State of Illinois

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season State of Illinois

  • This topic has 5 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 10 years ago by irs_limbo.
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  • #4099032

      Does anyone know when Illinois will start accepting e-filed tax returns? I filed on the 25th of Jan and the site still hasn’t given us a date they’ll even start accepting returns. No info online either! It’s Feb 1st! I always get my state refund months late, like in the middle of summer, but again it’s the not knowing what and when they’ll even start processing that’s maddening. This tax season is starting off terrible! I’m never filing in January again. I should have stuck to filing in Feb or March.

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      • #4100494

          Illinois state started accepting e-file tax returns yesterday. Let’s hope they fair better than the Federal system, although given their track record, I am not holding my breath. If you’re in Illinois and already filed, keep us posted.

          I filed n 1/25 but not showing as accepted yet. Probably way back in the queue how many people have probably already filed. Anyway, good luck all!

        • #4099094

            Yeah I caught that line to. Same old, same old.

          • #4099077

              I agree about using the fraud protection as a smokescreen. Since when has Illinois cared about fraud? I’m sure they can’t afford to pay us our refunds. They even state “There is NO advantage to sending us a paper return by mail”? hmmm……

            • #4099071

                Thanks! Yes I read that before on the site. I just think ‘mid Feb’ is such a vague statement don’t you think? Considering April 15 is hard and fixed. “We must file by April 15th or risk penalties.” I’m just vexed as to why they can’t give us an exact date when they’ll start accepting. Because at this rate, them trying to push through so many in the queue in mid Feb (or whenever they open it up) is going to be a clusterferk. Illinois so corrupt. Being billions of dollars in debt, they probably broke and using fraud protection as smokescreen not to payout! lol

              • #4099064


                  A SPECIAL NOTE ABOUT THIS TAX SEASON: The Illinois Department of Revenue, the IRS and Revenue Departments around the U.S. are taking additional steps to protect YOU the taxpayer from identity theft and fraud. These additional measures will mean processing time for your return and your refund will be a bit longer. Please be patient with us. We are taking these steps on your behalf to ensure that your refund gets to you and not someone pretending to be you.

                  All updates for the tax filing season will be posted to our website at We encourage taxpayers to check back for the most up-to-date information.

                  Forms, schedules and instructions for the 2014 Illinois Income Tax season are available on our website beginning Tuesday, January 20, 2015.

                  The Department tentatively will begin accepting returns around the end of January through the modernized e-file system (MeF). This includes returns submitted through tax preparers, individual accountants, and software.

                  The Department’s FREE filing system will accept Individual and Withholding Income Tax returns beginning in mid-February, and Business Income Tax returns in mid-April.

                  You may prepare returns using any number of private vendors, but they may charge a fee to file and are dependent on the availability of the MeF system mentioned above.

                  Taxpayers can plan and prepare their returns on paper so they will be prepared to file electronically on MyTax Illinois when the system becomes available.

                  There is NO advantage to sending us a paper return by mail.

                  Filing electronically is the best option. It helps prevents errors and you will receive your refund faster.

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