Take Action reference 1541?

Home Forums Archives Letters, Forms, Codes & Error Messages 1541 Take Action reference 1541?

  • This topic has 21 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Cynthia.
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  • #5220 Reply

      How many others have had this when checking WMR? I was accepted 1/24,

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      • #4295683 Reply

          What happened you had to 1541 folding what happened

        • #4295015 Reply

            Latoya Johnson wow they audit u

          • #4294994 Reply
            Latoya Johnson

              I did and im upset about it

            • #4223757 Reply
              Shonte Page

                I got the same thing 1541 take action could someone tell me what that really mean

              • #4154213 Reply

                  I had the same thing happen this morning. I called turbo tax and they saw nothing wrong with return. We don’t owe any debts. Turbo tax did say it could be that they are just behind in processing.

                • #4154065 Reply
                  karen F.

                    reference 1541 appeared this morning(Saturday of course) and I had a refund due last year and it was offset and the offset was deducted from my refund so i should owe nothing this year. It would be delayed when i am on disability now and could use my refund.

                  • #4112373 Reply
                    • #5336 Reply

                        Ray, no this is not the same message. My message doesn’t say anything about requesting additional information it just says to take action and call them. Reading more and more saying that reference # 1541 relates to being flagged for fraud and the need to contact a tax advocate asap. This is bs my return is in no way fraudulent. I’m calling HRB, I paid them good money to stand beside me. Hopefully I am worrying for nothing though but won’t find out for sure until I can speak with the IRS tomorrow.

                      • #5297 Reply

                          i got this message “Refund Status Results

                          We have received your tax return and it is being reviewed. You will receive a notice from us requesting additional information within 30 calendar days. You may not receive all or part of your refund until we receive and review the information we requested. If you need more information after you receive our notice, call the number on the notice.
                          Please do not contact us until you have received the notice as we are unable to take any action until then.

                          Please read the following information related to your tax situation:
                          Tax Topic 151, Your Appeal Rights”

                          where are you see this 1541 code at?

                        • #5257 Reply

                            HRB in office on 19th was accepted 1/30 and in processing until today. Claimed EIC for my 2 sons. Just read more about it meaning being flagged for fraud. Trying to be hopeful and fight this sinking feeling in my stomach

                          • #5254 Reply

                              I filed with taxactonline and yes to EIC. What about you?

                            • #5252 Reply

                                I can’t find anything either and I like your optimism. Just sucks that we have to wait to at least Monday to find out what this is. Who did you file with and did you claim the EIC?

                              • #5251 Reply

                                  I don’t believe it’s fraud.i think 1541 is a new code this year cause I can’t find anything on it from previous years. We also filed with a new address.

                                • #5242 Reply

                                    I was able to order transcripts too. If you hear anything let me know! I can’t wait til Monday to call.

                                  • #5241 Reply

                                      I was able to order transcript 2 days ago I was accepted on the 26th IM so worried I had alot of changes this year including a new baby new jobs and new filing status

                                    • #5240 Reply

                                        I seen that too, hopefully that will be the case. I was able to order my return transcripts didn’t try the account transcripts.

                                      • #5232 Reply

                                          Are you guys able to order your transcripts?

                                        • #5229 Reply

                                            Someone else said they had it too but it got updated to a DD date.

                                          • #5228 Reply

                                              I have this same message. 4 months?? This can not be happening!

                                            • #5226 Reply

                                                I have this same thing as of this morning I sure hope it doesn’t take that long fml I desperately need that money .

                                              • #5223 Reply
                                                Martin Coller

                                                  I got that one last year…it just meant that they had to go through it by hand as it was flagged for fraud. It took me 4 months to get it worked out and in the end I didn’t have to do anything it was a computer error on their end. So I just had to wait for it to get looked at by the fraud department and wait in line. a tax advocate couldn’t even speed it up. Good luck but you wont be seeing a refund any time soon and when you call about it you are going to get it is being reviewed and you must wait till it is done being reviewed- also they will say if we need anything we will mail a request.

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