so if transcripts say n/a

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season so if transcripts say n/a

  • This topic has 4 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #4096119

      Does that mean something is wrong? I filed 20th, accepted 21st at 10 am I have a really simple return and just wondering why my transcript says it’s not available?

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      • #4096354

          Ok…. last night I only had the one transcript….
          well now this AM I have the other with the 846 code showing 2/16/15.

          Filed 1/26
          accepted 1/26
          transcripts showed N/A until 1/28 then tax return one showed up.
          now on morning of 1/29 I have other transcript with 846 code.
          WMR still shows 1 bar.
          so hang in there everyone… it also depends on where yours went for processing too…..

        • #4096167

            Trying to give you my timeline to help:

            9th – filed
            13th- accepted
            25th – checked transcipt and nothing was there
            26th – checked transcipt and had message of N/A
            27th – everything, including cycle date and desired 846 was there
            28th – got second bar in ddd, with ddd of 01/30

          • #4096144

              I filed and got accepted Monday 1/26… one bar and N/A for 2015 transcripts until this evening… I now have the “tax return” transcript showing so I’m processing so far…
              give it time. Unless yours is pulled for audit or you have some error or flag I wouldn’t worry… give it a day and check again like I do (every evening).

            • #4096124

                Nothing is wrong. It just has not processed yet. As long as it has been accepted.
                Some are just luckier than others. I myself have a black cloud that follows me everywhere. This where patience comes into play

                *Well I cant say nothing wrong until you do get your transcripts because of possible bad codes

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