Taxpayer advocates office useless.

Home Forums General Discussion 2024 Tax Season Taxpayer advocates office useless.

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  • #4539256

      Filed late-January. Eventually received 570 and 971 code, with a CP05 notice that they’re verifying income and credits and to give them two months to do this.

      Contact taxpayer advocates and they were useless. TA chastised me and told me they can’t help me until July and that I shouldn’t have to rely on a refund to survive. Sadly, this is our situation. I don’t want to have to rely on this money to stay afloat, but here I am.

      Are there any other avenues for receiving assistance? When I owed money to the IRS, they had strict and short timelines. When they owe me money, it’s crickets.

      Return was a W2 and a 1099-R. Three dependents and married filing jointly.

      Am I SOL and just have to wait for the IRS for months? Really feel the TA office failed me and wondering if others have the same experience? Reached out to Senators office and they had me send form in and will “look into it.”

      So frustrated.

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      • #4540272

          I am in the same boat and want to end their services, as they have not returned my phone calls, missed phone appts, and have delayed my refund even further asking for information I have already sent the IRS etc. But I can’t even talk to the IRS now because they will no longer discuss my case if I am using TAS services. Can’t talk to anyone at TAS open case dept. as there are simply too many callers in the queue. It’s about to make me LOSE MY MIND!!

        • #4539417

            @igmr-admin Thank you. I just received an updated email that they did not see anything wrong with my return and are contacting the IRS for an explanation and if they don’t have a reason for reviewing, to release my refund.

          • #4539330
            IGMR Admin

              @Tam4423 that’s great. Fingers crossed for you.

            • #4539329

                @jemar707 Thank you so much for suggesting to speak to a representative. I reached out yesterday and got a response today. They had me fill out a form to release my records and hopefully assign a tax advocate. You guys are the best. I have literally been pulling my hair out over here.

              • #4539295

                  If you go to the igotmyrefund FB page. There is a post with a link to contact your local representative or senator in congress. This mat be a faster way to go. There are post from ppl who say they saw movement afterwards. I know there’s supposed to be an update tomorrow but I’ve lost hope. I just emailed mine. We’ll see. Positive vibes y’all

                • #4539266

                    Try a congressional inquiry. One of our Discord users was able to get TAS help because she contacted her Congressperson. If you contact your local House Representative or Senator, they can reach out on your behalf. Explain your hardship.

           – regional

           – 2 per state

                  • #4539260

                      I hope you have their name to report them. I got a referral too and I don’t know much about how they help but they sure say for those who have a financial hardship. So, obviously we need it. Their job is to assist us and not make people feel ashamed of their financial status. They have no clue what we go through on a daily.

                    • #4539258

                        Told me to wait four weeks, but I am noticing small movements here and there, I’ve just been calling everyday and I’ve let the IRS know I will continue to do so until I see the results! shouldn’t have to rely on money that’s owed to us is BS I need that damn $

                      • #4539257

                          Filed 2/08Accepted same dayTT,HOH,CTC,Still haven’t gotten a damn thing my transcripts still saying “no return filed”WMR has one bar and tax topic 152 disappeared, transcripts still shows nothing with as of date 03/11agent says I’m under review. I did notify that I wanted a ADVOCATE appointed,

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