able to see their full transcript?

                    • #4099636

                        I have all 000’s and a February 16, 2014 date, no return filed under my account transcripts. I called and demanded to speak with a supervisor. She advised me that my tax return was in the Error Resolution Department and that I may or may not receive a letter. She also informed me that after the error(s) is fixed it will go back to the process department and the 21 day timeframe will start all over. I filed with TT and it showed no errors this is crazy! EIC, HOH, Education credits same situation as last year, so I don’t understand the error situation.

                      • #4099634

                          wow, so there is going to be a ton of letters going out. There are so many people on the Igotmyrefund board on Facebook who have blank transcripts with dates. This means that all of us on that board will be receiving letters. I’m sorry, not sure that I can believe this one. Way too many of us with half done transcripts. I can truly say the IRS is the best company to give out false information and information to get people off the phone. They know how to fib good. People are being given incorrect information. Did you request to speak with the supervisor?

                        • #4099624

                            That’s not what I was told. I was told it was a glitch in the system that kicked us to the next week. And I believe that is true because there is a lot of us with simple returns and no. Reason for review. Same taxes every year no problem and we haven’t received a notice as those who are actually under review.

                          • #4099623

                              I actually overheard a news story referencing that one day I was im the barbershop. It mentioned something like the iRS has a different audit/review process this yr amd also talkd about staff cuts. Wasnt really paying close attention though…it could b true what ur saying!

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