Tech error for transcripts

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Tech error for transcripts

  • This topic has 10 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Rolando.
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  • #4103300

      I have been trying to log into my transcripts to see if there is any type of update but I keep getting:

      “Technical Difficulties

      A technical problem has occurred. Close page and try again later.

      Reference Number 110 (for internal use only).

      Anybody know why I keep getting this today?

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      • #4112390

          Keep getting this error when i tried to order my transcripts:

          Reference Number 113 (for internal use only).

          Any help in telling me what this means would be greatly appreciated…..thanks

        • #4103380

            So I talked to the irs. They are having system Issues. Even if you are not able to order a transcript doesn’t mean it’s not done processing.

          • #4103327

              I used it around 8am this morning. Had my transcripts, finally. But now it isn’t working for either my SO and I…so it’s probably everyone and just a website error :D

            • #4103323

                I have been having the same problem as well. I’m on hold with the irs right now. I’ll let you guys know what I find out. Hopefully it’s something good such as an update. Fingers crossed

              • #4103318

                  Keeps teling me technical difficulties too. SOOOOOO BEYOND FRUSTRATING. i filed on 1/20, i have been waiting what feels like FOREVER. i too just want to know what’s going on. I hate being uninformed. If anyone gets the transcripts to actually work please post on here so i can know when to try again. Thanks!

                • #4103311

                    Same code 110

                  • #4103310

                      I had called the IRS earlier today to see why the progress bars and refund amount disappeared and (I already know) she told me I owe back taxes and they will be paid and then remainder of refund will be sent. She did tell me it was pulled for review but no codes that would hold it up besides my past due amount.
                      Maybe that is why, maybe they are working on our transcripts and when we can log in it will be updated.
                      Here’s to hoping.

                    • #4103309

                        I have been getting the same message all week long. but was finally able to order transcripts over the phone today so there is some progress.

                      • #4103307

                          I keep getting it to

                        • #4103305

                            I was just coming here to post that… But I’m getting 121 (internal use only)

                            I’m tired of waiting and feeling like I’m being held hostage to checking transcripts and WMR and message boards. Why can’t it just be easy. I’m not even desperate for the $ I just hate to not know what’s going on.

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