still no update cycle day 05

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season still no update cycle day 05

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #4097456
    Brandy Rediker

      WMR still hasn’t updated. No bars at all haven’t had any and we were accepted on the 12th. We just get the message “Still being process”. Getting very frustrated. Anybody else a cycle day 05 and still no update? My transcript for 2014 still saying N\A. I just want my money so I can move!! Ughhhh! Please update soon pretty please!!

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      • #4097487

          The information going around points to Wednesday, possibly Thursday, for direct deposit. Sorry I don’t have more specific information for you.

        • #4097476

            Okay, I just checked my transcript and my 2014 is on there and I have an 846 code. My cycle date is 20150405. By the way this is the original poster I just changed the name. So when should I get my money? And WMR still hasn’t updated at all.

          • #4097466

              I filed 01/27 and accepted about 15 minutes after filing. We moved this year. I tried accessing transcripts at 5:30ish this morning and had to use our old address. Just tried to check transcripts again and my account transcript is available but does not have any information in it. From what I understand, that means they are currently processing my return. I will keep checking back during the day. There is mixed information about whether transcripts update overnight or in real time throughout the day. I’ve had one bar, processing message, and tax topic 152 since filing/accepted. Fingers crossed everyone gets updates today!!

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