status bars and tax topic 152 dissapeared into mid air

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season status bars and tax topic 152 dissapeared into mid air

  • This topic has 28 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by mari.
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  • #4100751

      I have no bars and neither do I have tax topic 152 anymore, I can still see refund amound and it’s now giving me the message “you tax return is still being processed. A refund date will be provided when available.

      anyone else having this issue or has had in the past?? Please enlighten me as to what this mean and hopefully calm my nerves

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      • #4111960

          My son filed on March 8,accepted same day. Two weeks went by, &bar ans everything was gone.It said still processing, like everyone on this page… A week later got a letter saying it was being held to investigate for accuracy, He was randomly selected. That 60days he would have his refund… still no refund …

        • #4111401

            How long after you verfiy you ID you get your money

          • #4110860

              So had my bars on 03.06.15 with topic 152 . Last Saturday my bars disappeared along with the topic . It says my refund is still being processed and a refund date will be provided when available. My refund amount is still there . Anyone have this issue and how long after bars disappeared did you get your refund ?

            • #4110038

                @ V I am exactly the same as you…filed the same day and all! I did file form 8962 with 1095A and I’ve called repeatedly and was told I was in the errors dept. and woke up today with my refund amount gone and tax topic 152. I hope this is good????

              • #4110023

                  I filed feb 2nd and was accepted same day. On my 19th day my bars disappeared which was on feb 20th on feb 24 I got a letter to fax form 8962 with my 1095A. I fax it same day but late. Today March 10 wmr website shows same msg refund still processing and date will be provided when available. But topic 152 reappeared and amount is gone. I’m guessing cause of an adjustment..yesterday amount was showing and I had no topic. By what I’ve been reading usually this means I might get a ddd soon and my return is prob done processing. I will have an update soon. I hope. Ooh. And no transcript yet.

                • #4109372

                    What happens after u send in prof of your identity? How long does it take?

                  • #4109211

                      My bars dissapeared on feb 7th so I called and was told alot of crap even got hung up on I tired to order transcripts and got the id verify I did that and was told I was being put bk in processing so I got a TA she has being working my case because I also had that id fraud stuff under my acct. so I was just able to order my return transcript by mail only so I was happy until today my TA called and said they processed it but r holding it 4 review and that I need to send in my 2014 wages from my job and that they would release it after they have looked over it she told me I should have it by march 20th if not b4. If I would’nt have gotten a TA I would have not known until my 21 days was up or when every they would of sent me a letter I still have no bars and no topic code

                    • #4109148

                        Per the IRS FAQ’s the status bars will disappear and you will receive a message that says your return is being processed. A date will be available soon as possible prior to the refund approved step. So maybe the bars disappearing means you will have an update to your status.

                        What I have been seen thus far

                        Accepted on 2/9
                        Processing from 2/9-2/26
                        Bars disappeared with amount still showing, no tax topic on 2/27

                      • #4108702
                        Jessica Barnes

                          I filed my taxes the 3rd if February and a few days ago my bars were gone and 152 topic. Tomorrow is day 21 what is going on I dont understand any if this.

                        • #4108545

                            My bars disappeared on 2-11-15 (irs accepted my return the 4th). Yet, topic 152 disappeared as well. Just the message “it’s been processed” is what shows, along with returning amount. Feb. 25 it’ll be 21 days. No one seems to have a straight answer as to what’s going on. It’s very frustrating and annoying when you search for answers and everyone replies with non-sense. I tried to get trans but can’t because I get error 9901. It would be nice to read from someone in the same situation comment on an update…either bad or having good news, so people like me could have an idea of what to expect!

                          • #4107715

                              The exact same thing happened to me last year and again this year. Last year I got my refund on the 21st day. If you have a simple return, no dependents etc. you get no hang ups on your return. If you do have dependents or other “out of the norm” things on your return do not expect it before 21 days. The IRS implemented a new “fraud detection” software and all returns with certain things are processed through it and it takes time. This is what I was told when I called the IRS last year.

                            • #4107678

                                I filed Jan 28 it was excepted the same day 2days later my bars and refund amount gone with tax topic 152 remaining now on 16 my bars still gone and so is tax topic 152 but now my refund amount is showing again I don’t know what this mean is it bad or good can anybody anybody please tell me something if y’all had this before or is it bad thanx

                              • #4107359

                                  I filed 2/4/15 my refund processed and still is and no my bars are gone 2mar makes 2 weeks since I’ve filed but 3 since my bars have disappeared I’m getting the message your return is still processing and will be issued when a refund date is available…. I really need my refund just lost my job

                                • #4107327

                                    I had the same thing. 1 bar and topic 152 for 3 weeks and now ‘our return is still being processed’ I can still see the refund amour. Any ideas?

