Still waiting. …..

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Still waiting. …..

  • This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Nick.
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  • #4100339

      Filed and accepted on 1/21 cycle date 20150402 Ivery been able to see my transcript since last week. Codes 896 and 570 for health care penalties and nothing has updated sInce. Wmr has one bar… I’m not understanding why I haven’t got a DD date …. anyone else have the same problem?

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      • #4100814
        • #4100801

            @Nick I used TurboTax. I called them and they assured me that they transmitted everything which apparently wasn’t true. I’ve also seen a few people state that the acceptance date they were given was incorrect when they spoke with someone from the IRS.

          • #4100799

              am till waiting since 1//25 call irs same run around bs i know they know it dont take 21 days for tax return in they wont let me talk to superviser

            • #4100712

                Did you file your own taxes or use a facility @ travanti

              • #4100643

                  Be sure to send in Form 8962 for the healthcare. I was accepted on 1/12 and I know I’ve been waiting since the 20th. Bars on WMR disappeared 1/26 and transcripts N/A. Finally spoke with someone yesterday that helped me and they informed me that they didn’t receive my initial form and that’s why I was stuck processing.

                • #4100629

                    I have the same. Best case scenario is we get an update Tuesday night late into Wednesday morning. DDD hopefully will be sent by Friday. The 570 code will lift once your 896 Healthcare fee is collected, hence the delay. Worst case scenario is we get our 570 code manually lifted and refund sent the 15th or 16th. Also, watch for code 971, as it means a notice has been sent, which is ultimately worst case I guess.

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