Technical Error for Transcripts

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Technical Error for Transcripts

  • This topic has 10 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Jeff.
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  • #4103304

      I’ve been able to access my transcripts page all morning. I’m a 29’er filer and accepted with no offsets, and only this morning my account transcript became available with 0.00 and ‘no return filed’ and my wage transcript saying the same. I heard they were updating throughout the day but when I went to check again, I get a technical error. Does this mean they are updating? Will I get another update tonight or have to wait until next Friday. None of my previous cycling codes are 05s.

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      • #4103451

          It’s back up for me too. But no updated transcripts here

        • #4103442

            I was locked out all morning also, appears they were updating! I got my cycle code of 20150505 and code 846 with refund date of 2-23-15 which is generic! Should see it by 2-11!

          • #4103432

              Still down for me. Now it’s saying “Error The information you entered does not match our records. Please close your browser or try again later.” I did the forgot user id and I do have it correctly…So annoying. My transcripts popped up this morning but I didn’t have time to print them…so here I am trying to now.

            • #4103425

                Yay finally I can see my transcripts!! 20150505 is my cycle date. Accepted 1/29. Now I can rest easy knowing it is approved!

                So cycle date 20150505 means I will most likely get a DDD for 2/11? Even though on my transcripts it says 2/23?

                Hoping for 2/11 because that is also my payday! Good luck to everyone who is still waiting, praying y’all hear something soon!!

              • #4103417

                  Woohooo! Mine just updated 20150505

                  So that means Wednesday? So happy !
                  That technical error worked for me

                • #4103407

                    It’s back up – nothing changed for me, unfortunately!

                  • #4103386

                      Same here. I am also getting a busy signal sometimes. I filed 1/30 @ about 5:30 pm and accepted about an hour later. Still on 1 bar and can’t get account or receipt transcripts. Can’t order transcripts and keep getting locked out when all info correct. So frustrating! !!

                    • #4103384

                        Same here. I am also getting a busy signal sometimes. I filed 1/30 @ about 5:30 pm and accepted about an hour later. Still on 1 bar and can’t get account or receipt transcripts. Can’t order transcripts and keep getting locked out when all info correct. So frustrating! !!

                      • #4103378

                          Yep, been having trouble all morning. I wonder if they are updating or just overloaded.

                        • #4103336

                            Same here, except I haven’t even been able to pull up account transcripts! Now I’m getting the technical error!

                            I filed and was accepted 1/29 and no movement since then. It’s frustrating seeing everyone get their DDD :(

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