Shows Refund and 570

Home Forums General Discussion 2024 Tax Season Shows Refund and 570

  • This topic has 13 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 10 months ago by Legz52.
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  • #4536151

      Hey Everyone,

      My transcripts updated last Friday, I am a weekly. It shows code 570 but it also had the amount getting refunded. My Return transcripts are also available. Anyone else see this or know what it is ? I know its a delay. Does it normally show the amount and have the return transcripts at the same time as 570?

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    • Author
      • #4539229

          @Gal Tech
          Call the IRS at 1-800-829-1040 during
          their support hours
          of 7 AM to 7 PM local time Monday to
          Select your language, pressing 1 for
          English or 2 for Spanish.
          Press 2 for questions about your personal
          income taxes.
          Press 1 for questions about a form
          already filed or a payment.
          Press 3 for all other questions.
          Press 2 for all other questions
          Make no entry when queried for the SSN.
          Press 2 for personal or individual tax
          Press 3 for all other questions

        • #4539228
          Gal Tech

            Does anyone know a good irs number to call to speak to an agent?

          • #4539216

              I have code 570 with processing date of 03/11/24 and I have no update yet

            • #4538406

                exact same boat

              • #4537017

                  I have the code I file early as well. I file early every year.! Mines say 570 0:00 2/27
                  971 0:00 3/4

                • #4536957

                    I got the same code, my coworker got it too, easy returns but we BOTH took money our of our retirement- maybe thats why ? Anyone else?

                  • #4536648

                      My tax transcript has cycle code. 20240705 dates for 03/04/24. I got a notice in the mail 02/13/24 from the IRS stating that they will the review the accuracy of my tax return. the IRS notice is not reflected on my transcript, but the WMR shows still processing delay message. will the 570 code go away? is 03/04/24 when I get my return?

                    • #4536291

                        @nessa-2 Yes. 03-04-2024 for $0.00

                      • #4536282

                          photodude, im in the same boat. is your 971 for 3/4/24?

                        • #4536280

                            Mine did this last Thursday and unfortunately today, I have a 971, notice sent.

                          • #4536263

                              Same here. Transcripts finally updated last night, 570 with 0.00 with the 3/4 date. My as of date still shows 2/19 but all of my other transcripts look accurate with nothing off versus what I sent and what the computer says I should have.

                            • #4536243

                                My transcript updated last night. Filed and accepted 1/29. I have code 570 0.00 additional account pending status. With processing date of 3/4/24

                              • #4536237

                                  Maybe we should start a list. 🤣
                                  Same boat.

                                • #4536223

                                    @thecommi5h: Yes this is normal. We are seeing a lot of people have the 570 drop off pretty quickly without any action needed by you.

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