The Dreaded 1541

Home Forums Archives Letters, Forms, Codes & Error Messages 1541 The Dreaded 1541

  • This topic has 10 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 7 years ago by Jordan.
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  • #4187847 Reply

      So, we filed fairly recently (a week ago), but we have the dreaded 1541 code. When we go on WMR on the desktop, it says Take Action, but on the IRS2Go app, it only says delayed. Not sure why that is. Either way, we called yesterday, and the lady put us on hold for probably 15-20 minutes to look into it, then told us there were no “red flags,” just a delay, and to wait it out. We have no offsets (or so we were told when we called), but my concern is I think there was a year we didn’t file. I don’t even remember what year…2012 maybe? I just feel like we didn’t file one year. I’m seeing a lot of people getting this code for that reason. If that’s the case, though, she should’ve seen that when we called, correct? Just trying to figure out if we should keep calling, or accept what she told us yesterday.

      2/21 – Filed and accepted
      2/24 – WMR showed Delay/Take Action and 1541 code
      2/27 – Called IRS and told no issues

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      • #4194543 Reply

          Just to update:

          Last week, we sent in a letter of hardship to the IRS, along with supporting documents (bills we are behind on, etc.). Our advocate said she was hoping this would be enough for them to release our refund, and that she’d be in touch. Haven’t heard from her yet, but we no longer have the 1541 code. WMR now says our refund is being processed. So, here’s hoping! This is the first time WMR has changes since February!

        • #4191165 Reply

            No update yet! This week, we should get a call from the taxpayer advocate though. The IRS marked our account that we were trying to claim hardship, but we have to go through the advocate to do that, apparently. I have no idea what the process will be once the advocate gets to us. I’ll update when we find out anything.
            Do you know why you have the 1541 code yet??

          • #4191129 Reply

              I got the 1541 today. A week after I filed. Any update on yours? What is happening since you didn’t file 2011?

            • #4190090 Reply

                Just to update, we are now waiting on a call from a taxpayer advocate who is going to help us get our current year taxes released due to a hardship. The guy at the IRS seemed to think we’d be able to get our money released, so here’s hoping!

              • #4189297 Reply

                  Haha, except I didn’t completely forget about it, that was my initial concern! Didn’t mean to say that! *Sigh* I can’t even think straight, I’m so irritated.

                • #4189285 Reply

                    Called the IRS this morning, and was told the delay is because we didn’t file taxes in 2011, which I completely forgot. They are sending our info out so we can file, but she said it can take 6-8 weeks or longer to file past year returns. That’s after the 5-10 days until we receive the forms we need. Looks like it’s gonna be a while.
                    Does anyone know if getting a tax advocate would help speed anything up? I don’t know anything about tax advocates, but we are desperate to get our money ASAP.

                  • #4189063 Reply

                      Oh, and I just realized I put the wrong date in for when we received the 1541 code. It was Saturday 2/25.

                    • #4188995 Reply

                        Still nothing new today. Going to call AGAIN Monday morning. My two year old has a birthday party next week, and we were counting on this money to buy him gifts. SO FRUSTRATING!

                      • #4188569 Reply

                          Not yet! Hoping we’ll get one Saturday morning. If we don’t, I may try calling again. This tax season has been SO much fun…*eyeroll*

                        • #4188422 Reply

                            I am in the same boat! Any updates?

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