                                  • #4107314

                                      When the bars disappear is when we were recycled into the system due to no one available to work our returns. Count 21 days plus upto 10 days past from there and you should have your refund. We filed 1/27 and was accepted the same day. We lost our bars on the 30th. So we should receive our refund between this weekend and the next. Only the IRS knows, but that is what happened when this occurred last year. Only time will tell.

                                    • #4107238

                                        @Cess sorry for the delayed answer. I used TT. All they had me do was check a box that I had insurance

                                      • #4107229

                                          Just from what I’ve gathered, from a systems annalist’s perspective – I tend to think that they are behind overall (at least two new forms affecting tens of millions – 1095-a internal and the one marketplace buyers have to append to returns, 8932) have to be reconciled and it weren’t no easy feat – especially if people tried to figure it out themselves without the 8962 tool or waited for 1095-a and entered a single line of info wrong.
                                          Plus budget cuts that supposedly cut the staff in half (rumors from June or July 2014, don’t know if true)

                                          It just makes sense they would be behind overall so if the WMR is only programmed to say “you should get it within 21 days”, and you might not, that message has to disappear. Bad planning, bad execution, etc.

                                          I would guess that if your $ disappeared, it is being adjusted. I’d guess that if you see your money and only code 152, it’s time to sit tight until day 22 and make a phone call. I’d guess that if money and code disappeared something doesn’t line up. They can’t be more than one or two cycles backlogged – 7 to 10 days for the average filer who did it right or whose errors were easily fixed

                                        • #4107215

                                            Your comment is awaiting moderation.

                                            I log in to where’s my refund today to find this with status bars and no topic either

                                            i filed 01-26-2015
                                            still no refund and i get this see below

                                            Your tax return is still being processed.

                                            A refund date will be provided when available.
                                            Please Note: For refund information, please continue to check here, or use our free mobile app, IRS2Go. Updates to refund status are made no more than once a day.

                                            what does this mean????

                                          • #4107098

                                              I had the exact same problem. My return was accepted on 1/28 and status bars said return accepted but then two days later my bars went away saying your return is still being processed and a date will be given when available…it also had tax topic 152. Today, the 18th day, bars are back and it says return approved and your refund will be direct deposited to your bank on 2/19, if not received by the 2/24 to check with my bank. The 19th will make it 23 days since it was accepted so apparently they are just swamped. I did have health care through the marketplace and claimed that on my return so the speculation that if you had health insurance it would be delayed is incorrect. Hope all of you see your bars return soon!

                                            • #4106857

                                                the same happened to me i filed 1/26 accepted 1/26 few days later both status bars and tax topic 152 gone been like that ever since cant get ahold of my transcripts or anyone from the irs. I owed backtaxes for 2013 so last year only got a quarter of my return so i know i dont owe anything for 2014 I just think the IRS hates my ass lol

                                              • #4100835

                                                  @travanti what tax app did you use to file? Because TT wouldn’t allow us to e-file without that form

                                                • #4100795

                                                    Be sure to send in Form 8962 for the healthcare if you have it. I was accepted on 1/12 and I know I’ve been waiting since the 20th. Bars on WMR disappeared 1/26 and transcripts N/A. Finally spoke with someone yesterday that helped me and they informed me that they didn’t receive my initial form and that’s why I was stuck processing.

                                                  • #4100794

                                                      Filed 01/20, everything disappeared last Friday. Transcripts not available and IRS says go eat dirt until 21 days. I’m going to have a heart attack because we have a wedding next month!

                                                    • #4100790

                                                        My Wife and I filed and was accepted on the 1/22, we tried to pull transcripts last week and got the message to call identity theft unit, few days later we lost bars on the WMR well i called today and they told me that i would have to call them to get transcripts they lady then checked our refund and said it looked fine but we were accepted on the 29th not the 22. I checked my filing and it shows we were accepted on the 22nd so i’m not sure whats going on , but i feel like that’s why our bars went away and now we will have to wait on a update.

                                                      • #4100787

                                                          When this happened to you @M3ag did your bars ever reappear ?

                                                        • #4100770

                                                            I just lost my bar and refund amount this morning. I still have topic 152. Filed the 20th, accepted 21st, transcripts with all 0’s since last Monday night. Ugh. :( I know for a fact I don’t owe any offsets. I’m just baffled.

                                                          • #4100766

                                                              This happened to me last year when I had a refund interception. Which means that maybe you owe back taxes, student loan or child support and they are taking part of your refund.

                                                            • #4100763

                                                                I do. Ever since this past weekend.

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