So… my conclusion…

Home Forums Archives Weekly Updates So… my conclusion…

  • This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Jeremiah.
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  • #4098063

      I’ve taken a closer look at my past years returns and it seems that they’ve all been scheduled to deposit on a Thursday (we bank with USAA so we always get our deposits a day early though)… so tomorrow I expect for the zeros on my transcripts to become real numbers and the following day I will receive a DDD for 2/5…

      I filed 1/17, accepted 1/20 with TurboTax. Received my state’s deposit on 1/22 (wouldn’t it be nice if Federal was that quick!?). Today my Account transcript became available, but like I said, it’s all zeros still. Of course I’m an 05’er… assuming it’s because we’re a military family.

      Anyway, I hope we start getting some REAL good progress!

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      • #4098575

          Yeah mine says the same Bama mama but I just don’t want that by 2/16 to change to 2/23 which more than likely it will which means we will be updated on next Thursday’s overnight update with a Ddd of 2/11 and a by 2/23,which is ok as long as we are not in some loop glitch that pushes us back each week or audited which I highly doubt since we do have ouour 1 bar and tt152. Hope my theory proves right but it’s from what I can gather from all this overconvolution from the IRS!

        • #4098570
          busy mama of 4

            I’m getting slightly irritated. I see a date of Feb 16, 2015 but all 000000s *sigh*
            I guess we can assume that we will at least see a DD by then, right? Which is not so long from now..only about two weeks.

          • #4098529

              Lol yeah I see! I just really hope that we just get resequenced to next cycle but my question is how do we find out and I have been searching to not success up to now and would we basically be on the Thursday to Friday update since I’m an 05er? Smh

            • #4098517

                Yeah, as you can see, my conclusion wasn’t correct…. womp womp womp lol

              • #4098505

                  We can use this forum for updates on 00s , still waiting of course.

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